Rae Woong Park

BioRelated/Noteworthy Publications
Rae Woong Park

Rae Woong Park, MD, PhD
Director, Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Ajou University School of Medicine

Dr. Rae Woong Park is the Director and Professor of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Ajou University School of Medicine, South Korea, and Chairman of board of directors of The Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI). He graduated Ajou University Medical School (1995) and received his Master of Science and Ph.D. (2006) in the department of pathology. He trained for surgical pathology at the Ajou University Hospital and is a board-certified surgical pathologist (2000). He had won almost 60 government research grants on medical informatics and has more than 160 publications in the medical informatics area. Dr. Park is an active international collaborator of OHDSI and now he in charge of of FEEDER-NET (Federated E-health Big Data for Evidence Renovation Network), a 3-year research project granted from Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy of South Korea. The total budget of the project is about 10M USD. Forty-one largest Korean hospitals joined the FEEDER-NET. The aims of FEEDER-NET include conversion of participating hospitals’ EHR data into CDM and development of a cloud-based open research platform that works on the CDM network.

Dukyong Yoon, Martijn J. Schuemie, Ju Han Kim, Dong Ki Kim, Man Young Park, Eun Kyoung Ahn, Eun-Young Jung, Dong Kyun Park, Soo Yeon Cho, Dahye Shin, Yeonsoo Hwang, Rae Woong Park.  A normalization method for combination of laboratory test results from different electronic healthcare databases in a distributed research network. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (In Press)

Ahn EK, Kam HJ, Park DK, Jung EY, Lee Y, Park RW. Differences among admitting departments in alerts and alert overrides for drug-drug interaction. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. (2014)

Yoon D, Park I, Schuemie MJ, Park MY, Kim JH, Park RW. A Quantitative Method for Assessment of Prescribing Patterns Using Electronic Health Records. PLoS ONE (2013)

Park IW, Sheen SS, Yoon D, Lee SH, Shin GT, Kim H, Park RW. Onset time of hyperkalemia after angiotensin receptor blocker initiation: When should we start serum potassium monitoring? Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. (2014)

ParkRW. A clinical research strategy using longitudinal observational data in the post-electronic health records era. J Korean Med Assoc. (2012)

Park MY, Yoon D, Choi NK, Lee J, Lee K, Lim HS, Park BJ, Kim JH, Park RW. Construction of an Open-Access QT Database for Detecting the Proarrhythmia Potential of Marketed Drugs: ECG-ViEW. Clin Pharmacol Ther. (2012)

Park I, Sheen SS, Lim HS, Yoon D, Park MY, Lee SH, Shin GT, Kim H, ParkRW. Comparison of hyperkalemic risk in hospitalized patients treated with different Angiotensin receptor blockers: a retrospective cohort study using a Korean clinical research database. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. (2012)

D Yoon, MY Park, NK Choi, BJ Park, JH Kim, RW Park. Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction Signals Using an Electronic Health Records Database: Comparison of the Laboratory Extreme Abnormality Ratio (CLEAR). Clin Pharmacol Ther (2013)

Park MY, Yoon D, Lee KY, Kang SY, Park IW, Lee SH, Kim W, Kam HJ, Lee YH, Kim JH, Park RW. A novel algorithm for detection of adverse drug reaction signals using a hospital electronic medical record database. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. (2011)

Park I, Park RW, Lim SK, Lee W, Shin JS, Yu S, Shin GT, Kim H. Rectal culture screening for vancomycin-resistant enterococcus in chronic haemodialysis patients: false-negative rates and duration of colonization. Journal of Hospital Infection. (2011)

Hong Seok Lim, Rae Woong Park. Analysis of Relationship between Levofloxacin and Corrected QT Prolongation Using a Clinical Data Warehouse. Health Informatics Research. (2011)

Man Young Park, Young Ho Lee, Eun Yeob Kim, Woo Jae Kim, Hye Jin Kam, Jong Pill Choi, Tae Hwa Han, Un-Gu Kang, Rae Woong Park. A Data Warehouse Based Retrospective Post-marketing Surveillance Method: A Feasibility Test with Fluoxetine. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2009)

Young-Ho Lee, Un-Gu Kang, Rae-Woong Park. Development of Adverse Drug Event Surveillance System using BI Technology. Journal of Korea Contents Association. (2009)

Seung Soo Sheen, Ji Eun Choi, Rae Woong Park, Eun Yub Kim, Young Ho Lee, Un Gu Kang. Overdose rate of drugs requiring renal doseadjustment: data analysis of four years prescriptions at a tertiary teaching hospital. Journal of General Internal Medicine. (2008)

Kim HS, Hwang Y, Lee JH, Oh HY, Kim YJ, Kwon HY, Kang H, Kim H, Park RW, Kim JH. Future Prospects of Health Management Systems Using Cellular Phones. Telemed J E Health. (2014)

Yoon D, Chang BC, Kang SW, Bae H, Park RW. Adoption of Electronic Health Records in Korean Tertiary Teaching and General Hospitals. International Journal of Medical Informatics (2012)

Park YR, Kim H, An EY, Kim HH, Kim JH, Park RW Park DK Jung EY Kim JH. Establishing semantic interoperability in the course of clinical document exchange using international standard for metadata registry. J Korean Med Assoc. (2012)

