Manual therapy in Waadt (Region): 726 Entries Map viewDatePlease selectTodayTomorrowSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayTimePlease select07:30 PM08:00 PM08:30 PM09:00 PM09:30 PM10:00 PM10:30 PM11:00 PM11:30 PMFind an appointmentFilterManual therapy in Waadt (Region), recommended by local.chView allCabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlPhysical therapy • Ergotherapy • Manual therapyOnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • School of movement • CoachingPhysiobulle SàrlRating4.9Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Fitness center • Rehabilitation • Medical massage • Manual therapyPOPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHRehabilitation • Craniosacral therapy • Hand rehabilitation • Physical therapy • Osteopathy • Manual therapyphysio bewegtRating5.0Physical therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • RehabilitationTI-FISIO MendrisioPhysical therapy • Rehabilitation • Personal Training • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Health and sports massage • Homeworkvan HarxenOsteopathy • Etiopathy • Physical therapy • Craniosacral therapy • Manual therapyPraxis PhySimone GmbHRating5.0Physical therapy • Fitness center • Lymphatic Drainage • Health and sports massage • Manual therapy • Family constellations • CoachingPhysiotherapie NiederlenzRating4.9Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Rehabilitation • Fitness center • Medical massageMedical Fitness Team KleinbaselRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Rehabilitation • Manual therapy • Osteopathy • Fitness centerFisiomotionRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Pelvic floor excercises • Rehabilitation • Acupuncture (not included in category doctors) • Manual therapy • Medical massageTherapiezentrum zum HofRating5.0Physical therapy • Craniofacial therapy • Pelvic floor excercises • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Movement therapy • RehabilitationFisio For ME MendrisioRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Rehabilitation • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapyFisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLRating4.8Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Manual therapy • Fitness center • Osteopathy • Health and sports massageClinique de la Main GenèveRating3.4Clinic • Surgery • Emergency services • Medical centre • Ergotherapy • Hand rehabilitation • Manual therapy • DoctorsWe PhysioPhysical therapy • Health and sports massage • Fitness center • Rehabilitation • Manual therapy • Medical massageBraun Jutta MariaRating5.0Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Health and sports massage • Medical massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapyPhysiotherapie SmitRating4.5Physical therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Craniosacral therapy • Health and sports massage • Manual therapy • Fitness center • RehabilitationFisioterapia EquilibriumRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Rehabilitation • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • Home health careFisioterapia PisuRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Rehabilitation • Fitness center • Manual therapy • Home health carePrevious elementNext elementAlso recommendedPhysical therapyLymphatic DrainageHealth and sports massageRehabilitationMedical massageOsteopathyFitness centerCraniosacral therapyDoctorsPilatesView allManual therapy in Waadt (Region), top rated on local.chView allPhysiozone AG FeuerthalenRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Fitness center • Manual therapy • Lymphatic DrainagePhysiozone AG Neuhausen am RheinfallRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Medical massage • Medical training therapy • Manual therapy • RehabilitationTherapiezentrum zum HofRating5.0Physical therapy • Craniofacial therapy • Pelvic floor excercises • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Movement therapy • RehabilitationPhysiozone AG SurseeRating5.0Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Osteopathy • Lymphatic Drainage • Medical training therapy • Manual therapy • Fitness centerfisiozoneRating5.0Physical therapy • Medical massage • Medical training therapy • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Rehabilitation • Fitness centerVero Pilates ELDOA Personal TrainingRating5.0Pilates • Personal Training • Rehabilitation • Craniosacral therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Fascial therapy • Fitness center • Manual therapy • Craniofacial therapy • Osteopathy • Health and well-beingPhysiobulle SàrlRating4.9Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Fitness center • Rehabilitation • Medical massage • Manual therapyPhysiotherapie NiederlenzRating4.9Physical therapy • Health and sports massage • Manual therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Rehabilitation • Fitness center • Medical massagePhysiotherapie-Jakovljevic GmbHRating4.8Physical therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Medical massage • Manual therapy • Fascial therapyCHOICE QUALITY HEALTH CENTERRating5.0Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Manual therapy • Health and sports massage • Fitness center • Medical massage • Lymphatic DrainageFISIOTERAPIA IGEA SAGLRating5.0Physical therapy • Osteopathy • Fitness center • Rehabilitation • Manual therapy • Pelvic floor excercises • Lymphatic DrainageKinetic Center Lugano - Fisioterapia e RiabilitazioneRating5.0Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Health and sports massage • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • Personal Training • PilatesPraxis für LymphtherapienRating5.0Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • Physical therapyPhysiotherapie Martin SchlozerRating5.0Physical therapy • Feldenkrais method • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapy • Reflexology massage • Medical massage • Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)Fisioterapia TessereteRating5.0Physical therapy • Lymphatic Drainage • Health and sports massage • Rehabilitation • Manual therapyPhysio MaxRating5.0Physical therapy • Manual therapy • Health and sports massageSchwyzer CatherineRating5.0Manual therapy • Fascial therapy • Physical therapyEquilibrium FisioterapiaRating5.0Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Pilates • Manual therapy • Pelvic floor excercisesPhysiotherapie Miriam von Heyl GmbHRating5.0Physical therapy • Rehabilitation • Lymphatic Drainage • Manual therapyPraxis FeierabendRating5.0Structural Integration Rolfing • Complementary therapy • Fascial therapy • Health and sports massage • Manual therapyPrevious elementNext element Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuCabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontPhysical therapy•Ergotherapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3)OnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuOnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•School of movement•CoachingPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369)Physiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BulleBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPhysiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BullePhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Medical massage•Manual therapyRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPOPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPOPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisRehabilitation•Craniosacral therapy•Hand rehabilitation•Physical therapy•Osteopathy•Manual therapyCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)physio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuphysio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•RehabilitationPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMTI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuTI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Personal Training•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Homework Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMvan HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuvan HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOsteopathy•Etiopathy•Physical therapy•Craniosacral therapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMCall*Other contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Praxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPraxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggPhysical therapy•Fitness center•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Family constellations•CoachingRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166)Physiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPhysiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Medical massageRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166) Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4)Medical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuMedical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Osteopathy•Fitness centerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7)FisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuFisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Pelvic floor excercises•Rehabilitation•Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)•Manual therapy•Medical massageRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657)Therapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuTherapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselPhysical therapy•Craniofacial therapy•Pelvic floor excercises•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Movement therapy•RehabilitationRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Open until 8:00 PMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Fisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 Mendrisiomi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuFisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapymi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Open until 8:00 PMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17)Fisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TaverneFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuFisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TavernePhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Fitness center•Osteopathy•Health and sports massageFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17) Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5)Clinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuClinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaClinic•Surgery•Emergency services•Medical centre•Ergotherapy•Hand rehabilitation•Manual therapy•DoctorsRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5) Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Open until 8:00 PMWe PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuWe PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Medical massageWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version) Open until 8:00 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6)Braun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuBraun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Health and sports massage•Medical massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapyOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2)Physiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuPhysiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Craniosacral therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Fitness center•RehabilitationRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuFisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•Home health careRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuFisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Manual therapy•Home health careFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu* No advertising materialPreviousNext123...37Related searches:Legal protection: Insurances Legal expenses insurance in Waadt (Region)LED: Services Lighting Installation in Waadt (Region)Chancellery: Areas of expertise Family law in Waadt (Region)Cooking School