Write better lyrics with AI
If there’s a song in you that needs to come out, ask AI to help it along. From songwriting tips to phrasing feedback, learn why AI can be a songwriter’s best friend.
Start off strong
Generative AI tools are literally brainstorming machines. When you’re ready for a songwriting session, use AI to come up with new ideas and refresh old ones with AI. Also, song structures and tried-and-true writing techniques might be fruitful starting points. Try prompts like these to get your songwriting flowing:
- I want to write a love song, but I don’t know where to begin. What are some concrete ideas I could touch on? Give me 20 unique song ideas.
- Help me start writing a song. Are there certain song structures I might follow? Also, how does storytelling fit in?
- Guide me through writing a song. Ask me questions to help me go from first idea to finished draft.
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Learn moreRamp up your rhymes
If your lyrics focus on rhyming, AI for songwriting is your go-to rhyme finder. Think of it as a superintelligent thesaurus with a flair for poetry. Try prompts like these to amplify your writing game:
- I’m looking for good rhyming words for a song about fatherhood. Provide several groups of rhyming words that might be a good fit.
- Give me words that rhyme with [word]. Provide as many as you can find, and give me the definition for each.
- Provide perfect and slant rhymes for [word].
Find your rhythm
Get your rhythm just right by asking AI to keep you on the beat. Generative AI is a powerful tool for musicians because it excels at pattern recognition. Try prompts like these for AI songwriting help that strengthens the rhythm of your words:
- Help me check the rhythm of these lyrics.
- I have two verses, and now I’m trying to figure out the chorus. Analyze the rhythm of these verses, let me know if they work well together, and suggest rhythmic structures for my chorus.
- Help me understand how rhythm relates to rhyme scheme in songwriting. Can you offer songwriting tips to achieve a unique or compelling rhythm?
Fine-tune your final draft
Once you have a full first draft of your lyrics, polish it to perfection with AI. From proofreading to suggesting edits, generative AI takes your words and offers insights on how to make them even better. Try prompts like these for those fine-tuning finishing touches:
- Look over these lyrics, and let me know how they can be improved.
- Give me feedback on this song. What’s working well, and what could use work? Offer a revision that implements your suggestions.
- Help me make my lyrics more heartfelt and florid. Offer revision suggestions that keep my main message but suggest new ways to get it across.
Whether you’re inspired to write the most groundbreaking punk song or a sweet ballad (or both), AI tools for musicians help you get it done. Find even more ways AI makes life easier in our Everyday AI hub.
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