Include the following Data Tables for new or renewal applications. Combine in a single document and upload to "Section 9: Data Tables" of the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form.
For applications with due dates on or after January 25th, 2025, tables 1 (all applications) and 7 (renewal applications) will now be required for undergraduate T34 applications.
Applicants must include Baseline Program Data to facilitate NIGMS review of the ability of participating departments/interdepartmental programs to recruit training grant eligible individuals. NIH also uses the number of training grant eligible candidates to determine the appropriate budget and number of funded positions. NIGMS will use the data provided in a manner consistent with applicable law.
The required attachment with Baseline Data on the Trainee Pool must be combined with any other attachments allowed in the "Other Attachments" section and uploaded to "Other Attachments" attachment of the R&R Other Project Information Form and must not be included in the Data Table section.
NIGMS recommends using the Suggested Format Table C to represent the required Census of Participating Departments or Interdepartmental Programs.
NIGMS recommends using the Suggested Format Table D to represent the required Trainee Pool Characteristics.