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Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (US). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2014. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 57.)
This chapter covers various treatment approaches designed specifically to treat trauma-related symptoms, trauma-related disorders, and specific disorders of traumatic stress. The models presented do not comprise an exhaustive list, but rather, serve as examples. These models require training and supervised experience to be conducted safely and effectively. The chapter begins with a section on trauma-specific treatment models, providing a brief overview of interventions that can be delivered immediately after a trauma, as well as trauma-specific interventions for use beyond the immediate crisis. The second segment focuses on integrated care that targets trauma-specific treatment for mental, substance use, and co-occurring disorders. Even though entry-level, trauma-informed behavioral health service providers are unlikely to be in a position to use these interventions, having some knowledge of them is nevertheless important. Currently, more research is needed to tease out the most important ingredients of early interventions and their role in the prevention of more pervasive traumatic stress symptoms. More science-based evidence is available for trauma-specific treatments that occur and extend well beyond the immediate reactions to trauma. The last part of the chapter provides a brief review of selected emerging interventions that have not been covered elsewhere in this Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP).
Trauma-specific therapies vary in their approaches and objectives. Some are present focused, some are past focused, and some are combinations (Najavits, 2007a). Present-focused approaches primarily address current coping skills, psychoeducation, and managing symptoms for better functioning. Past-focused approaches primarily focus on telling the trauma story to understand the impact of the trauma on how the person functions today, experiencing emotions that were too overwhelming to experience in the past, and helping clients more effectively cope in the present with their traumatic experiences. Clients participating in present-focused approaches may reveal some of their stories; past-focused approaches emphasize how understanding the past influences current behavior, emotion, and thinking, thereby helping clients cope more effectively with traumatic experiences in the present.
The distinction between these approaches lies in the primary emphasis of the approach. Depending on the nature of the trauma and the specific needs of the client, one approach may be more suitable than the other. For instance, in short-term treatment for clients in early recovery from mental illness and/or substance abuse, present-focused, cognitive–behavioral, or psychoeducational approaches are generally more appropriate. For clients who are stable in their recovery and have histories of developmental trauma where much of the trauma has been repressed, a past-focused orientation may be helpful. Some clients may benefit from both types, either concurrently or sequentially.
This chapter discusses a number of treatment models, general approaches, and techniques. A treatment model is a set of practices designed to alleviate symptoms, promote psychological well-being, or restore mental health. Treatment techniques are specific procedures that can be used as part of a variety of models. Some models and techniques described in this chapter can be used with groups, some with individuals, and some with both. This chapter is selective rather than comprehensive; additional models are described in the literature. See, for example, the PILOTS database on the Web site of the National Center for PTSD (NCPTSD; for treatment literature related to trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For an overview of models for use with both adult and child populations, refer to Models for Developing Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Systems and Trauma-Specific Services (Center for Mental Health Services, 2008).
Some treatments discussed in this chapter are described as evidence based. Because research on integrated treatment models is so new, many have only been examined in a few studies. Given these circumstances and the fact that an outcome study provides only limited evidence of efficacy, the term “evidence based” should be interpreted cautiously. Additional scientific study is needed to determine whether some treatments discussed herein are, in fact, evidence based. A good resource for evaluating evidence-based, trauma-specific treatment models is Effective Treatments for PTSD (Foa, Keane, Friedman, & Cohen, 2009). Although evidence-based interventions should be a primary consideration in selecting appropriate treatment models for people with symptoms of trauma that co-occur with mental and substance use disorders (see Allen, 2001, for an indepth discussion of trauma and serious mental illness), other factors must also be weighed, including the specific treatment needs of the client; his or her history of trauma, psychosocial and cultural background, and experiences in prior trauma treatment; the overall treatment plan for the client; and the competencies of the program’s clinical staff. Although behavioral health counselors can prepare to help their clients address some of the issues discussed in Chapter 5, specialized training is necessary to provide treatment for co-occurring substance use and mental disorders related to trauma.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has created the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) as a resource for reviewing and identifying effective treatment programs. Programs can be nominated for consideration as co-occurring disorders programs or substance abuse prevention or treatment programs, and their quality of evidence, readiness for dissemination, and training considerations are then reviewed. For more detailed information, including details about several evidence-based co-occurring trauma treatment programs, visit the NREPP Web site ( Program models for specialized groups, such as adolescents, can also be found on the NREPP Web site. For specific research-oriented information on trauma-specific treatments, refer to Part 3 of this TIP, which provides a literature review and links to select abstracts (available online).
Federal Agencies
Both the American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) respond to disasters. Behavioral health service providers should understand the basics about these major emergency response agencies. For example, the Red Cross can respond rapidly with funding for food, shelter, and immediate needs, whereas FEMA assistance requires a period of gearing up but provides for longer-term needs. SAMHSA, along with other Federal agencies, assists FEMA in a number of areas of emergency response planning activities. See also SAMHSA’s Disaster Technical Assistance Center Web site ( and Technical Assistance Publication 34, Disaster Planning Handbook for Behavioral Health Treatment Programs (SAMHSA, 2013).
Trauma-Specific Treatment Models
Immediate Interventions
Intervention in the first 48 hours
The acute intervention period comprises the first 48 hours after a traumatic event. In a disaster, rescue operations usually begin with local agencies prior to other organizations arriving on the scene. Law enforcement is likely to take a primary role on site. Whether it is a disaster, group trauma, or individual trauma (including a trauma that affects an entire family, such as a house fire), a hierarchy of needs should be established: survival, safety, security, food, shelter, health (physical and mental), orientation of survivors to immediate local services, and communication with family, friends, and community (National Institute of Mental Health, 2002). In this crucial time, appropriate interventions include educating survivors about resources; educating other providers, such as faith-based organizations and social service groups, to screen for increased psychological effects including use of substances; and use of a trauma response team that assists clients with their immediate needs. No formal interventions should be attempted at this time, but a professionally trained, empathic listener can offer solace and support (Litz & Gray, 2002).
