All-black 24th Infantry
Regiment, 1899. Photo courtesy of National Park Service Historic
Photograph Collection
National Park System Timeline
Yellowstone National Park Act, 1872 - The Act
signed into law on March 1, 1872, established the world's first true
national park. It withdrew more than two million acres of the public
domain in the Montana and Wyoming territories from settlement,
occupancy, or sale to be "dedicated and set apart as a public park
or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people."
It placed the park under the control of the Secretary of the
Interior and gave the Secretary responsibility for preserving all
timber, mineral deposits, geologic wonders, and other resources
within the park. The establishment of the park set a precedent for
placing other natural reserves under federal jurisdiction.
Antiquities Act of 1906 - The Antiquities Act, signed by
President Theodore Roosevelt on June 8, 1906, grew out of a movement
to protect the prehistoric cliff dwellings, pueblo ruins and early
missions in the Southwest. It authorized Presidents to proclaim and
reserve "historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures,
and other objects of historic or scientific interest" on lands owned
or controlled by the United States as "national monuments." It also
prohibited the excavation or appropriation of antiquities on federal
lands without permission from the department having jurisdiction.
Nearly a quarter of the units currently in the National Park System
originated in whole or part from the Antiquities Act.
Act to Establish the National Park Service, 1916 (Organic
Act) - By August 1916 the Department of Interior oversaw 14
national parks, 21 national monuments, and the Hot Springs and Casa
Grande Ruin reservations, but there was no unified leadership or
organization to operate them. Lacking this, the parks and monuments
were vulnerable to competing interests. With encouragement from
future directors Stephen T. Mather and Horace Albright, the National
Geographic Society, journalists, railroad interests and others,
Congress passed what is often known as the Organic Act, which
established the National Park Service and placed all the existing
parks under its management. The legislation established the basis
for the fundamental mission, philosophy, and policies of the
National Park Service.
Reorganization of 1933 - A major reorganization within
President Franklin Roosevelt's executive branch in 1933 had a
tremendous impact on the National Park Service. Specifically, two
executive orders, effective August 10, 1933, transferred the War
Department's parks and monuments to the National Park Service. In
addition the National Park Service received all the national
monuments held by the Forest Service and the responsibility for
virtually all monuments created thereafter. It also assumed
responsibility for the parks in the nation's capital, which had
previously been managed by a separate office in Washington. The
reorganization was one of the most significant events in the
evolution of the National Park System. The Service's holdings were
greatly expanded and there was now a single, national system of
parklands. With the 1933 reorganization and new responsibilities for
historical areas, historic preservation became a primary mission of
the National Park Service.
Preservation of Historic Sites Act, 1935 -The Historic Sites
Act grew out of the National Park Service's desire for a stronger
legal underpinning for its expanding historical programs and from
recognition outside the Service of the need for greater federal
assistance to historic properties. The Act declared "a national
policy to preserve for public use historic sites, buildings and
objects of national significance for the inspiration and benefit of
the people of the United States." It assigned broad powers and
duties to the Secretary of the Interior and the Service, to include
conducting surveys of historic properties to determine which possess
exceptional value as commemorating or illustrating U.S. history.
They were authorized to conduct research; to restore, preserve, and
maintain historic properties directly or through cooperative
agreements with other parties; and to mark properties, establish and
maintain related museums, and engage in other interpretive
activities for public education. The legislation's provision for a
historic site survey proved valuable in identifying potential
additions to the National Park System.
Mission 66 - Mission 66 was a 10-year program, initiated by
National Park Service Director Conrad L. Wirth in 1956, to upgrade
facilities, staffing, and resource management throughout the System
by the 50th anniversary of the Service in 1966. Congress
appropriated more than a billion dollars over the 10-year period for
Mission 66 improvements. The legacy of the program included dozens
of visitor centers, hundreds of employee residences, as well as the
Mather and Albright employee training centers at Harpers Ferry and
the Grand Canyon.
Wilderness Act of 1964 - In the Wilderness Act of 1964,
Congress adopted a policy of securing wilderness areas for the
benefit of present and future generations of Americans. It
established a National Wilderness Preservation System, to be
composed of federally owned areas designated by Congress as
"wilderness areas," that would be administered in a way that would
leave them unimpaired for the use and enjoyment of the American
people as wilderness areas. The legislation prompted the Service to
carefully examine all park land that potentially qualified as
wilderness areas and provided additional legal protection for park
areas threatened with development.
Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 - The Land and
Water Conservation Fund Act established a fund for acquiring new
recreation lands either within or adjacent to existing park units or
new parks. Money for the fund would come from surplus property
sales, motorboat fuel taxes, and other sources. A portion of the
money in the fund would come from fees charged at existing parks.
The fund was administered by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, a new
Interior bureau established in 1962. The legislation took away the
park Service's responsibilities for recreation planning and
assistance together with some of its staff and fund, but the Service
later regained these functions when the Bureau, reconstituted in
1978 as the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, expired in
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - The 1966 Act
required that all historical parks be entered in the National
Register of Historic Places. National Park Service and other federal
agency measures that would affect historic sites became subject to
review by state historic preservation officers and the Advisory
Council on Historic Preservation, a new federal agency established
by the Act.
