Meetings and Events

Bitrig, John C. Vernaleo
2015-05-06 @ 19:45 EDT (23:45 UTC) - Stone Creek Bar & Lounge, 140 E 27th St +

Bitrig aims to be a free, fast, and secure Unix-like Open Source operating system focusing on modern hardware platforms only. Bitrig is a fork of OpenBSD and recently release version 1.0. I'll give a brief description of what the current status of Bitrig is, where we hope it fits in with the other BSDs, and why we think what we are doing is worthwhile rather than just contributing to an existing OS. I'll give some info on the current progress on Bitrig on ARM devices. Finally, I'll try to explain what our current relationship to the OpenBSD codebase is.

John is an astronomer by training who slowly moved from research to writing code for other people's research to writing code for finance all the way to writing code for startups (and finally to writing code for a BSD). He is a relative latecomer to BSD having previously gone from Solaris to Linux before becoming involved with Bitrig. He is still waiting for the day when his FORTRAN programming skills come in handy again.