“One day I was called out of bed at 5:00 a.m. to go to a town approximately 30 miles away because a levee had broken…. By 6:00 a.m., my colleagues and I were there with many of the townspeople, with helicopters flying overhead, with trucks going in and out by the main road trying to empty the factories. When we got there, as far as you could see was farmland. By 11 a.m., you could see a ‘lake’ in the distance. By 2 p.m., the water was on the edge of the town. Being there, at that town, before, during, and after the water came was probably the most valuable function we performed. We were able to share in the grief of the hundreds of people as we stayed with them while their fields, houses, and workplaces were flooded. We witnessed the death of a town, and the people reacted with disbelief, anger, sadness, and numbness. Each person had a different story, but all grieved, and we provided many an opportunity to express it. People cried as the water started rising into their houses. Some had to watch. Some had to leave. At times it was utterly silent as we all waited. There was a woman whose parents sent her away during the floods of ‘43 and she had been angry for 50 years about it. She was determined that her children and grandchildren would see everything. I spent 12 hours that day just giving support, listening, giving information, and sometimes shedding a tear or two myself.”
—Rosemary Schwartzbard, Ph.D., responder to floods along the Mississippi River in 1993
Source: Schwartzbard, 1997.
Basic needs
Basic necessities, such as shelter, food, and water, are key to survival and a sense of safety. It is important to focus on meeting these basic needs and on providing a supportive environment. Clients’ access to prescribed medications may be interrupted after a trauma, particularly a disaster, so providers should identify clients’ medication needs for preexisting physical and mental disorders, including methadone or other pharmacological treatment for substance use. For example, after September 11, 2001, substance abuse treatment program administrators in New York had to seek alternative methadone administration options (Frank, Dewart, Schmeidler, & Demirjian, 2006).
Psychological first aid
The psychological first aid provided in the first 48 hours after a disaster is designed to ensure safety, provide an emotionally supportive environment and activities, identify those with high-risk reactions, and facilitate communication, including strong, reassuring leadership immediately after the event. The primary helping response of psychological first aid is to provide a calm, caring, and supportive environment to set the scene for psychological recovery. It is also essential that all those first responding to a trauma—rescue workers, medical professionals, behavioral health workers (including substance abuse counselors), journalists, and volunteers—be familiar with relevant aspects of traumatic stress. Approaching survivors with genuine respect, concern, and knowledge increases the likelihood that the caregiver can (NCPTSD, 2002):
- Answer questions about what survivors may be experiencing.
- Normalize their distress by affirming that what they are experiencing is normal.
- Help them learn to use effective coping strategies.
- Help them be aware of possible symptoms that may require additional assistance.
- Provide a positive experience that will increase their chances of seeking help if they need it in the future.
Advice to Counselors: Core Actions in Preparing To Deliver Psychological First Aid
- Contact and engagement
- Safety and comfort
- Stabilization
- Information gathering: Current needs and concerns
- Practical assistance
- Connection with social supports
- Information on coping
- Linkage with collaborative services
Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network & NCPTSD, 2012.
Clinical experience suggests that care be taken to respect a survivor’s individual method of coping; some may want information, for example, whereas others do not. Similarly, some may want to talk about the event, but others won’t. An excellent guide to providing psychological first aid is available online from the Terrorism and Disaster Branch of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (
Critical incident stress debriefing
Initially developed for work with first responders and emergency personnel, critical incident stress debriefing (CISD; Mitchell & Everly, 2001) is now widely used and encompasses various group protocols used in a variety of settings. This facilitator-led group intervention is for use soon after a traumatic event with exposed people. The goal is to provide psychological closure by encouraging participants to talk about their experiences and then giving a didactic presentation on common stress reactions and management.
The widespread use of CISD has occurred despite the publication of conflicting results regarding its efficacy. Claims that single-session psychological debriefing can prevent development of chronic negative psychological sequelae are not empirically supported (van Emmerik, Kamphuis, Hulsbosch, & Emmelkamp, 2002). Some controlled studies suggest that it may impede natural recovery from trauma (McNally, Bryant, & Ehlers, 2003). Other research suggests emphasizing screening to determine the need for early interventions. Mitchell and Everly (2001) point out that many of the studies showing negative results were not conducted with first responders; that is, CISD may be appropriate for some, but not all, groups. A recent study of 952 U.S. peacekeepers and CISD by the U.S. Army Research Unit–Europe (Adler et al., 2008) found mixed results.
Advice to Counselors: Evidence Related to Immediate Interventions
Evidence related to immediate interventions suggests that:
- Early, brief, focused psychotherapeutic intervention provided in an individual or group format can reduce distress in bereaved spouses, parents, and children.
- Selected cognitive–behavioral approaches may help reduce the incidence, duration, and severity of acute stress disorder (ASD), PTSD, and depression in trauma survivors.
- A one-session individual recital of events and expression of emotions evoked by a traumatic event does not consistently reduce risk of later developing PTSD. In fact, it may increase the risk for adverse outcomes. Perhaps CISD hinders the natural recovery mechanisms that restore pretrau-ma functioning (Bonanno, 2004).
- The focus initially should be upon screening with follow-up as indicated.
Interventions Beyond the Initial Response to Trauma
In the interest of increasing your overall familiarity with relevant approaches, the following sections review several traumatic stress treatment approaches that counselors will most likely encounter when collaborating with clinicians or agencies that specialize in trauma-specific services and treating traumatic stress.
Cognitive–behavioral therapies
Most PTSD models involve cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) that integrates cognitive and behavioral theories by incorporating two ideas: first, that cognitions (or thoughts) mediate between situational demands and one’s attempts to respond to them effectively, and second, that behavioral change influences acceptance of altered cognitions about oneself or a situation and establishment of newly learned cognitive–behavioral interaction patterns. In practice, CBT uses a wide range of coping strategies.
There are many different varieties of CBT. CBT originated in the 1970s (Beck, Rush, Shaw & Emery, 1979; Ellis & Harper, 1975) and has expanded since then to address various populations, including people who use substances, people who experience anxiety, people with PTSD or personality disorders, children and adolescents, individuals involved in the criminal justice system, and many others. CBT has also been expanded to include various techniques, coping skills, and approaches, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993), Seeking Safety (Najavits, 2002a), and mindfulness (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002). Traditional CBT emphasizes symptom reduction or resolution, but recent CBT approaches have also emphasized the therapeutic relationship, a particularly important dynamic in trauma treatment ( Jackson, Nissenson, & Cloitre, 2009).