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 1968 - The Wild and Scenic Rivers
Act provided for the protection and preservation in free-flowing
condition of selected rivers that possessed outstanding scenic,
recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, or cultural
values. It identified eight rivers and adjacent lands in nine states
as initial components of the wild and scenic rivers system, to be
administered variously by the secretaries of Agriculture and the
Interior. It also named 27 other rivers or river segments to be
studied as potential additions to the wild and scenic rivers system.
The legislation added to the National Park System long, winding
units with complex management challenges.
National Trails System Act, 1968 - The National Trails System
Act provided for the establishment of both national recreation
trails accessible to urban areas, to be designated by the Secretary
of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture according to
specified criteria; and national scenic trails to be established by
Congress. It designated two national scenic trails as initial
components of the trails system: the Appalachian Trail and the
Pacific Crest Trail. It also ordered 14 others routes to be studied
for possible national scenic trail designation. Along with the Wild
and Scenic Rivers Act, this legislation expanded the diversity of
units in the National Park System.
Volunteers in the Parks Act of 1969 - This legislation
authorized the Secretary of the Interior to establish a "volunteers
in the parks" program to aid in interpretation functions or other
visitor services or activities in and related to areas administered
by the National Park Service. The legislation provided a vehicle
that allowed the Service to utilize volunteer help and services. The
number of volunteers and volunteers has consistently grown and has
proven increasingly beneficial.
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - The National
Environmental Policy Act formed the nation's basic charter for
environmental protection. It directed federal agencies to carry out
their functions in a way that avoid or minimize environmental
degradation and required them to conduct planning with studies of
potential environmental impact for all development projects. In
addition, the planning process would be open for public input. The
new environmental legislation significantly increased the complexity
of the Service's resource management in the parks.
General Authorities Act, 1970 - The General Authorities Act
of August 18, 1970, redefined the National Park System to include
all areas managed "for park, monument, historic, parkway,
recreational, or other purposes" by the National Park Service. This
marked a change from earlier legislation in which Congress legally
defined the National Park System to exclude most areas in the
recreational category. The legislation declared the various types of
parks to be part of a single system.
Endangered Species Act of 1973 - The Endangered Species Act
required federal agencies to ensure that their activities
(authorized, funded, or executed) do not jeopardize the existence of
any endangered or threatened species of plant or animal (including
fish) or result in the destruction or deterioration of critical
habitat of such species. It also provided for studies to determine
endangered or threatened species and stipulates that it is unlawful
for a person to possess, export, or import such species. This and
other environmental legislation of the 1960s and 1970s served to
bolster the role of science in park management.
Redwood National Park Expansion Act, as amended, 1978 - In
the 1970s Congress grappled with the problem of the encroachment
upon parks by adjacent activities. The coastal Redwoods in Redwood
National Park were being threatened by logging activities outside
the park boundaries. In 1978, Congress expanded the park boundaries
to encompass the remaining watershed and protect the endemic
ecosystem. The legislation was in effect a declaration encouraging
the protection of national parks from external threats.
National Parks and Recreation Act, 1978 - The Act authorized
the additional of 15 units to the National Park System, to include
the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.
Archeological Resources Protection Act, 1979 - The
legislation corrected more than seven decades of inadequate
protection for archaeological sites and objects. It superceded
Antiquities Act as the prime legislative protection for federal
archeological resources by defining them more completely and
establishing appropriate penalty provisions for their destruction or
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, 1980 - The
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act added more than 47
million acres to the National Park System. Two years earlier,
President Jimmy Carter had proclaimed national monuments totaling
roughly 45 million acres in Alaska, greatly expanding the National
Park Service's land management responsibilities. The 1980
legislation sanctioned President Carter's action and converted most
of the national monuments in Alaska into national parks and
preserves. This legislation more than doubled the size of the
national park system and dramatically increased the total designated
wilderness acreage.
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, 1990
- Earlier legislation had expressly forbidden the excavation of
Indian graves and removal of human and ceremonial remains. This act
went further, directing museums to return Indian remains to the
direct or at least cultural descendants for reburial. Compliance
created some difficulties for museums including those in the
National Park Service.
The Vail Agenda, 1992 - In 1992 hundreds of experts from
within and outside the National Park Service participated in a
conference in to commemorate the Service's seventy-fifth
anniversary. The addressed the current status of national park
management and made recommendations for the future. Their report,
known as the Vail Agenda, addressed the status and needs of the
National Parks in the 21st Century. The document
reiterated the concerns expressed in the State of the Park
Report (1980) and the General Accounting Office Report
(1987). Among the recommendations was an urgent call for park
management grounded in scientific research.
National Park Omnibus Management Act of 1998 - The broad
Omnibus Act provided for improved management and increased
accountability for certain National Park Service programs. It
directed reform of the process by which areas are considered for
addition to the National Park System. Specifically, the legislation
provided that no study of the potential of an area for inclusion in
the National Park System be made without the specific authorization
of Congress. The Omnibus Act also instituted the first legislative
reforms of the Service's concessions management practices in a
generation. The Service responded with new regulations and
guidelines for concessions contracts, commercial use authorization,
and the use of franchise fees. It allowed the Service to retain
concessions franchise fees in the parks in which they were
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