In SM, Kim HJ, Park RW, Kim W, Gimm YM, Park I, Hong S, Hong JJ, Oh JH, Kahng H, Park EY. The effects of a 1.8 GHz continuous electromagnetic fields on mucociliary transport of human nasal mucosa.Laryngoscope. (2012)

Lee KS, Sheen SS, Jung YJ, Park RW, Lee YJ, Chung WY, Park JH, Park KJ. Consideration of additional factors in Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score Journal of Critical Care, (2014)

Cheong JY, Um SH, Seo YS, Shin SS, Park RW, Kim DJ, Hwang SG, Lee YJ, Cho M, Yang JM, Kim YB, Park YN. A practical scoring system for predicting cirrhosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. Hepato-gastroenterology. (2012)

Kim W, Kim KS, Lee JE, Noh DY, Kim SW, Jung YS, Park MY, Park RW. Development of novel breast cancer recurrence prediction model using support vector machine. J Breast Cancer. (2012)

Jung EJ, Park DK, Lee YH, Jo HS, Lim YS, Park RW. Evaluation of practical exercises using an intravenous simulator incorporating virtual reality and haptics device technologies. Nurse Education Today. (2012)

Kim S, Kim W, Park RW. A Comparison of Intensive Care Unit Mortality Prediction Models through the Use of Data Mining Techniques. Health Inform Res. (2011)

Hye Jin Kam, Kiyoung Lee, Sun-Mi Cho, Yun-Mi Shin, Rae Woong Park. High-Resolution Actigraphic Analysis of ADHD: A Wide Range of Movement Variability Observation in Three School Courses-A Pilot Study. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2011)

Woojae Kim, Tae Hwa Han, Hyun Jun Kim, Man Young Park, Ku Sang Kim, Rae Woong Park. An Automated Measurement of Ciliary Beating Frequency using a Combined Optical Flow and Peak Detection. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2011)

HJ Kam, YM Shin, SM Cho, SY Kim, KW Kim, RW Park. Development of a decision support model for screening attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder with actigraph based measurements of classroom activity. Applied Clinical Informatics. (2010)

EY Kim, KO Lim, SW Ham , RW Park. The Model Predicting Unqualified Dental Practitioners Experience Pattern. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. (2010)

HJ Kam, S Choi, JP Cho , YG Min, RW Park. Acute Diarrheal Syndromic Surveillance Effects of Weather and Holidays. Applied Clinical Informatics. (2010)

Hye Jin Kam, Jin Ok Sung, Rae Woong Park. Prediction of Daily Patient Numbers for a Regional Emergency Medical Center using Time Series Analysis. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2010)

Doo Hwan Lee, Jung Hwan Ahn, Sang Cheon Cho, Gi Woon Kim, Young Gi Min, Rae Woong Park, Yoon Seok Jung, Joong Pil Cho. The Applicability and Usefulness of Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance Using a Computerized Data Source for Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis and Meningitis. Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. (2010)

Sun-Mi Lee, Rae Woong Park. Basic Concepts and Principles of Data Mining in Clinical Practice. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2009)

Jong Pill Choi, Tae Hwa Han, Rae Woong Park. A hybrid Bayesian network model for predicting breast cancer prognosis. Healthcare Informatics Research. (2009)

RW Park. Future of Helath Information on the Internet. The Korean Association of Hospital. (2009)

Eun-young Jung, Rae Woong Park, Yong Su Lim, Heejung Hwang,Young Ho Lee, Kug Sang Jeong, Dong Kyun Park. Development and Application of the RFID System for Patient Safety. Health Informatics Research. (2009)

Nam Seok Joo, Yong Woo Park, Tae Soo Park, Geon Hong Shin, Rae Woong Park, Bom Taeck Kim. Medical Cost and Hospital Visit by Obesity and Central Obesity. The Korean Society for the Study of Obesity. (2008)

Rae Woong Park, Eun Yeob Kim, Sung Chul Hwang. What kind of medical equations and decision trees do physicians want in their daily activities? : Analysis of one-year MedCalc 3000® log data. Health Informatics Research. (2007)

Kyoung-Jin Lee, Jieun Choi, Sung-Chul Hwang, Byung-Hyun Ha, Eui-Jun Park, Jae Il Lee, Myeng-Ki Kim, Rae-Woong Park. Development of a Medical Ontology Library: Analysis of the Clinical Terms in the Medical Records of a COPD Patient. Health Informatics Research. (2006)

Hye Won Lee, Yu Rang Park, MS, Jaehyun Sim, Rae Woong Park, Woo Ho Kim, Ju Han Kim. The tissue microarray object model: a data model for storage, analysis, and exchange of tissue microarray experimental data. Archive of Pathology & laboratory medicine. (2006)

Rae Woong Park, Seung Soo Shin, Young In Choi, Jae Ouk Ahn, Sung Chul Hwang. Computerized Physician Order Entry and Electronic Medical Record Systems in Korean Teaching and General Hospitals: Results of a 2004 Survey. Journal of medical informatics association. (2005)

Rae-Woong Park, Joon-Hoe Eom, Ho-Yong Byun, Peom Park, Kyi-Beom Lee, Hee-Jae Joo. Automation of gross photography using a remote-controlled digital camera system. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. (2003)

Park RW, Jang WY, Yi SY, Ko YH, Joo HJ, Lee KB. Automation of Abstract-Associated Work in Annual Scientific Meeting of Professional Society Using the Internet. J Korean Soc Med Inform. (2002)