A widely accepted framework in treating trauma, substance use disorders, and mental illness categorizes therapies as single (treatment of only one disorder), sequential (treatment of one disorder first, then the other), or parallel (concurrent treatment of multiple disorders delivered by separate clinicians or in separate programs that do not necessarily address the interactions between symptoms and disorders).
CBT has been applied to the treatment of trauma and has also been widely and effectively used in the treatment of substance use. A review of efficacy research on CBT for PTSD is provided by Rothbaum, Meadows, Resick, and Foy (2000). Najavits and colleagues (2009) and O’Donnell and Cook (2006) offer an overview of CBT therapies for treating PTSD and substance abuse. In addition, a free online training resource incorporating CBT for traumatized children within the community, Trauma-Focused CBT, is available from the Medical University of South Carolina (
Cognitive processing therapy
Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a manualized 12-session treatment approach that can be administered in a group or individual setting (Resick & Schnicke, 1992, 1993). CPT was developed for rape survivors and combines elements of existing treatments for PTSD, specifically exposure therapy (see the “Exposure Therapy” section later in this chapter) and cognitive therapy. The exposure therapy component of treatment consists of clients writing a detailed account of their trauma, including thoughts, sensations, and emotions that were experienced during the event. The client then reads the narrative aloud during a session and at home. The cognitive therapy aspect of CPT uses six key PTSD themes identified by McCann and Pearlman (1990): safety, trust, power, control, esteem, and intimacy. The client is guided to identify cognitive distortions in these areas, such as maladaptive beliefs.
Advice to Counselors: Relaxation Training, Biofeedback, and Breathing Retraining Strategies
Relaxation training, biofeedback, and breathing retraining strategies may help some clients cope with anxiety, a core symptom of traumatic stress. However, no evidence supports the use of relaxation and biofeedback as effective standalone PTSD treatment techniques (Cahill, Rothbaum, Resick, & Follete, 2009). Both are sometimes used as complementary strategies to manage anxiety symptoms elicited by trauma-related stimuli. Breathing retraining uses focused or controlled breathing to reduce arousal. Breathing retraining and relaxation, along with other interventions when necessary, can help clients with ASD. An important caution in the use of breath work with trauma clients is that it can sometimes act as a trigger—for example, given its focus on the body and its potential to remind them of heavy breathing that occurred during assault. Biofeedback, which requires specialized equipment, combines stress reduction strategies (e.g., progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery) with feedback from biological system measures (e.g., heart rate, hand temperature) that gauge levels of stress or anxiety reduction. Relaxation training, which requires no specialized equipment, encourages clients to reduce anxiety responses (including physiological responses) to trauma-related stimuli; it is often part of more comprehensive PTSD treatments (e.g., prolonged exposure and stress inoculation training [SIT]).
Results from randomized, placebo-controlled trials for the treatment of PTSD related to interpersonal violence (Resick, 2001; Resick, Nishith, Weaver, Astin, & Feuer, 2002) support the use of CPT. CPT and prolonged exposure therapy models are equally and highly positive in treating PTSD and depression in rape survivors; CPT is superior in reducing guilt (Nishith, Resick, & Griffin, 2002; Resick et al., 2002; Resick, Nishith, & Griffin, 2003). CPT has shown positive outcomes with refugees when administered in the refugees’ native language (Schulz, Marovic-Johnson, & Huber, 2006) and with veterans (Monson et al., 2006). However, CPT has not been studied with high-complexity populations such as individuals with substance dependence, homelessness, current domestic violence, serious and persistent mental illness, or suicidality. CPT requires a 3-day training plus consultation (Karlin et al., 2010). Resick and Schicke (1996) published a CPT treatment manual, Cognitive Processing Therapy for Rape Victims: A Treatment Manual.
Exposure therapy
Exposure therapy for PTSD asks clients to directly describe and explore trauma-related memories, objects, emotions, or places. Intense emotions are evoked (e.g., sadness, anxiety) but eventually decrease, desensitizing clients through repeated encounters with traumatic material. Careful monitoring of the pace and appropriateness of exposure-based interventions is necessary to prevent retraumatization (clients can become conditioned to fear the trauma-related material even more). Clients must have ample time to process their memories and integrate cognition and affect, so some sessions can last for 1.5 hours or more. For simple cases, exposure can work in as few as 9 sessions; more complex cases may require 20 or more sessions (Foa, Hembree, & Rothbaum, 2007). Various techniques can expose the client to traumatic material. Two of the more common methods are exposure through imagery and in vivo (“real life”) exposure.
Advice to Counselors: Steps for Introducing a Breathing Exercise
Use the following statements to lead clients through a breathing exercise:
- Place your hands on your stomach. As you inhale, breathe deeply but slowly so that your hands rise with your stomach. As you exhale slowly, practice breathing so that your hands drop with your stomach.
- Inhale slowly through your nose with your mouth closed; don’t rush or force in the air.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth with your lips in the whistling position.
- Breathe out for twice as long as you breathe in.
The effectiveness of exposure therapy has been firmly established (Rothbaum et al., 2000); however, adverse reactions to exposure therapy have also been noted. Some individuals who have experienced trauma exhibit an exacerbation of symptoms during or following exposure treatments. Even so, the exacerbation may depend on counselor variables during administration. Practitioners of exposure therapy need comprehensive training to master its techniques (Karlin et al., 2010); a counselor unskilled in the methods of this treatment model can not only fail to help his or her clients, but also cause symptoms to worsen.
Exposure therapy is recommended as a first-line treatment option when the prominent trauma symptoms are intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, or trauma-related fears, panic, and avoidance. However, counselors should exercise caution when using exposure with clients who have not maintained stability in managing mental illness symptoms or abstinence from substance use disorders. Studies and routine use of exposure have consistently excluded high-complexity clients such as those with substance dependence, homelessness, current domestic violence, serious and persistent mental illness, or suicidality. The only trial of exposure therapy with a substance dependence sample found that it did not outperform standard substance abuse treatment on most variables (Mills et al., 2012).
Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD is listed in SAMHSA’s NREPP. For reviews of exposure therapy, also see Najavits (2007a) and Institute of Medicine (2008). In addition to prolonged exposure therapy, other therapies incorporate exposure and desensitization techniques, including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR; Shapiro, 2001), cognitive processing, and systematic desensitization therapies (Wolpe, 1958).
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
EMDR (Shapiro, 2001) is one of the most widely used therapies for trauma and PTSD. The treatment protocols of EMDR have evolved into sophisticated paradigms requiring training and, preferably, clinical supervision. EMDR draws on a variety of theoretical frameworks, including psychoneurology, CBT, information processing, and nonverbal representation of traumatic memories. The goal of this therapy is to process the experiences that are causing problems and distress. It is an effective treatment for PTSD (Seidler & Wagner, 2006) and is accepted as an evidence-based practice by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (Najavits, 2007a); numerous reviews support its effectiveness (e.g., Mills et al., 2012). EMDR values the development of “resource installation” (calming procedures) and engages in exposure work to desensitize clients to traumatic material, using external tracking techniques across the visual field to assist in processing distressing material. Training in EMDR, available through the EMDR Institute, is required before counselors use this treatment. It is listed in SAMHSA’s NREPP (EMDR Network, 2012). Thus far, there is no study examining the use of EMDR with clients in substance abuse treatment. See Part 3 of this TIP, available online, to review empirical work on EMDR.
A Brief Description of EMDR Therapy
Treatment involves three main concentrations (past memories, present disturbances, future actions) and eight phases. Counselors may work with several phases in one session. Each phase is meant to be revisited either in every session or when appropriate (e.g., the closure process is meant to be conducted at the end of every session, in preparation for the next).
- Phase 1: History and Treatment Planning (1–2 sessions)
- Phase 2: Preparation
- Phase 3: Assessment and Reprocessing
- Phase 4: Desensitization
- Phase 5: Installation
- Phase 6: Body Scan
- Phase 7: Closure
- Phase 8: Reevaluation
Source: EMDR Network, 2012.
Narrative therapy
Narrative therapy is an emerging approach to understanding human growth and change; it is founded on the premise that individuals are the experts on their own lives and can access their existing intrapsychic and interpersonal resources to reduce the impact of problems in their lives. Developed for the treatment of PTSD resulting from political or community violence, narrative therapy is based on CBT principles, particularly exposure therapy (Neuner, Schauer, Elbert, & Roth, 2002; Neuner, Schauer, Klaschik, Karunakara, & Elbert, 2004). This approach views psychotherapy not as a scientific practice, but as a natural extension of healing practices that have been present throughout human history. For a trauma survivor, the narrative, as it is told and retold, expresses the traumatic experience, puts the trauma in the context of the survivor’s life, and defines the options he or she has for change. Narrative structure helps clients connect events in their lives, reveals strings of events, explores alternative expressions of trauma, evokes explanations for clients’ behaviors, and identifies their knowledge and skills. The use of stories in therapy, with the client as the storyteller, generally helps lessen suffering (McLeod, 1997; White, 2004).
In the substance abuse treatment field, many clients will see a connection between narrative therapy and the process of telling their stories in 12-Step programs, in which reframing life stories of feeling trapped, despairing, and hopeless leads to stories of strength, joy, and hope. Key storytelling points at a 12-Step speaker meeting include describing what an experience was like, what happened, and what it is like now.
Skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation
Skills training in affective and interpersonal regulation (STAIR) is a two-phase cognitive–behavioral model that adapts therapies developed by others into a new package (Cloitre, Koenen, Cohen, & Han, 2002). Phase 1 consists of eight weekly sessions of skills training in affect and interpersonal regulation derived from general CBT and DBT (Linehan, 1993) and adapted to address trauma involving childhood abuse. Session topics are labeling and identifying feelings, emotion management, distress tolerance, acceptance of feelings, identifying trauma-based interpersonal schemas, identifying conflict between trauma-generated feelings and current interpersonal goals, role-plays on issues of power and control, and role-plays on developing flexibility in interpersonal situations. Phase 2 features eight sessions of modified prolonged exposure using a narrative approach.
Phase 1, tailored to individual clients, is called Skills Training in Affect Regulation and consists of the following components:
- Psychoeducation: Describe the symptoms of PTSD and explain the treatment rationale.
- Training in experiencing and identifying feelings, triggers, and thoughts, as well as training in mood regulation strategies.
- Learning history: Ask the client the following questions—How did the client deal with traumas past and present? How did the client’s family deal with feelings? How did the client’s family life affect his or her present difficulty experiencing and identifying feeling?
- Emotion regulation skills: Identify the cognitive, behavioral, and social support modalities for coping. Use data gathered with self-monitoring forms to identify strengths and weaknesses in each coping modality. Teach skills such as breathing retraining, self-statements to reduce fear, and social skill training to improve social support.
- Acceptance and tolerance of negative affect: Motivate clients to face distressing situations related to the trauma that are important to them. Review negative repercussions of avoidance. Discuss tolerating negative affect as a step toward achieving specific goals.
- Schema therapy for improved relationships: Identify relevant schemas learned in childhood. Suggest alternative ways of viewing self and others in current relationships. Use role-playing to teach assertiveness, emphasizing response flexibility based on relative power in each relationship.
Once Phase 1 of STAIR is well learned, clients move to Phase 2, which involves exposure therapy.
Source: Mollick & Spett, 2002.
Cloitre and colleagues (2002) assigned women with PTSD related to childhood abuse randomly to STAIR or a minimal attention wait-list, excluding clients with current substance dependence as well as other complexities. STAIR participants showed significantly greater gains in affect regulation, interpersonal skills, and PTSD symptoms than the control participants. These gains were maintained through follow-up at 3 and 9 months. However, it is not clear from this study whether DBT and exposure were both needed. Phase 1 therapeutic alliance and negative mood regulation skills predicted Phase 2 exposure success in reducing PTSD, suggesting the importance of establishing a strong therapeutic relationship and emotion regulation skills before conducting exposure work with people who have chronic PTSD.
