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I hate to say it but this mount loosens the suppressor with a Keymo mount. The comp ports are built right on the taper so it shakes lose the suppressor which is obviously a big No No. It’s an awesome muzzle break works great at recoil unsuppressed and is one of the only 2 port comps of this size you can get in keymo. But no doubt it shakes the suppressor lose were other comps don’t, was an obvious difference between this one and another brand Keymo which held on no problem. This one I checked every 3 shots and would loosen. Have not heard of this happening to anyone else with this comp but is what I experienced. I hate to say it cause Lantac is awesome and the build quality is 100% but had to change it out.
This safety is pure feedback with a positive snap that you know you’re safe or fire with confidence. Does not bog up in between setting and spring actions back into last setting if not fully snapped into safe or fire. Duty grade that won’t bump itself off fire if you bang against something in a bad situation. This is the safety selector you want when you need a safety you can trust.
Put in an AR that runs hard and literally kills springs, after replacing the buffer spring a few times and having same result of working perfectly first time out shooting then all the sudden running super slow as the spring is dying. Decided to try the Geissele and went the extra mile of converting the buffer to rifle length with a BCM Mod 2 buffer tube and BCM T series buffer. Now it’s flawless have not had any problems since. If you are running a binary, FRT trigger or especially FA this spring is a must have. I actually purchased a back up Super 42 rifle length spring just in case but don’t think at this point I will ever need to use it. Geissele builds their parts like a tank. Could not be any happier!
Using this BCG in a 11.5 with an Armaspec captured H2 buffer and works 100% as advertised. Unsuppressed mode works perfect unsuppressed. Adjust setting to the suppressor setting and notice bolt won’t hold open if unsuppressed because it’s not supposed to on that setting and means working like it should. Put the suppressor on and bolt holds open last shot on suppressed setting. Also the adjustment is not too stiff or too hard to adjust but definitely holds in place. It’s perfect and they got it dialed in right. 100% recommend on 5.56 as it’s designed for.