cookery courses: Terms of payment TWINT in Waadt (Region)Singing school, voice lessons: Forms of contact In-store in Waadt (Region)Psychiatry and psychotherapy: Psychotherapeutic approaches EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) in Waadt (Region)Office furniture: Services Tables in Waadt (Region)Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy: Treatment focus areas Worries and rumination in Waadt (Region)Masonry: Languages Spanish in Waadt (Region)Vegetarian cuisine: Dietary restrictions Vegetarian in Waadt (Region)Physical therapy in Waadt (Region)Health and sports massage in Waadt (Region)Lymphatic Drainage in Waadt (Region)Medical massage in Waadt (Region)Rehabilitation in Waadt (Region)Osteopathy in Waadt (Region)Doctors in Waadt (Region)Reflexology massage in Waadt (Region)Naturopathy in Waadt (Region)Craniosacral therapy in Waadt (Region)In other cities:Manual therapy in Région lémanique (Region)Manual therapy in Espace Mittelland (Region)Manual therapy in Nordwestschweiz (Region)Manual therapy in Ostschweiz (Region)Manual therapy in Ticino (Canton)Manual therapy in Around Lake Geneva / Lake Léman (Region)Manual therapy in Argovia (Canton)Manual therapy in Zentralschweiz (Region)Manual therapy in ZurichManual therapy in GenevaManual therapy in Luganese (Region)Manual therapy in Around Lake Zurich (Region)Manual therapy in Thurgau (Canton)Manual therapy in Sopraceneri (Region)local.chWaadt (Region)Manual therapy in Waadt (Region)
Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Cabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontPhysical therapy•Ergotherapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3)OnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
OnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•School of movement•CoachingPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369)Physiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BulleBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BullePhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Medical massage•Manual therapyRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
POPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
POPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisRehabilitation•Craniosacral therapy•Hand rehabilitation•Physical therapy•Osteopathy•Manual therapyCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)physio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
physio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•RehabilitationPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMTI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
TI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Personal Training•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Homework Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMvan HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
van HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOsteopathy•Etiopathy•Physical therapy•Craniosacral therapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMCall*Other contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Praxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Praxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggPhysical therapy•Fitness center•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Family constellations•CoachingRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166)Physiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Medical massageRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166) Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4)Medical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Medical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Osteopathy•Fitness centerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7)FisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
FisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Pelvic floor excercises•Rehabilitation•Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)•Manual therapy•Medical massageRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657)Therapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Therapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselPhysical therapy•Craniofacial therapy•Pelvic floor excercises•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Movement therapy•RehabilitationRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Open until 8:00 PMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Fisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 Mendrisiomi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapymi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Open until 8:00 PMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17)Fisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TaverneFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TavernePhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Fitness center•Osteopathy•Health and sports massageFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17) Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5)Clinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Clinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaClinic•Surgery•Emergency services•Medical centre•Ergotherapy•Hand rehabilitation•Manual therapy•DoctorsRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5) Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Open until 8:00 PMWe PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
We PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Medical massageWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version) Open until 8:00 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6)Braun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Braun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Health and sports massage•Medical massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapyOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2)Physiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Craniosacral therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Fitness center•RehabilitationRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•Home health careRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Manual therapy•Home health careFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Cabinet de physiothérapie Baptista SàrlGrand'Rue 17, 2606 CorgémontPhysical therapy•Ergotherapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 1:15 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3)OnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
