
Research at NTNU

Photo of a man exploring a gas burner.

NTNU’s main profile is science and technology. We also have a broad academic range within the humanities, social sciences, economics, medicine, health sciences, educational sciences, architecture, arts, and entrepreneurship.

Units and Strategic areas

Faculties and Departments

Our 5260 researchers work across the full academic spectrum of NTNU, both nationally and internationally.

Research groups, projects, and publications at our 54 departments

Strategic, Centres, PhD and Vacancies

Photo of people lined up. From the allocation of a centre. The one man holds out the documentation on the award.

Research Centres

Other large and national centres

45 Gemini centres, a collaboration between NTNU, SINTEF, University of Oslo, St. Olav's Hospital and NTNU Social Research


Photo on this page


Photo on this page

Gas burning: Geir Mogen/NTNU
Research Centres: Thomas Kulman / The Research Council
Art: Thor Nielsen / NTNU
PhD: Erik Hansen / NTNU
Job: Sondre Sivertsen / NTNU
Nobel: Henrik Montgomery / NTB.