Opera 浏览器中的标签表情符号

个性化你的标签页,用标签 Emojis 表达自己。在 Opera 浏览器中整理混乱的标签页时享受乐趣。 了解更多

Opera 浏览器中的标签表情符号 Opera 浏览器中的标签表情符号




用 Tab Emojis 为你的标签页添加有趣的个性化元素,在浏览时保持条理清晰。

有用 🔥


个人 ✨


乐趣 🌈


轻松 😎



Airbnb | Vacation rent

Opera Web Browser

Instagram | Post to Ins

YouTube - Opera

Uber Eats | Food Delivery

Inbox - @gmail.com

Heart emoji background I would love a holiday... Unfortunately I'm just a sentient caption on a webpage. :( I would love a holiday... Unfortunately I'm just a sentient caption on a webpage. :(
Heart emoji background Yeah, we heart you too. <3 Yeah, we heart you too. <3
Heart emoji background Aren't we overusing the heart emoji just a wee bit? Aren't we overusing the heart emoji just a wee bit?
Heart emoji background Ooh! Ooh! You should check out "kitten vs TWO scary things." Totes adorbs. Ooh! Ooh! You should check out "kitten vs TWO scary things." Totes adorbs.
Heart emoji background While you're there, could you get me some fries? Wait, garlic naan. Or sushi. Nomnomnom. While you're there, could you get me some fries? Wait, garlic naan. Or sushi. Nomnomnom.
Heart emoji background So, what, you love sorting email? I mean... it is satisfying to report spam, so, I get it. We can be friends. So, what, you love sorting email? I mean... it is satisfying to report spam, so, I get it. We can be friends.
Poop emoji background Not looking forward to your trip? I'm guessing... family reunion? Not looking forward to your trip? I'm guessing... family reunion?
Poop emoji background I'm not usually one to judge, but for you I'll make an exception. I'm not usually one to judge, but for you I'll make an exception.
Poop emoji background Ah, I see you're also a person of culture. Ah, I see you're also a person of culture.
Poop emoji background Is this a commentary on ads? Is this a commentary on ads?
Poop emoji background Hey, here's that room-temperature flat bag of food you ordered. Please tip. Hey, here's that room-temperature flat bag of food you ordered. Please tip.
Poop emoji background So, is this a comment on the pressures of modern life, or do you just like the poop emoji? So, is this a comment on the pressures of modern life, or do you just like the poop emoji?
Palm emoji background Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya... Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya...
Palm emoji background We agree, Opera is a kick-back-and-relax type of browser. We agree, Opera is a kick-back-and-relax type of browser.
Palm emoji background If this is where you go to relax, what do you do for excitement? If this is where you go to relax, what do you do for excitement?
Palm emoji background Looking for a break from the internet? We recommend Relaxing ocean sounds. Looking for a break from the internet? We recommend Relaxing ocean sounds.
Palm emoji background Mmmm... coconut drinks. With little umbrellas. Mmmm... coconut drinks. With little umbrellas.
Palm emoji background You've won a dream vacation! (totally not spam) You've won a dream vacation! (totally not spam)
Pizza emoji background Want to settle the Chicago deep dish vs New York pizza debate? Or visit Italy for the OG pizza? Want to settle the Chicago deep dish vs New York pizza debate? Or visit Italy for the OG pizza?
Pizza emoji background Did you know? The word pizza is thought to have derived from the Medieval Greek word, pitta, meaning pie. Did you know? The word pizza is thought to have derived from the Medieval Greek word, pitta, meaning pie.
Pizza emoji background Someone should start a TikTok just for pizza. PizzaTok? Tikzza? Someone should start a TikTok just for pizza. PizzaTok? Tikzza?
Pizza emoji background Looking for pizza-baking videos to fall asleep to? Mood. Looking for pizza-baking videos to fall asleep to? Mood.
Pizza emoji background What's the difference between a good and a bad pizza joke? The delivery. What's the difference between a good and a bad pizza joke? The delivery.
Pizza emoji background So, like, do you have a dedicated account for you pizza delivery orders? I like you. So, like, do you have a dedicated account for you pizza delivery orders? I like you.










Drag emojis to the tabs above

01 03

利用 Opera 的更多功能优化您的浏览体验






Save and collect web content easily, share it visually.

Discord in Opera

Stay connected with your Discord communities in Opera’s sidebar.

Slack in Opera

Stay focused and organized with Slack in Opera’s sidebar.

Bluesky in Opera

Stay connected with Bluesky in Opera’s sidebar.

01 03


Opera的广告拦截器和Flow文件共享。这些都是 Opera 中内置的必备功能,可让您更快、更流畅、无干扰地浏览网页,从而改善您的上网体验。

您值得拥有更好的浏览器 您值得拥有更好的浏览器