Stress inoculation training
SIT was originally developed to manage anxiety (Meichenbaum, 1994; Meichenbaum & Deffenbacher, 1988). Kilpatrick, Veronen, and Resick (1982) modified SIT to treat rape survivors based on the idea that the anxiety and fear that rape survivors experience during their trauma generalizes to other objectively safe situations. SIT treatment components include education, skills training (muscle relaxation training, breathing retraining, role-playing, guided self-talk, assertiveness training, and thought stopping [i.e., actively and forcefully ending negative thoughts by thinking “STOP” and then redirecting thoughts in a more positive direction]), and skills application. The goal is to help clients learn to manage their anxiety and to decrease avoidant behavior by using effective coping strategies. Randomized controlled clinical trials have indicated that SIT reduces the severity of PTSD compared with waitlist controls and shows comparable efficacy to exposure therapy. At follow-up (up to 12 months after treatment), gains were maintained (Foa et al., 1999; Foa, Rothbaum, Riggs, & Murdock, 1991).
SIT has been used to help individuals cope with the aftermath of exposure to stressful events and on a preventative basis to “inoculate” individuals to future and ongoing stressors (Meichenbaum, 1996). This practice as a preventive strategy is similar to promoting disease resistance through immunizations.
Advice to Counselors: SIT Phases
SIT is a prevention and treatment approach that has three overlapping phases. It is often seen as a complementary approach to other interventions for traumatic stress.
Phase 1: Conceptualization and education. This phase has two main objectives. The initial goal is to develop a collaborative relationship that supports and encourages the client to confront stressors and learn new coping strategies. The next objective is to increase the client’s understanding of the nature and impact of his or her stress and awareness of alternative coping skills. Many cognitive strategies are used to meet these objectives, including self-monitoring activities, Socratic questioning, identifying strengths and evidence of resilience, and modeling of coping strategies.
Phase 2: Skill acquisition and rehearsal. This phase focuses on developing coping skills and using coping skills that the individual already possesses. This process includes practice across settings, so that the individual begins to generalize the use of his or her skills across situations through rehearsal, rehearsal, and more rehearsal.
Phase 3: Implementation and following through. The main objective is to create more challenging circumstances that elicit higher stress levels for the client. By gradually increasing the challenge, the client can practice coping strategies that mimic more realistic circumstances. Through successful negotiation, the client builds a greater sense of self-efficacy. Common strategies in this phase include imagery and behavioral rehearsal, modeling, role-playing, and graded in vivo exposure.
Source: Meichenbaum, 2007.
Other therapies
Numerous interventions introduced in the past 20 years focus on traumatic stress. For some interventions, the evidence is limited, and for other others, it is evolving. One example is the traumatic incident reduction (TIR) approach. This brief memory-oriented intervention is designed for children, adolescents, and adults who have experienced traumatic stress (Valentine & Smith, 2001). Listed in SAMHSA’s NREPP, the intervention is designed to process specific traumatic incidents or problematic themes related to the trauma, including specific feelings, emotions, sensations, attitudes, or pain. It involves having clients talk through the traumatic incident repeatedly with the anticipation that changes in affect will occur throughout the repetitions. TIR is a client-centered approach.
Integrated Models for Trauma
This section covers models specifically designed to treat trauma-related symptoms along with either mental or substance use disorders at the same time. Integrated treatments help clients work on several presenting problems simultaneously throughout the treatment, a promising and recommended strategy (Dass-Brailsford & Myrick, 2010; Najavits, 2002b; Nixon & Nearmy, 2011). Thus far, research is limited, but what is available suggests that integrated treatment models effectively reduce substance abuse, PTSD symptoms, and other mental disorder symptoms. TIP 42, Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2005c), offers a detailed description of integrated treatment. In contrast with integrated models, other model types include single (treatment of only one disorder), sequential (treatment of one disorder first, then the other), or parallel (concurrent treatment of multiple disorders delivered by separate clinicians or in separate programs that do not necessarily address the interactions between symptoms and disorders).
Similar to single models, integrated treatment models are designed for use in a variety of settings (e.g., outpatient, day treatment, and/or residential substance abuse and mental health clinics/programs). Most models listed are manual-based treatments that address trauma-related symptoms, mental disorders, and substance use disorders at the same time. Additional approaches and further details on the selected approaches can be found at NREPP (
Addiction and Trauma Recovery Integration Model
The Addiction and Trauma Recovery Integrated Model (ATRIUM; Miller & Guidry, 2001) integrates CBT and relational treatment through an emphasis on mental, physical, and spiritual health. This 12-week model for individuals and groups blends psychoeducational, process, and expressive activities, as well as information on the body’s responses to addiction and traumatic stress and the impact of trauma and addiction on the mind and spirit. It helps clients explore anxiety, sexuality, self-harm, depression, anger, physical complaints and ailments, sleep difficulties, relationship challenges, and spiritual disconnection. It was designed primarily for women and focuses on developmental (childhood) trauma and interpersonal violence, but it recognizes that other types of traumatic events occur.
The ATRIUM model consists of three phases of treatment. The first stage, or “outer circle,” consists of the counselor collecting data from the client about his or her trauma history, offering psychoeducation on the nature of trauma, and helping the client assess personal strengths. ATRIUM actively discourages the evocation of memories of abuse or other trauma events in this phase. The second stage, or “middle circle,” allows clients and counselors to address trauma symptoms more directly and specifically encourages clients to reach out to and engage with support resources in the community. The middle circle also emphasizes learning new information about trauma and developing additional coping skills. The third stage of the program, the “inner circle,” focuses on challenging old beliefs that arose as a result of the trauma. For instance, the concept of “nonprotecting bystander” is used to represent the lack of support that the traumatized person experienced at the time of the trauma. This representation is replaced with the “protective presence” of supportive others today.
ATRIUM was used in one of the nine study sites of SAMHSA’s Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study. Across all sites, trauma-specific models achieved more favorable outcomes than control sites that did not use trauma-specific models (Morrissey et al., 2005). There has not yet been a study of ATRIUM per se, however. A manual describing the theory behind this model in greater depth, as well as how to implement it, is published under the title Addictions and Trauma Recovery: Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit (Miller & Guidry, 2001).
