Pre-recorded Content
Team Building
Public Speaking Training
Executive Coaching
Feedback Training
Pre-recorded Content
Team Building
Public Speaking Training
Executive Coaching
Feedback Training

Meet your executive coach


Speak with Purpose

Lead with Confidence

Make it matter

Brooks E. Scott is a professionally certified Executive Coach, Interpersonal Communication Expert, and Public Speaking Coach with over 15 years of management experience and workplace culture.

He helps leaders communicate with significant impact—whether it's delivering high-stakes presentations, navigating tough conversations, refining executive presence, or strengthening team dynamics. Brooks cuts through the noise to provide direct, actionable feedback that enhances performance.

Professional services

Feedback Training

Giving and receiving feedback is a game-changer for leadership and growth—but most people have never been taught how. This fast-paced training teaches you to deliver feedback that’s direct, efficient, kind, and impactful.

You’ll learn a method to…

  • Start direct feedback conversations with empathy and honesty.
  • Develop more useful feedback content to enhance performance with speed and accuracy.
  • Increase chances of lowered emotional reactivity while delivering tough messages so they can actually be heard.

Let’s make feedback a strength, nota struggle.

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Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is about moving through your personal and professional life as your most powerful self. It’s not just about business and operations—it’s about life. Learn to harness your unique executive presence to transform your team and organization.

  • Communicate with Clarity, Impact, and Confidence
  • Discover and Own Your Leadership Values
  • Master Conflict Resolution & Foster Trust on Your Team
  • Ace Interviews with Executive-Level Presence
  • Elevate Your Career with Strategic Leadership Development
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Public Speaking Training

Break the Mold: Redefining Executive Presence

Traditional views of executive presence suggest you must look and sound a certain way—but it’s time to challenge that norm. This course helps you blend your unique style with proven techniques to command the stage and captivate any audience.

You’ll learn to:

  • Communicate with power using the “CCD” method—Clear, Concise, and Direct.
  • Craft a compelling story arc that keeps your audience engaged.
  • Deliver dynamic keynotes and presentations that leave a lasting impact.
  • Use a proven framework to create memorable, high-impact statements that resonate long after you’ve left the stage.
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Team Building

Bridging the Distance: IntentionalTeam Building for Remote & Hybrid Teams

With teams spread across time zones and locations, authentic connection can be rare. When teams do come together, those moments should be fun, meaningful, and intentional—designed to strengthen relationships and foster true collaboration.

In this session, we’ll engage in kinaesthetic and discussion-based team-building activities focused on three key themes:

  • Connection – Build trust and camaraderie.
  • Communication – Enhance clarity and alignment.
  • Collaboration – Strengthen teamwork and problem-solving.
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Pre-recorded Content

On-Demand. On Point. On Your Terms.

Looking for high-impact content without the scheduling hassle? Check out the Merging Path creative studio and let’s talk about pre-recorded and licensed content. Whether it’s training or communication deep dives, we can craft something powerful—ready to plug, play, and transform your team whenever they need it. No calendars, no time zones, just results. Let’s make it happen.

You’ll get:

  • Pre-recorded training modules tailored to your team’s needs.
  • Engaging, high-quality content designed for maximum impact.
  • Flexible licensing options so your organization can access the training anytime, anywhere.
  • Proven strategies to level up communication, leadership, and workplace culture—without the live session logistics

Start here


Unlocking peak performance with top-tier coaching certifications.

International Coaching Federation

The gold standard of Professional Coaching

Associate Certified Coach
First Certification Milestone
  • 60+ hrs of coaching education
  • 100+ hrs of coaching experience
Master Certified Coach
Third Certification Milestone
Pending—meets all eligibility requirements
  • 200+ hrs of coaching education
  • 2,500+ hrs of coaching experience
Professional Certified Coach
Second Certification Milestone
  • 125+ hrs of coaching education
  • 500+ hrs of coaching experience
Additional Certification
Coactive Professional Certified Coach (CPCC)
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue
Leadership Circle 360
National Association of Certified Mediators
Total SDI Strengths Based Assessment


Successfully empowering leaders across a diverse array of companies.

Sports & Entertainment
Higher Education
Finance & Fintech
Fashion & Retail
Public/Private Education
Government Agencies

Our mission

To help leaders build better communication strategies for stronger relationships at work & at home. (yes, you are a leader).


our vision

To create a world where everyone has the skills & confidence to have all of the conversations we continue to avoid. Where we can powerfully communicate & connect with kindness & empathy as we say the things that need to be said & listen to the things that need to be heard.

Our values

Coach In Full Degree - Focus coaching on the whole person, not only the situation & circumstance.

Merge - Focus on forward action & merge the path from where we are to where we want to be.

Motivationally Listen - Ask questions & offer perspectives instead of trying to change minds or attempt to convince anyone of anything.


Our reach

Making headlines and broadcasting inspiring conversations.


Respected voice within the learning and development space.

Keynote Speeches

Trusted leader with deep corporate relationships.

Podcasts & social media

Continued connection across key engagement platforms.

Listen here:

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"You don’t always have to know where you’re going, to know which direction to go.

I create the kind of space that fast-tracks authentic conversations & connection in whatever kind of dynamic I’m working with. That's my specialty, my gift & why I choose to be an executive coach."

Brooks e. Scott

Our progress

Building a top-tier program to boost meaningful employee engagement and communication.


Courses on Building Psychological Safety on Teams


Courses facilitated based on Feedback and Performance Reviews


Other Leadership Development Courses


Team Building Events


Executive Offsites


Total Employees / Executives Trained

Case study

Positive feedback across ongoing relationship with an international bank based in Canada.


Employees trained across 23 events


The content was clear, relevant, and stimulating


Brooks was engaging and delivered content in an easy to understand manner

  • Created a safe place for open discussion
  • Engagement across all participants and the facilitator that led to fruitful discussions
  • Facilitated open and ongoing discussions with real life examples
  • Brooks is very talented and makes difficult topics easy to discuss openly

"The frameworks — I thought that were a very constructive approach through which to view the issues. Not assuming malcontent but noticing the impact, and taking steps to correct them in a graceful way that educates and corrects—not shaming.”

"I liked the way that Brooks createda space in which I felt that some people were able to open up and hopefully be more receptive. I feel like a lot of these sessions and trainings recorded are different.”

fun facts about

Brooks E. Scott

  • Former 5th Grade School Teacher
  • Manager of Operations and former Bodyguard for Meta’s Executive Protection Team for Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg.
  • Former New Jersey State Trooper (10-years) – Body Guard Protection for Governor Chris Christie
  • Trained as a volunteer crisis hotline operator
  • Current COO of a New York Based Law Firm
  • Electric Guitar Bassist in a band called Himalayan Salty
  • Lives bi-coastal between Oakland, CA and NJ
  • Method of transportation – BMW S1000rr motorcycle and a large incognito Ford cargo van.
  • Favorite Meal – Ground Bison mixed pasta and tomato and basil sauce