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Reviews & Ratings for Stack-On PC650B Portable Case Security Safe Black
— 2 reviews — Page 1
from VA, United States
Written on January 2, 2015
The fingerprint scanner portion actually makes this unsafe. First, the scanner is just 2 thin strips of metal that you would need to rub your fingerprint over in order to open. These thin strips are pointless in an emergency situation (very cumbersome). Second and worst of all is that after I recorded one fingerprint so that it would open for that finger I found that I could open it with ANY finger or thumb.
In my opinion the biometric feature is not ready for primetime in this price range from any company. I ended up going with a keyed lock and feel much more secure.
Would recommend: No
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Verified Owner
from NC, United States
Written on December 23, 2014
Purchased the Stack-)n PC650B Security Safe for use in my vehicle, specifically to secure a handgun when needed. I was pleasantly surprised by the overall quality, fit, finish and construction. The safe come with batteries and a cable to secure it to the object of your choice, in my case the seat mounting bracket in my truck. No worries or issues doing this. The instructions for programming the fingerprint reader are straight forward and easy to follow, again nothing to worry about on that front. in fact the only draw back on this safe is that the fingerprint reader can be a little touchy and that can get frustrating, then again it may just be me. All in all it fits a mid sized handgun well and does exactly what it is advertised to do. I'm very pleased.
well made
Fits under truck seat
Has back up keys
Easy to program and operate
Fingerprint reader can be touchy
Would recommend: Yes
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