Explore publicly available reports and data related to the work of the MPCA with interactive tools and maps. If you have questions about these data, please contact the Data Desk at datadesk.mpca@state.mn.us.
- Air - cumulative impacts survey of states
- Air dispersion modeling source parameters in e-Service
- Air emissions - point source facility data
- Air emissions - Regional 2016 model platform
- Air emissions - Regional haze visibility
- Air emissions - statewide
- Air monitoring - Active statewide monitoring sites
- Air monitoring - East Phillips Community
- Air monitoring - Federal Ammunition
- Air monitoring - North Minneapolis
- Air monitoring - Statewide criteria pollutants
- Air monitoring - Statewide PM2.5 and ozone
- Air monitoring - Twin Cities AQMesh sites
- Air monitoring - Water Gremlin all pollutants
- Air monitoring - Water Gremlin specific pollutants
- Air toxicity values
- Minnesota air quality index
- Minnesota air toxics data explorer
- Modeled PM2.5 and ozone concentrations
- Photochemical modeling (2016 v1b) performance PM2.5
- Best management practices by watershed
- Irrigation (Class 4A) narrative translator
- Long term biological monitoring of rivers and streams
- Long-term stream trends
- Minnesota National Lake Assessment
- Minnesota probablistic stream surveys
- Protecting wild rice waters
- Saint Louis River Area of Concern sediment and biological monitoring data
- Spending for water quality implementation projects
- Minnesota Nutrient Reduction Strategy best management practice adoption summary
- Total maximum daily load status
- Volunteer water monitoring program summary
- Water quality assessment results
- Watershed Pollutant Load Monitoring Network water monitoring data
- Watershed pollutant load reduction calculator
- Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy status
Business with us
- Air modeling - PSD minor source baseline dates
- Air permit applications received
- Enforcement actions with penalties
- Permit application tracker
- Underground storage tanks certified contractors
- Wastewater facility and discharge monitoring report data
- Wastewater loading by facility
- Wastewater nitrogen data summary tool
- Wastewater permit submittal checklists
- Wastewater staff contacts
Data Desk