OnePhysio Physiotherapie/Laufschule/Skillcourttraining KreuzlingenHauptstrasse 110A, 8280 KreuzlingenPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•School of movement•CoachingPhysiotherapie und LaufschuleDie Physiotherapiepraxis OnePhysio in Kreuzlingen ist spezialisiert auf orthopädische Probleme. Jedoch gehören nicht nur Patienten mit klassischen Sportverletzungen zu unserem Klientel, sondern auch Menschen mit Atemwegsproblemen, Gelenkbeschwerden durch Arthrose oder Rückenproblematiken. Seit 2019 sind wir augebildetet Laufcoachs und Lizenznehmer Europas grössten Laufschule "DIE Laufschule" In unserer Laufschule trainieren wir nicht nur Sportler um schenller und effizienter zu laufen. Es kommen auch sehr viele Menschen nach einer Verletzung zu uns, um wieder schmerzfrei laufen oder gehen zu können. Denn das Bewegungsmuster verändert sich durch eine Verletzung und innert 72 Stunden wird diese flasche Bewegung im Gehirn manifestiert. Durch gezieltes Training im gehen oder laufen, Kraft-/Koordination-/und Koordinationstraining schaffen wir es das Bewegungsbild optimal zu ändern und unsere Kunden können wieder mit Spass und ohne Schmerzen gehen bzw. laufen. Neu bieten wir auch die "Reflektorische Atemtherapie" in unserer Praxis an. Dies ist eine ganzheitliche Therapie, die nicht nur Menschen mit Atemproblemen nützt, sondern auch viele von Rückenschmerzen befreit. Aufgrund der intensiven manuellen Techniken des ganzen Körpers und der Wäremkompressen, aktivieren wir das vegetative Nervensystem. Die Patienten fühlen sich freier in ihrer Atmung und in ihrer Beweglichkeit. Hier finden Sie eine Auflistung der Physiotherapeutischen Techniken: • Reflektorische Atemtherapie • Manuelle Therapie • Lymphdrainage • Laufschule/Gangschule • Kinesiotaping • Elektro-Ultraschalltherapie • Manuelle Faszientherapie • intuituives, ganzheitliches Ernährungscoaching (ab Herbst 2022)Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 3 ratings5.0 / 5 (3) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369)Physiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BulleBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiobulle SàrlRue du Château-d'En-Bas 15, 1630 BullePhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Medical massage•Manual therapyRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 369 ratings4.9 / 5 (369) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
POPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
POPhysiotherapie Obstgarten GmbHObstgartenstrasse 5, 8910 Affoltern am AlbisRehabilitation•Craniosacral therapy•Hand rehabilitation•Physical therapy•Osteopathy•Manual therapyCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)physio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
physio bewegtEttingerstrasse 1, 4147 AeschPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•RehabilitationPHYSIOBESTE PHYSIO!!!27. June 2023, martin.tritschlerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMTI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
TI-FISIO MendrisioVia Giuseppe Motta 6A, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Personal Training•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Homework Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMvan HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
van HarxenGagoz 65, 9496 BalzersOsteopathy•Etiopathy•Physical therapy•Craniosacral therapy•Manual therapy Closed until Monday at 6:30 AMCall*Other contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Praxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Praxis PhySimone GmbHBruggerstrasse 11c, 5103 WildeggPhysical therapy•Fitness center•Lymphatic Drainage•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Family constellations•CoachingRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166)Physiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiotherapie NiederlenzMühlestrasse 3, 5702 NiederlenzPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Medical massageRating 4.9 of 5 stars from 166 ratings4.9 / 5 (166) Closed until Monday at 6:35 AMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4)Medical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Medical Fitness Team KleinbaselClarahofweg 19, 4058 BaselPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Osteopathy•Fitness centerRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 4 ratings5.0 / 5 (4) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7)FisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
FisiomotionVia Famiglia Trevani 1, 6600 LocarnoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Pelvic floor excercises•Rehabilitation•Acupuncture (not included in category doctors)•Manual therapy•Medical massageRisolto dolore invalidante al nervo trigemino.Avevo costante e invalidante dolore al trigemino. Il mio dentista dr. Moro, mi ha consigliato di mettere la ferula e di andare a fare fisioterapia da Gino. Esperto della mandibola. Da quando vado da Gino e metto la ferula di notte, il dolore al trigemino è sparito. Consiglio a coloro che soffrono indescrivibili dolori al trigemino di seguire la stessa terapia. Gino è un fisioterapista molto competente. Lo ringrazio di cuore per l'aiuto.22. February 2025, vanoniantonio6677Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 7 ratings5.0 / 5 (7) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657)Therapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Therapiezentrum zum HofBirsigstrasse 46, 4054 BaselPhysical therapy•Craniofacial therapy•Pelvic floor excercises•Manual therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Movement