Meetings and Events

OpenBSD Ports, Brian Callahan
2014-08-06 @ 19:45 EDT (23:45 UTC) -, 1500 Broadway, 43rd Street, 6th Floor +

Everyone relies on packages and ports to have easily accessible third-party software for OpenBSD. Have you ever wanted to write your own ports? Bring your laptop and learn how ports are made! You can bring your own software to port, or there will be a collection of software ready to be ported.

Those interested in taking part in the hands-on workshop should email for setup instructions. Please also tell us if you plan on porting software of your choosing. Please sign up for the workshop no later than July 23.

Even if you don't want to be involved in the workshop, come and learn all about ports!

This makes a great first foray into contributing back to OpenBSD.

Brian is a graduate student, beginning his Ph.D. work in Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the Fall. He is an OpenBSD developer, working primarily on ports.