Education and training

See this page for an overview of the education system in Australia and particularly in Western Australia. 

You can also access links to various sources of information on education as well as external websites on education options for new families arriving in Australia. 

For a comprehensive look at education and studying in Australia visit Study Australia — Australian Education System.

For information on education in WA see the Department of Education website.

Non-government school education in WA

Non-government school education in WA falls into two categories—independent schools and Catholic schools:


In WA, children turning four years old prior to 30 June of that year are able to attend kindergarten.

Compulsory schooling begins in pre-primary when a child is turning five years old prior to 30 June of that year and ceases upon completion of year 12 (approximately 17 to 18 years old).

Information on public education in WA can be obtained from the Department of Education website including:

Information about non-government school education in WA including religiousvalues-based or a particular educational philosophy can be accessed on the Association of Independent Schools of WA website.

Learning English

English language courses are provided through the Australian Government's Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

Intensive English language programs to humanitarian school-aged entrants and migrant students are provided at Intensive English Centres (IEC).

The following schools provide intensive English language programs for students from years 1 to 12:

For students from Years 1 to 6:

For students from Years 7 to 10:

For students in Years 11 and 12:

For further information about learning English in WA contact the following organisations:

Learning languages other than English

The following organisations provide classes for languages other than English:

The following organisations provide support for teachers of languages other than English:

Tertiary study

General information regarding training, study and workplace development can be obtained from the Department of Training and Workplace Development.

Information about university studies including admission requirements and courses can be accessed on the Universities Australia website.

Overseas students, agents and counsellors can access a guide to education in Perth on the Study Perth website.

Open Universities Australia offers online higher education or professional development.

The following list includes government tertiary study organisations and the WA universities websites:

Page reviewed 28 January 2025