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Lee 92130 Challenger Press W/Breech Lock 38 Special Dies 13% Off w/ Free S&H
Product Info for Lee 92130 Challenger Press W/Breech Lock 38 Special Dies
Lee Precision 92130 Challenger Press w/Breech Lock 38 special Dies - The 40th Anniversary Pack contains Lee Challenger III Reloading Press and FREE 38 Special | 357 Magnum Breech Lock Carbide 3-Die Set. The Challenger III Reloading Press, the "O" frame press by design is the strongest and by far the most popular style press. The larger than average 4" opening allows for maximum hand clearance. Priming is a dream with the Lee Lever Prime System. Best of all, it includes the Breech Lock Quick Change die system. Change dies instantly with a twist of the wrist, and you never have to re-adjust your die. Ergonomic lever with priming position improved, no stooping at the bottom of the stroke. Through ram primer disposal, spent primers fall through the ram and collect in a convenient emptying tube. Keeps the dirt and grime off the press frame and ram. Breech Lock 3-Die Set includes colored Smart Lock bushings for easy die identification, Carbide Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data.
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Lee 92130 Challenger Press W/Breech Lock 38 Special Dies
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