Beyond Trauma: A Healing Journey for Women
Beyond Trauma (Covington, 2003) is a curriculum for women’s services based on theory, research, and clinical experience. It was developed for use in residential, outpatient, and correctional settings; domestic violence programs; and mental health clinics. It uses behavioral techniques and expressive arts and is based on relational therapy. Although the materials are designed for trauma treatment, the connection between trauma and substance abuse in women’s lives is a theme throughout. Beyond Trauma has a psychoeducational component that defines trauma by way of its process as well as its impact on the inner self (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values) and the outer self (behavior and relationships, including parenting). Coping skills are emphasized; specific exercises develop emotional wellness.
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Cocaine Dependence
Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Cocaine Dependence (CTPCD) is a 16-session, twice-weekly individual outpatient psychotherapy model designed to treat women and men with co-occurring PTSD and cocaine dependence (Coffey, Schumacher, Brimo, & Brady, 2005). CTPCD combines imagery and in vivo exposure therapy (in which the client becomes desensitized to anxiety-producing stimuli through repeated exposure to them) for the treatment of PTSD with elements of CBT for substance dependence. To balance the dual needs of abstinence skill building and prompt trauma treatment, the first five sessions focus on coping skills for cocaine dependence. Session six transitions into exposure therapy, which begins in earnest in session seven and is combined with CBT for the treatment of substance abuse.
CTPCD helps reduce substance use and PTSD symptoms. The use of any illicit drug, as measured by urine screens, was quite low during the 16-week treatment trial and didn’t escalate during the second half of treatment—when most exposure sessions occurred. PTSD symptoms dropped significantly over the course of treatment, as did self-reported depressive symptoms; however, the dropout rate was high (Coffey, Dansky, & Brady, 2003). CTPCD was reformulated into Concurrent Prolonged Exposure (COPE; Mills et al., 2012), which was compared with treatment as usual in a high-complexity clinical sample of individuals who had PTSD and substance dependence. Both treatment conditions resulted in improvements in PTSD with no difference at 3 months (though COPE showed significantly greater improvement at 9 months); moreover, the two conditions did not differ in impact on substance use outcomes, depression, or anxiety.
Integrated CBT
Integrated CBT is a 14-session individual therapy model designed for PTSD and substance use. It incorporates elements such as psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, and breathing retraining (McGovern, Lamber-Harris, Alterman, Xie, & Meier, 2011). A randomized controlled trial showed that both integrated CBT and individual addiction treatment achieved improvements in substance use and other measures of psychiatric symptom severity with no difference between the treatments.
Seeking Safety
Seeking Safety is an empirically validated, present-focused treatment model that helps clients attain safety from trauma and substance abuse (Najavits, 2002a). The Seeking Safety manual (Najavits, 2002b) offers clinician guidelines and client handouts and is available in several languages. Training videos and other implementation materials are available online ( Seeking Safety is flexible; it can be used for groups and individuals, with women and men, in all settings and levels of care, by all clinicians, for all types of trauma and substance abuse.
Seeking Safety covers 25 topics that address cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and case management domains. The topics can be conducted in any order, using as few or as many as are possible within a client’s course of treatment. Each topic represents a coping skill relevant to both trauma and substance abuse, such as compassion, taking good care of yourself, healing from anger, coping with triggers, and asking for help. This treatment model builds hope through an emphasis on ideals and simple, emotionally evocative language and quotations. It attends to clinician processes and offers concrete strategies that are thought to be essential for clients dealing with concurrent substance use disorders and histories of trauma.
More than 20 published studies (which include pilot studies, randomized controlled trials, and multisite trials representing various investigators and populations) provide the evidence base for this treatment model. For more information, see SAMHSA’s NREPP Web site ( as well as the “Outcomes” section of the Seeking Safety Web site ( Study samples included people with chronic, severe trauma symptoms and substance dependence who were diverse in ethnicity and were treated in a range of settings (e.g., criminal justice, VA centers, adolescent treatment, homelessness services, public sector). Seeking Safety has shown positive outcomes on trauma symptoms, substance abuse, and other domains (e.g., suicidality, HIV risk, social functioning, problem-solving, sense of meaning); consistently outperformed treatment as usual; and achieved high satisfaction ratings from both clients and clinicians. It has been translated into seven languages, and a version for blind and/or dyslexic individuals is available.
The five key elements of Seeking Safety are:
- Safety as the overarching goal (helping clients attain safety in their relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions).
- Integrated treatment (working on trauma and substance abuse at the same time).
- A focus on ideals to counteract the loss of ideals in both trauma and substance abuse.
- Four content areas: cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and case management.
- Attention to clinician processes (addressing counter transference, self-care, and other issues).
Substance Dependence PTSD Therapy
Substance Dependence PTSD Therapy (Triffleman, 2000) was designed to help clients of both sexes cope with a broad range of traumas. It combines existing treatments for PTSD and substance abuse into a structured, 40-session (5-month, twice-weekly) individual therapy that occurs in two phases. Phase I is “Trauma-Informed, Addictions-Focused Treatment” and focuses on coping skills and cognitive interventions as well as creating a safe environment. Phase I draws on CBT models, anger management, relaxation training, HIV risk reduction, and motivational enhancement techniques. Phase II, “Trauma-Focused, Addictions-Informed Treatment,” begins with psychoeducation about PTSD followed by “Anti-Avoidance I,” in which a modified version of stress inoculation training is taught in two to four sessions. Following this is “Anti-Avoidance II,” lasting 6 to 10 sessions, in which in vivo exposure is used.
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy
Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET; Ford & Russo, 2006; Frisman, Ford, Lin, Mallon, & Chang, 2008) uses emotion and information processing in a present-focused, strengths-based approach to education and skills training for trauma survivors with severe mental, substance use, and co-occurring disorders across diverse populations. TARGET helps trauma survivors understand how trauma changes the brain’s normal stress response into an extreme survival-based alarm response that can lead to PTSD, and it teaches them a seven-step approach to making the PTSD alarm response less distressing and more adaptive (summarized by the acronym FREEDOM: Focus, Recognize triggers, Emotion self-check, Evaluate thoughts, Define goals, Options, and Make a contribution).
