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What we’re about

New to Apache Kafka®? Here’s your introduction at Confluent Developer!

Interested in speaking or hosting here or at any of our global meetup groups (first-timers welcome)? 

What is this group about?
The topics discussed at these events are all about event streaming technologies, including Confluent, Apache Kafka®, Kafka Connect, streaming data pipelines, ksqlDB, Kafka Streams as well as stream processing, Security, Microservices, and a lot more!!

All talk content here is for the benefit of developers. Please read our speaker rules of engagement to see how we ensure that content is free from vendor pitches and non-technical sales content.

The Confluent Community is a diverse, harassment-free zone for everyone: please read our simple code of conduct.

The Global Community
New to our Community? We have plenty of resources and programs to help you get the most from your learning and share your knowledge and experience with the world!

You may be interested: If you’ve ever been interested in test-driving Confluent Cloud: New signups receive $400 to spend during their first 30 days (No credit card required). Already a user? Use CC60COMM to get $60 extra credit!

Apache Kafka®, Kafka, and associated open source project names are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation. The Apache Software Foundation has no affiliation with and does not endorse, or review the materials provided here or at any of our Meetups.

Upcoming events (1)

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