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Reviews & Ratings for Julbo Bora Bora Single Vision Prescription Sunglasses
— 1 review — Page 1
(1 review)
Julbo Bora Bora Single Vision Prescription Sunglasses
from FL, United States
Written on July 6, 2017
The sunglasses are great in that they wrap around your face and block out all the sun. Very clear and comfortable. The only problem is that within a week after purchasing these sunglasses the paint started bubbling up and peeling off. Now instead of having a brown and teal pair of sunglasses, I have a solid white pair from all the paint peeling off. I could probably get over the paint, if I wouldn't have spent so much on Rx sunglasses and have them start messing up within a week of them arriving.
clear optics
paint peels off
Best Used for:
light use so paint wont peel as bad
Would recommend: No
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