TARGET: The Seven-Step FREEDOM Approach
Focus: Being focused helps a person pay attention and think about what’s happening right now instead of just reacting based on alarm signals tied to past trauma. This step teaches participants to use the SOS skill (Slow down, Orient, Self-check) to pay attention to body signals and the immediate environment and to use a simple scale to measure stress and control levels.
Recognize triggers: Recognizing trauma triggers enables a person to anticipate and reset alarm signals as he or she learns to distinguish between a real threat and a reminder. This step helps participants identify personal triggers, take control, and short-circuit their alarm reactions.
Emotion self-check: The goal of this skill is to identify two types of emotions. The first are “alarm” or reactive emotions such as terror, rage, shame, hopelessness, and guilt. Because these emotions are the most noticeable after trauma, they are the alarm system’s way of keeping a person primed and ready to fend off further danger. The second type of emotion, “main” emotions, include positive feelings (e.g., happiness, love, comfort, compassion) and feelings that represent positive strivings (e.g., hope, interest, confidence). By balancing both kinds of emotions, a person can reflect and draw on his or her own values and hopes even when the alarm is activated.
Evaluate thoughts: When the brain is in alarm mode, thinking tends to be rigid, global, and catastrophic. Evaluating thoughts, as with identifying emotions, is about achieving a healthier balance of positive as well as negative thinking. Through a two-part process, participants learn to evaluate the situation and their options with a focus on how they choose to act—moving from reactive thoughts to “main” thoughts. This is a fundamental change from the PTSD pattern, which causes problems by taking a person straight from alarm signals to automatic survival reactions.
Define goals: Reactive goals tend to be limited to just making it through the immediate situation or away from the source of danger. These reactive goals are necessary in true emergencies but don’t reflect a person’s “main” goals of doing worthwhile things and ultimately achieving a good and meaningful life. This step teaches one how to create “main” goals that reflect his or her deeper hopes and values.
Options: The only options that are available when the brain’s alarm is turned on and won’t turn off are automatic “flight/fight” or “freeze/submit” reactive behaviors that are necessary in emergencies but often unhelpful in ordinary living. This step helps identify positive intentions often hidden by the more extreme reactive options generated by the alarm system. This opens the possibility for a greater range of options that take into consideration one’s own needs and goals as well as those of others.
Make a contribution: When the brain’s alarm is turned on and reacting to ordinary stressors as if they were emergencies, it is very difficult for a person to come away from experiences with a feeling that they have made a positive difference. This can lead to feelings of alienation, worthlessness, or spiritual distress. The ultimate goal of TARGET is to empower adults and young people to think clearly enough to feel in control of their alarm reactions and, as a result, to be able to recognize the contribution they are making not only to their own lives, but to others’ lives as well.
Source: Advanced Trauma Solutions, 2012.
TARGET can be presented in individual therapy or gender-specific psychoeducational groups, and it has been adapted for individuals who are deaf; it has also been translated into Spanish and Dutch. TARGET is a resilience-building and recovery program not limited to individual or group psychotherapy; it is also designed to provide an educational curriculum and milieu intervention that affects all areas of practice in school, therapeutic, or correctional programs. TARGET is listed in SAMHSA’s NREPP (
Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model
The trauma recovery and empowerment model (TREM) of therapy (Fallot & Harris, 2002; Harris & Community Connections Trauma Work Group, 1998) is a manualized group intervention designed for female trauma survivors with severe mental disorders. TREM addresses the complexity of long-term adaptation to trauma and attends to a range of difficulties common among survivors of sexual and physical abuse. TREM focuses mainly on developing specific recovery skills and current functioning and uses techniques that are effective in trauma recovery services. The model’s content and structure, which cover 33 topics, are informed by the role of gender in women’s experience of and coping with trauma.
TREM can be adapted for shorter-term residential settings and outpatient substance abuse treatment settings, among others. Adaptations of the model for men and adolescents are available. The model was used in SAMHSA’s Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study for three of the nine study sites and in SAMHSA’s Homeless Families program, and it is listed in SAMHSA’s NREPP. This model has been used with clients in substance abuse treatment; research by Toussaint, VanDeMark, Bornemann, and Graeber (2007) shows that women in a residential substance abuse treatment program showed significantly better trauma treatment outcomes using TREM than they did in treatment as usual, but no difference in substance use.
TREM Program Format
Each session includes an experiential exercise to promote group cohesiveness. The 33 sessions are divided into the following general topic areas:
- Part I–empowerment introduces gender identity concepts, interpersonal boundaries, and self-esteem.
- Part II–trauma recovery concentrates on sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and their relationship to psychiatric symptoms, substance abuse, and relational patterns and issues.
- Part III–advanced trauma recovery issues addresses additional trauma issues, such as blame and the role of forgiveness.
- Part IV–closing rituals allows participants to assess their progress and encourages them to plan for their continued healing, either on their own or as part of a community of other survivors.
- Part V–modifications or supplements for special populations provides modifications for subgroups such as women with serious mental illness, incarcerated women, women who are parents, women who abuse substances, and male survivors.
Source: Mental Health America Centers for Technical Assistance, 2012.
Triad Women’s Project
The Triad Project was developed as a part of SAMHSA’s Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study. It is a comprehensive, trauma-informed, consumer-responsive integrated model designed for female trauma survivors with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders who live in semirural areas. Triad integrates motivational enhancement for substance use disorders, DBT, and intensive case management techniques for co-occurring mental disorders. This program is a 16-week group intervention for women that uses integrated case management services, a curriculum-based treatment group, and a peer support group (Clark & Fearday, 2003).
Emerging Interventions
New interventions are emerging to address traumatic stress symptoms and disorders. The following sections summarize a few interventions not highlighted in prior chapters; this is not an exhaustive list. In addition to specific interventions, technology is beginning to shape the delivery of care and to increase accessibility to tools that complement trauma-specific treatments. Numerous applications are available and evolving. For more information on the role of technology in the delivery of care, see the planned TIP, Using Technology-Based Therapeutic Tools in Behavioral Health Services (SAMHSA, planned g).
