When was the company founded?
LY Corporation was originally founded as Yahoo Japan Corporation on January 31, 1996. The company changed its trade name from Yahoo Japan Corporation to Z Holdings Corporation following the transition to a holdings company structure on October 1, 2019.
When did you list your shares?
The company first publicly listed its shares on JASDAQ on November 4, 1997 and then moved its listing to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) on October 28, 2003. It transitioned to the Prime Market on April 4, 2022 under the new market segmentation of TSE.
Where can I find materials which explain the business overview of the company?
Please refer to our Integrated Reports.
Where can I find materials on your financial results?
Please see Library. For trends on financial results, please refer to Financial Trends.
Where can I find information on the business outlook of the company?
Please refer to our Earnings Release.
When does the company’s fiscal year end?
The fiscal year ends on March 31 of each year and reports on financial results are made on a quarterly basis. Please refer to our IR Calendar.
When is the next financial results announcement?
Please refer to our IR Calendar. The announcement date will be posted around 45 days prior to the actual date.
Can I watch the videos of the financial results announcement?
For videos and presentation materials of the financial results announcements, please see Earnings Results Briefing.
What is the company's stock code?
What is the shareholder composition?
Please see Status of Shareholders.
How much is the trading unit?
What was the company’s initial public offering price?
The company was listed on JASDAQ on November 4, 1997, and the initial public offering price was ¥2 million. The public issuing price was ¥700,000.
Where can I find information on past stock splits?
Please refer to “view history” under Outstanding Shares on Stock Information.
Does the company have a special benefit program for its shareholders?
The special benefit program for shareholders has been terminated after distributing the last round of benefits to shareholders listed as of September 30, 2004.
What is the company’s current share price?
Please see Yahoo! JAPAN Finance (Japanese only).
How much is the dividend amount?
Dividend payments were decided to be made from fiscal year ended March 2005.
The dividend of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 will be 5.56 yen per share (total dividend amount: 41.8 billion yen).
When is the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders held?
The Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders is held in mid to late June of each year. The actual date will be announced in the IR Calendar in between late April to early May.
Do you hand out door gifts at your general meeting of the shareholders?
There will be no small gift for shareholders.
Which analyst from securities companies cover the company?
Please see Analyst Coverage.
Who is the shareholder registry administrator for LY Corporation?
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. For details, please see Stock-Related Administrative Matters (Japanese only).
Who should I contact about stock-related administrative matters (Change of address, name, bank account to receive dividend payments, etc.)?
Please contact the securities company with which you have an account. If you do not have an account with any securities company, please contact our shareholder registry administrator, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
When is the record date for dividends?
The record date for dividends is March 31.
When are dividends paid?
Year-end dividends are paid in early June.
Do you pay interim dividends?
There are no payments of interim dividends.
I have not received my dividend payment. Who should I contact?
For inquires and administrative procedures related to uncollected dividend payments, please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
How can I know about the number of shares I hold, etc.?
Please contact the securities company with which you have an account. If you do not have an account with any securities company, please contact our shareholder registry administrator, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
Where can I obtain information on corporate governance of the company?
Please see Corporate Governance.
How can I inquire about matters related to IR?
For IR-related inquiries, please see IR Contacts.