When it comes to lower receiver parts, each one is important and serves a specific purpose. This is especially true for AR15 Buffer Springs, as the buffer affects everything from recoil to your comfort. Whether you're building a new rifle or want to adjust one of your favorites, we have tons of JP Enterprises AR15 Buffer Springs, Geissele AR15 Buffer Springs, Maxim Defense Industries AR15 Buffer Springs, and more, so you can find the exact one that meets your needs. Our AR15 Buffer Springs are available for a wide variety of firearms and calibers, from small pistol caliber carbines to long-range hunting rifles and more. We even have stealth and titanium buffer springs available in both rifle and carbine length, giving you full customization over your firearms to tune them to your exact needs. We even have various tungsten and steel weights for your buffer setup, as well as spacers and other accessories that help you adjust your buffer spring and the assembly.
Do Buffer Springs Make a Difference?
Yes they do, AR15 Buffer Springs are some of the most significant parts to ensure the rifle fires consistently and accurately. Specifically, the buffer and buffer spring absorb some of the recoil when you fire, causing the spring to compress. Then, the spring expands again, sending the buffer back and hitting the bolt carrier so that it can chamber another round. This motion is what allows semi-automatic fire in the rifle. Without a proper buffer spring, your rifle would not cycle rounds properly.
How Long Should an Be?
The exact length of a buffer spring depends on your firearm. For example, if you have a carbine, you'll need a shorter buffer spring because the firearm is typically smaller. A carbine length buffer spring is usually between 10 inches and 11.25 inches. For rifles, the spring can be anywhere between 11.75 inches to 13.5 inches.
Shop AR15 Buffer Springs Today!
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