Couple and Family Therapy
Trauma and traumatic stress affects significant relationships, including the survivor’s family. Although minimal research has targeted the effectiveness of family therapy with trauma survivors, it is important to consider the needs of the individual in the context of their relationships. Family and couples therapy may be key to recovery. Family members may experience secondary traumatization silently, lack understanding of traumatic stress symptoms or treatment, and/or have their own histories of trauma that influence their willingness to support the client in the family or to talk about anything related to trauma and its effects. Family members can engage in similar patterns of avoidance and have their own triggers related to the trauma being addressed at the time. A range of couple and family therapies have addressed traumatic stress and PTSD, but few studies exist that support or refute their value. Current couple or family therapies that have some science-based evidence include behavioral family therapy, behavioral marital therapy, cognitive–behavioral couples treatment, and lifestyle management courses (Riggs, Monson, Glynn, & Canterino, 2009).
Mindfulness Interventions
Mindfulness is a process of learning to be present in the moment and observing internal experience (e.g., thoughts, bodily sensations) and external experience (e.g., interactions with others) in a nonjudgmental way. Mindfulness challenges limiting beliefs that arise from trauma, quells anxiety about future events, and simply helps one stay grounded in the present. It plays a significant role in helping individuals who have been traumatized observe their experiences, increase awareness, and tolerate uncomfortable emotions and cognitions.
To date, mindfulness-based interventions appear to be valuable as an adjunct to trauma-specific interventions and in decreasing arousal (Baer, 2003). It may also help individuals tolerate discomfort during exposure-oriented and trauma processing interventions. Overall, mindfulness practices can help clients in managing traumatic stress, coping, and resilience. In a study of firefighters, mindfulness was associated with fewer PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms, physical symptoms, and alcohol problems when controlling for other variables (Smith et al., 2011).
Becoming an Observer and Learning To Tolerate Discomfort: The Leaf and Stream Metaphor
The following exercise, “leaves floating on a stream,” is a classic. Many clinicians and authors provide renditions of this mindfulness practice. The main objectives are to stand back and observe thoughts rather than get caught up in them. Simply stated, thoughts are just thoughts. Thoughts come and go like water flowing down a stream. We don’t need to react to the thoughts; instead, we can just notice them.
Conduct the mindfulness exercise for about 10 minutes, then process afterward. Take time to allow participants to visualize each sense as they imagine themselves sitting next to the stream. For example, what does it look like? What do they hear as they sit next to the stream? Don’t rush the exercise. As you slowly make the statements detailed in the following two paragraphs, take time in between each statement for participants to be in the exercise without interruption; simply offer gentle guidance.
Begin to sit quietly, bringing your attention to your breath. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes. As you focus on breathing in and out, imagine that you are sitting next to a stream. In your imagination, you may clearly see and hear the stream, or you may have difficulty visualizing the stream. Follow along with the guided exercise; either way, it will work just as well.
Now begin to notice the thoughts that come into your mind. Some thoughts rush by, while others linger. Just allow yourself to notice your thoughts. As you begin to notice each thought, imagine putting those words onto a leaf as it floats by on the stream. Just let the thoughts come, watching them drift by on the leaves. If your thoughts briefly stop, continue to watch the water flow down the stream. Eventually, your thoughts will come again. Just let them come, and as they do, place them onto a leaf. Your attention may wander. Painful feelings may arise. You may feel uncomfortable or start to think that the exercise is “stupid.” You may hook onto a thought—rehashing it repeatedly. That’s okay; it’s what our minds do. As soon as you notice your mind wandering or getting stuck, just gently bring your focus back to your thoughts, and place them onto the leaves. Now, bring your attention back to your breath for a moment, then open your eyes and become more aware of your environment.
Facilitated Questions:
- What was it like for you to observe your thoughts?
- Did you get distracted? Stuck?
- Were you able to bring yourself back to the exercise after getting distracted?
- In what ways was the exercise uncomfortable?
- In what ways was the exercise comforting?
For clients and practitioners who want to develop a greater capacity for mindfulness, see Kabat-Zinn’s books Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation In Everyday Life (1994) and Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness (1990). For clinical applications of mindfulness, see Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A New Approach to Preventing Relapse (Segal et al., 2002) and Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors (Marlatt & Donovan, 2005).
Pharmacological Therapy
Pharmacotherapy for people with mental, substance use, and traumatic stress disorders needs to be carefully managed by physicians who are well versed in the treatment of each condition. Medications can help manage and control symptoms; however, they are only a part of a comprehensive treatment plan. There are no specific “antitrauma” drugs; rather, certain drugs target specific trauma symptoms. Clients receiving pharmacotherapy need careful assessment. Some clients with preexisting mental disorders may need further adjustment in medications due to the physiological effects of traumatic stress. In addition, sudden withdrawal from a pattern of self-administered substances can not only lead to dangerous levels of physical distress, but also exacerbate the emergence of more severe PTSD symptoms. Distress after trauma often lessens over time, which can sometimes make the use of medications unnecessary for some individuals. Some trauma survivors do not develop long-term psychological problems from their experiences that require medication; others may simply refuse the initiation of pharmacotherapy or the use of additional medications.
Concluding Note
Behavioral health counselors can best serve clients who have experienced trauma by providing integrated treatment that combines therapeutic models to target presenting symptoms and disorders. Doing so acknowledges that the disorders interact with each other. Some models have integrated curricula; others that address trauma alone can be combined with behavioral health techniques with which the counselor is already familiar.
In part, the choice of a treatment model or general approach will depend on the level of evidence for the model, the counselor’s training, identified problems, the potential for prevention, and the client’s goals and readiness for treatment. Are improved relationships with family members a goal? Will the client be satisfied if sleep problems decrease, or is the goal resolution of broader issues? Are there substance use or substance-related disorders? Is the goal abstinence? Collaborating with clients to decide on goals, eliciting what they would like from treatment, and determining what they expect to happen can provide some clues as to what treatment models or techniques might be successful in keeping clients engaged in recovery.
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