Nsonaazụ Ọchụchọ Nbudata Microsft
- Ngwa
Ngwaọrụ Nnyocha Microsoft Office 2016 - English
Ngwaọrụ Nnyocha Microsoft Office na-ekwe ime ndezi n’asụsụ ndịọzọ agbakwụnyere.
- Ngwaọrụ
Windows 8 Ngwungwu Ihu Asụsụ (LIP)
Ngwungwu Ihu Asụsụ nke Windows (LIP) na-enye Ihu Onye Ọrụ nke atụgharịrị obere maka mpaghara nke Windows a na-ejikarị.
- Dọkụmentị
Office 2010 Customer Success Stories Around the World - Igbo
The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
- Ihe ndozi Nchedo
Security Update for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB976321) - Igbo
The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
- Dọkụmentị
Windows Phone 7 Connector (for Mac) Help Documentation - Igbo
The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
- Ihe ndozi Nchedo
February 2009 Security Release ISO Image - Igbo - Nigeria
The instructions for this download will soon be available in your language. In the meantime, we are providing the instructions in English.
- Ngwa
Ngwù Ngwaọrụ Asụsụ Microsoft® Office – Igbo
Ngwù Ngwaọrụ Asụsụ Office Microsoft - Igbo na-agbakọnye ngosi ọzọ, enyemaka, maọbụ ụmụ ngwaọrụ nnyòcha, ga-agbado ụkwụ n’asụsụ ị na-akwakọnye.
- Mmelite
Update for Windows 8.1 (KB2994290)
Install this update to resolve issues in Windows.
- Mmelite
Internet Explorer 11 maka Usoro Windows 7 64-bit na Usoro Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
Budata ihe nchọgharị dị ọsọ ma na-enweghị mgbochi akwadoro maka Windows 7.
- Mmelite
Internet Explorer 11 maka Windows 7
Budata ihe nchọgharị dị ọsọ ma na-enweghị mgbochi akwadoro maka Windows 7.