Biophysics Fellows Research Conference at the NIH
The Biophysics Fellows Research Conference at the NIH (BFRC-NIH) will be held at the NIH Bethesda Campus on March 6 and March 7, 2025.
The BFRC-NIH provides 25 predoctoral candidates and postdoctoral biophysics researchers—from the U.S. and abroad who are not already members of an Intramural fellowship program at NIH—the opportunity to explore the rich environment, unique resources, and research opportunities offered by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Conference participants will have the opportunity to exchange scientific research ideas, experiences, and resources through a combination of Three-Minute-Talks (a clear and compelling research story delivered in just 3 minutes), seminars, and networking and poster presentations sessions with the NIH intramural community of early career biophysicists and principal investigators.
Eligibility Criteria for Abstract Submission
Early career biophysicists meeting the criteria described below, including trainees at U.S. and international institutions, are welcome to apply.
- Graduate students in Ph.D. (or Ph.D. equivalent) programs who are engaged in biophysics research and are within 2 years from graduating and are not participating in an NIH Intramural fellowship program. (Fellows receiving funding through an NIH grant or cooperative agreement are eligible.)
- Junior postdoctoral fellows who are no more than 2 years into their postdoctoral training.
Abstract Submission Deadline and Requirements
Candidates should send the following documents in a single file to the BFRC-NIH committee at between April 1, 2024 and July 19, 2024.
- Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
- Cover letter (600 words or less) describing
- your research interests and career goals
- how the conference will benefit your academic growth and professional development
- Research abstract (2500 characters or less, including spaces and carriage returns)
- Names and contact information (phone and email) of two references
- If the applicant becomes a finalist for the travel award, the BFRC committee will contact their references to submit a letter of reference.
Notification and Benefits to Selected Candidates
The BFRC-NIH committee will notify 25 candidates that their abstract is selected by September 18, 2024. The candidates will
- be provided with a travel award to attend the conference in person at the NIH main campus in Bethesda, MD. The travel award includes
- a roundtrip airfare ticket
- per diem rates (meals and hotel accommodations)
- transportation fares (home to airport, airport to hotel, and vice versa)
- network with NIH intramural research trainees, principal investigators, training office staff, and leadership from participating Institutes; share their science and experiences, learn about the research conducted at the NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP), and learn about the unique resources available at NIH
- give a Three-Minute-Talk and present a poster about their own research
Federal Background Check
To be approved for access to NIH facilities and systems, candidates must be able to pass a federal background check, using Standard Form-85 (read SF-85 (PDF, 204 KB) ). NOTE: Section 14 of the form asks, “In the last year, have you used, possessed, supplied, or manufactured illegal drugs?” The question pertains to the illegal use of drugs or controlled substances in accordance with Federal laws, even though potentially permissible under state laws.