If you manage your organization’s facilities, such as offices, warehouses or other operations centers, you know that there are many details to oversee. From managing expensive hardware to conducting building maintenance to addressing security issues, there’s a lot to remember and a lot that can go wrong if something gets skipped or forgotten. Without documented processes in place, it’s hard to get the job done effectively.
To that end, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is diagramming software. Simple, shareable diagrams provide concrete ways to design outstanding systems and ensure they’re followed.
Floor plans and seating charts, for example, can illustrate the facility itself, while process maps and other kinds of flow charts can document the processes used to run it. You can also use these diagrams to monitor facility operations by linking them to refreshable, real-time data about the people, equipment and systems they describe.
Here are a few ways that facility managers can use diagrams to stay organized, save time and stay on track.
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