Two people are sewing in front of a wall with dolls on the shelves.

Maryland Traditions

Maryland Traditions, the state's traditional arts program, identifies, documents, supports, and presents traditional arts.

Activities include grants to organizations and individuals, festivals and other events, direct outreach to artists, and archival activities to support community-based living cultural traditions handed down by example or word of mouth.

The Maryland Traditions Archives contains fieldwork data collected by Maryland state folklorists since 1974, along with many more traditional arts materials. This public archive is housed in the Special Collections of the Albin O. Kuhn Library at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where digitization work is ongoing.


Folklife Apprenticeships support traditional arts education by funding a mentor artist and apprentice artist to work together for one year. Read more.
Folklife Network grants fund organizations serving as regional folklife centers in Maryland. Read more.
Awards are given through Maryland Traditions and annually recognize six recipients in three categories: Person/People, Place, and Tradition. Heritage Awards recognize long-term achievement in the traditional arts. Read more.