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កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍របស់ លោកជំទាវ ហង់ លីណា | |
ប្រតិភូរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា ទទួលបន្ទុកអគ្គនាយកវិទ្យាស្ថានជាតិស្ថិតិ | |
ស្តីពី "ការធ្វើជំរឿនប្រជាជន ឆ្នាំ ២០១៩" | |
- កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍វគ្គទី ១ | |
- កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍វគ្គទី ២ |
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Government's Scholarships for National Institute of Statistics |
- KOICA Master's Degree Scholarship program for 2018 |
- New Zealand ASEAN Scholarships - 2018 Selection Round |
- Japan-IMF Scholarship program for Asia (JISPA) 2018-19 |
- Japan-IMF Macroeconomic Seminar for Asia (JIMS) |
Contact person: Mr. Chhuon Sothy, Director of Department, NIS |
Tel: 855-12-832 534 |
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Design of the Data Entry Template using the CAPI Survey Solutions software for CPI |
by ICT Department and National Account Department, National Institute of Statistics |
Supported by World Bank |
Phnom Penh, June 2017 |
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National Validation Workshop on “Assessment of the National Statistical System”
Organized by National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning
Supported by World Bank
Phnom Penh, 20 July 2017
ទំព័រទី 9 ទាំងអស់ 10 ទំព័រ