San Francisco, CA, August 26, 2009—Rin and Ami have been skipping molecular biology class all semester, and Professor Moro has had enough—he's sentencing them to summer school on his private island. But they're in store for a special lesson. Using Dr. Moro's virtual reality machine, they'll travel inside the human body and get a close-up look at the fascinating world of molecular biology.
In The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology (No Starch Press, August 2009, 240 pp, ISBN 9781593272029), readers tag along with Ami and Rin as they journey inside the body's cells and nuclei. As they travel, they learn about core topics in molecular biology like protein synthesis, amino acids, cell division, DNA replication, and genetics. Along the way, they experience chemical reactions first-hand and even meet entertaining characters like Enzyme Man and Drinkzilla, who show them how the liver metabolizes alcohol.
"Molecular biology can be difficult because it involves the study of things we can't normally see. But it's an absolutely essential subject," said No Starch Press founder Bill Pollock. "I'm excited about this sixth installment of our Manga Guide™ series because the comics and the story are just so compelling. Who wouldn't want to be small enough to see DNA at work?"
In The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology, readers learn about:
- The organelles and proteins inside cells, and how they support cellular functions
- Transcription and translation, and the role genes play in synthesizing proteins
- The pieces that make up our genetic code, like nucleotides, codons, introns, and exons
- The processes of DNA replication, mitosis, and cytokinesis
- Genetic technology like transduction and cloning, and the role of molecular biology in medicine
Whether readers need a molecular biology refresher or are just fascinated by the science of life, The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology will give them a uniquely fun and informative introduction.
For more information or to request a review copy of The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology, contact Travis Peterson at No Starch Press (nostarchpr@oreilly.com, +1.415.863.9900, x300), or visit www.nostarch.com.
About the Author
Masaharu Takemura is a Lecturer at the Tokyo University of Science in biology, molecular biology, and life sciences. A Doctor of Medical Science, Takemura has written several books about biology.
Praise for Other Books in the Manga Guide Series:
"Presents statistics as something fun, and something enlightening."
"The most enjoyable tech book I've ever read."
"A fun and fairly painless lesson on what many consider to be a less-than-thrilling subject."
"A solid book and I wish there were more like it in the IT world."
"Way better than trying to comprehend a bland statistics book."
"Engaging, organized, and easy to understand."
"A perfect addition to a homeschool curriculum...great for anyone wanting an introduction or a refresher on statistics."
"A light, impressively non-oppressive read, especially considering the technical nature of its subject."
"This book is pretty revolutionary in its style and approach to making physics accessible to all."
Sample pages from The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology:
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Excerpt from The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology
Table of contents overview
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Index (PDF)
Large cover image
The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology
by Masaharu Takemura, Sakura, and Becom Co., Ltd.
August 2009, 240 pp
ISBN 9781593272029, $19.95 USD
Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from www.oreilly.com/nostarch, or directly from No Starch Press (www.nostarch.com, orders@nostarch.com, +1.415.863.9900).
About the Manga Guide Series
Each volume in the Manga Guide series explains essential scientific and technical subjects using Japanese-style comics. Co-published with Ohmsha, Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan, each guide is written by a scientist or mathematician with expertise in the field and illustrated by a professional manga artist and scenario writer, ensuring the authenticity and accuracy readers demand. Bestsellers in their original Japanese, these unique books are translated into English with the assistance and oversight of technical experts. Titles in the series include The Manga Guide to Statistics (9781593271893, Nov 2008), Databases (9781593271909, Jan 2009), Electricity (9781593271978, Mar 2009), Physics (9781593271961, May 2009), Calculus (9781593271947, Aug 2009), and Molecular Biology (9781593272029, Aug 2009).
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Founded in 1994, No Starch Press is one of the few remaining independent technical book publishers. We publish the finest in geek entertainment—unique books on technology, with a focus on Open Source, science, security, hacking, programming, alternative operating systems, and LEGO. Our titles have personality, our authors are passionate, and our books tackle topics that people care about. Visit www.nostarch.com for a complete catalog.
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