therapy•RehabilitationRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 657 ratings5.0 / 5 (657) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Open until 8:00 PMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2)Fisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 Mendrisiomi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisio For ME MendrisioVia Luigi Lavizzari 14, 6850 MendrisioPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapymi sono trovato benemi hanno risolto un problema alla spalla che mi portavo dietro da anni. consigliato!8. February 2022, Gianluca VignatiRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Open until 8:00 PMCallBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17)Fisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TaverneFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia-Osteopatia Taverne SAGLVia Carvina 3, 6807 TavernePhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Fitness center•Osteopathy•Health and sports massageFantastico!Ormai da un anno mi faccio seguire da Chiara e non la cambierei mai! La sua professionalità, passione, simpatia e modo di fare rendono le sedute un’esperienza fantastica. Tutto lo staff accolgono le persone con un sorriso e si crea subito un senso di famiglia. Ringrazio tutti ma in particolare modo Chiara per le sue mani magiche e simpatia.2. July 2024, chesiatirottaRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 17 ratings4.8 / 5 (17) Closed until Monday at 7:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5)Clinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Clinique de la Main GenèveRue des Bains 35, 1205 GenevaClinic•Surgery•Emergency services•Medical centre•Ergotherapy•Hand rehabilitation•Manual therapy•DoctorsRating 3.4 of 5 stars from 5 ratings3.4 / 5 (5) Closed until Monday at 8:15 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Open until 8:00 PMWe PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version)Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
We PhysioVia Antonio Fusoni 4, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Fitness center•Rehabilitation•Manual therapy•Medical massageWE PHYSIO - PHYSIOTHERAPY STUDIOThe physiotherapy studio We Physio operates, in continuity with the decades-long activity of Jeanine Biato, in the field of rehabilitation with professionalism, competence and commitment. The treatments are performed by our physiotherapists in via Fusoni 4 in Lugano (near the USI university and the Sacro Cuore church). Our studio consists of three independent rooms for manual treatments, a gym and a small gymnasium for free-body exercises and exercises using resistance. We also carry out treatments at home. We run regular in-house and off-site courses in: - Gentle gymnastics for the elderly, in collaboration with the Ticino League against rheumatism - Corrective gymnastics for children and adolescents - Proprioceptive gymnastics - Global reinforcement - Reconditioning of sporting movements in the post acute period Our staff consists of physiotherapists recognised by the Swiss Red Cross who periodically attend refresher courses. The centre's philosophy is to follow scientific evidence in the field of physiotherapy and it is now clear that movement plays a key role in rehabilitation. Our specialisations are: - Musculoskeletal rehabilitation - Pelvic floor rehabilitation - Neurological rehabilitation - Orthopaedic rehabilitation - Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation As an adjunct to the treatment, we have available instrumental physical therapies such as: - Tecar - TENS - Electrostimulation - ultrasound - Iontophoresis - Thermotherapy Our staff also work together to offer flexible opening hours and meet the demands of all our customers. We also offer an emergency physiotherapy service with the possibility of analgesic treatments at weekends. We are easily accessible by public transport (bus stop "Sacro Cuore" or "Via Balestra" on bus line 5). We speak Italian, English and French. We are recognised by all health insurance funds and complementary insurances. Translated with (free version) Open until 8:00 PMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6)Braun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Braun Jutta MariaVia Cantonale 1, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Rehabilitation•Health and sports massage•Medical massage•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapyOTTIMOMi pare che non vi sia nulla da aggiungere. Non devo sempre ripetermi.11. January 2018, maraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings5.0 / 5 (6) Closed until Monday at 8:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2)Physiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Physiotherapie SmitSchlossmühlestrasse 9, 8500 FrauenfeldPhysical therapy•Lymphatic Drainage•Craniosacral therapy•Health and sports massage•Manual therapy•Fitness center•RehabilitationRating 4.5 of 5 stars from 2 ratings4.5 / 5 (2) Closed until Monday at 7:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia EquilibriumViale Carlo Cattaneo 27, 6900 LuganoPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Lymphatic Drainage•Manual therapy•Home health careRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 9:00 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1)Fisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraBook appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Fisioterapia PisuVia Cantonale 19, 6805 Mezzovico-ViraPhysical therapy•Health and sports massage•Rehabilitation•Fitness center•Manual therapy•Home health careFisioterapia con vero professionista Mi sono recata presso fisioterapia Pisu, consigliata da un amico: uno strappo alla schiena, molto doloroso non mi faceva fare nulla neanche dormire. Dopo la prima seduta ho dormito tutta la notte, e quindi ho proseguito e ora non ho più nulla. Paolo Pisu è un vero professionista e lo consiglio vivamente16. October 2023, lauraRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Closed until Monday at 8:30 AMCall*Book appointmentBookBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu