If you’re part of a growing organization, you may be finding that things that were once easy when everyone was in the same office have now become frustrating.
As people are more spread out, working from home or split over multiple floors, updates and news get harder to co-ordinate. People get missed off email lists and start to complain they can never find the right document. These are all signs that you need an intranet.
You can think of an intranet as being like a private website. It acts as the go-to place for news, information and sharing. The five big reasons to get an intranet are:
1) Communicating efficiently. Email lists can only go so far before people complain about too many messages, or an important announcement gets overlooked because it was pushed down by trivial updates. An intranet lets you take back control because you can make the headline news stick at the top of the page.
Those administrative updates about car parking and IT upgrades won’t go away, but you can keep them to the side-lines and free inboxes from those too.
2) Collaborating effectively. If you’re still using shared drives and email attachments to work together on documents, you’ve probably experienced the moment when somebody spent all night making updates to the wrong version.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Most modern intranets give you a place where multiple people can work on the same file and always have the latest version.
Even better, they provide a space for discussion, so everyone can see the comments and agree what needs to be done.
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