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Corporate Social Responsibility
A smiling woman is in a green circular border, with a green check mark on the bottom right.

"We must work to ensure that AI technology is understood and that everyone can access its benefits."

— Teresa Hutson, Technology for Fundamental Rights Officer
Read Teresa's message

Our actions

At Microsoft, protecting fundamental rights means promoting responsible business practices, expanding accessibility and connectivity, and advancing fair and inclusive societies.

Promote responsible business practices

We aspire to leadership in business and human rights and to serve as a catalyst for action by others in the tech sector and beyond.

Expand accessibility and connectivity

Increasingly, internet access and accessible technology must be considered fundamental rights. Without them, people lack access to education, healthcare, jobs, and essential services.

Advance fair and inclusive societies

Microsoft endeavors to protect and advance democracy by promoting a healthy information ecosystem, safeguarding electoral processes, and advocating for corporate civic responsibility.

 Address racial inequity

We're taking action to improve the lived experience of Black and African American communities. This starts with an investment in our own culture of inclusion and extends to how we strengthen our communities and drive progress to a more equitable justice system.

View more of our commitments

Progress toward a better future

As we work to help everyone achieve more, we're committed to improving our world and reporting our progress.
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