The MPCA's regulatory, cleanup, and monitoring programs create and maintain spatial data that serve our environmental protection work. We share our spatial data with partners and researchers who use geographic information system (GIS) software to make maps or serve other needs. Many of the resources also include comma-separated values (csv) files that do not require GIS software.
MPCA datasets
Minnesota Geospatial Commons holds data and resources from many government sources.
- Impaired waters (303d list) – MPCA's list of waters that don't meet water quality standards, refreshed every two years.
- Assessed waters (305b list) – MPCA's list of the waters that have been assessed for their ability to support recreation activities, aquatic life, and water supply use.
- Feedlots in Minnesota – Location of animal feedlots including contact and permit information, animal counts, and nearby waterbodies.
- Wastewater facility locations
- Wastewater surface discharge monitoring locations
- Land-application sites – Locations where treated wastewater solids, manure, industrial by-products, or petroleum-contaminated soil are spread on land.
- Water quality monitoring stations
- Municipal stormwater permit holders
- MPCA remediation sites
- Institutional controls – Remediation sites with land use controls or restrictions
- Statewide altered watercourse project – Inventory of Minnesota streams that have been channelized, ditched, dammed, or otherwise altered.
- Environmental benefits index top five percent areas – Data layer shows areas that have high potential for precipitation runoff and soil erosion.
MPCA ArcGIS Online includes interactive maps and other content from the MPCA.
MPCA Web Map Services Directory includes map services that you can include in your own maps.
MPCA data visualizations include both spatial and non-spatial interactive dashboards.
MPCA ReSTful Services includes restful services you can use to incorporate data into your own application.