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Verified Owner
from OR, United States
Written on October 3, 2016
I got some of these in an Otis 9mm to.45 caliber pistol cleaning kit, the one with a short length of memory flex cable, that was a free gift from my LGS with a new 9mm. The first time I tried one in the 9mm it got stuck in the chamber and only came up with a bit of manipulation after disassembling the pistol. Actually the regular sized Otis all caliber patches work fine with 9mm and .38 caliber guns but I just wanted to try them in the new 9mm, since they are rated for that. Later on I tried them in a .45 1911 pistol and found that these are perfect for that caliber, while the regular all caliber patches just slip through hardly touching the sides of a .45 in my experience, even with the tightest knot. So I ordered a supply of the panoply patches for my .45s from Optics Planet. Nowadays I am using the Otis system including the Otis solvent for a quick clean-up at the range without disassembling pistols, while the barrels are still warm. This seems to get a fair amount of the carbon fouling up before I do a field strip and more thorough cleaning at home and there are no concerns about bristles, old crud or broken cords, as with other quick cleaning methods.
Would recommend: Yes
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from CA, United States
Written on March 13, 2015
These are much thicker than the standard Otis patches and great for cleaning larger bore pistols (9mm and up). With the Otis system, each patch can be used 6 times. Still not sure why the different textures on the different sides. Cleans much better than a bore snake. These patches will clean additional fowling after multiple passes with a bore snake.
Larger bore pistols.
Small bore pistols.
Best Used for:
Larger bore pistols.
Would recommend: Yes
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