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State General Funded Services


The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) is moving to the Health Care Authority (HCA). Our current webpages have moved to the Official HCA Website. Please go there for all future DDSD updates.

The Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) provides an array of services that are available to children and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their families. SGF services are available to individuals who are not currently served through one of the Medicaid Waiver Programs (Developmental Disabilities Waiver, Mi Via Waiver, Medically Fragile Waiver). There may be waiting lists for some services.


Please see SGF Service Standards (coming soon) for entire scope of services and personnel requirements.

Respite Services

Respite is a flexible family support service that provides short term, temporary care to people with disabilities or children or adults with intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD). This service allows families to take a break from the daily routine of care giving.

Respite Resources

To find out more about short term respite in a home in Albuquerque, send an email to Alta Mira or call 505-262-0801.

Residential Services

The Residential Services are available to adults, age 22 or older, with IDD.

Supported Living includes personal care, and daily living and social skills training services on a 24-hour basis while living in a home setting with no more than four individuals.

Independent Living Services provide support that enables persons with developmental disabilities to live independently in their own home or with family members. Staff provides support on a planned periodic schedule, averaging at least 20 hours per week.

Adult Day Services

Day Services are available to adults age 22 or older with IDD. Day services include supporting the individual to engage in purposeful work, learning, skill development, or community inclusion activities that are directly linked to their Individual Service Plan (ISP).

Supported Employment

Supported Employment Services provide support services for individuals with IDD who are placed in community-based employment. This is a one-on-one, face-to-face support at the work site and/or on-site support of individuals in group settings. Supports may also include job development, job coaching assistance which provides skill development, and use of generic and natural supports to promote independence.