Post-Election Planning Know Your Rights (KYR) in a Changing Immigration Landscape
6:00 PM18:00

Post-Election Planning Know Your Rights (KYR) in a Changing Immigration Landscape

No matter who is president, everyone living in the U.S. has certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution. Undocumented immigrants have these rights, too. In this webinar, we will be addressing Know Your Rights (KYR) basics for the immigration community and discuss additional safety planning for families in the event of escalated ICE raids and enforcement measures.

This free webinar will be hosted in English & Spanish. This event provides general legal information only and should not be considered as legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for guidance regarding your specific situation.

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Webinar:  Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life!
6:00 PM18:00

Webinar:  Master Your Emotions, Transform Your Life!

Survivors of domestic or sexual violence often face challenges with stress, anger, and mood swings. These overwhelming emotions can make it difficult to navigate daily life after experiencing such traumatic events. However, by learning to regulate these strong feelings and control impulsive reactions, survivors can improve their mental well-being, foster healthier relationships, and regain control over their lives.

Join us for this informative webinar as we introduce practical tools and techniques for emotional regulation. These strategies can help you manage emotions, improve relationships, and boost your mental health.

If you’re ready to take charge of your emotional well-being and feel more positive about yourself, this webinar is for you!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm


Federico Carmona, Trauma Therapist

For more information, please contact
ASL interpretation will be available.

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Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) Documentary Screening
6:30 PM18:30

Mujeres Fuertes (Strong Women) Documentary Screening

Free Screening of the Strong Women (Mujeres Fuertes) Documentary with talk and Empowerment Self-Defense demo by the producer, hosted by Peace Over Violence and Mujeres Fuertes.

Learn about empowerment self-defense in an inspiring and uplifting documentary set in the beaches and jungles of Costa Rica. Follow along as the four protagonists drive across the country to deliver a dozen training sessions in just two weeks, and learn about sisterhood, transformation and healing through self-defense through their eyes and the stories of the women they meet along the way.

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Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía
10:30 AM10:30

Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía

  • POV West San Gabriel Valley Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A free legal clinic for individuals interested in applying for citizenship. Attorneys will be available to assist individuals at any stage of the naturalization application process. English language assessments will be provided on-site and staff will also be screening for exceptions to the English language component of the naturalization exam. Information regarding financial assistance may be available for those receiving CalWorks.

Una clínica legal gratuita para personas interesadas en aplicar por la ciudadanía. Abogados estarán disponibles para ayudar a las personas en cualquier etapa del proceso de su solicitud de naturalización. Las evaluaciones del idioma inglés se proporcionarán in situ y los abogados también examinarán las excepciones al componente del idioma inglés del examen de naturalización. La información sobre la asistencia financiera puede estar disponible para aquellos que reciben CalWorks.

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Webinar: How to Protect Your Mental Health when Leaving an Abusive Relationship isn’t an Option
10:30 AM10:30

Webinar: How to Protect Your Mental Health when Leaving an Abusive Relationship isn’t an Option

Enduring domestic violence can be incredibly challenging and distressing. Enduring abuse is never the right answer; abuse is harmful and destructive. However, when leaving isn’t an option, there are some ways to cope with the ongoing abuse while preparing for a better future.

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POV: Day of the Dead Community Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

POV: Day of the Dead Community Celebration

POV: Dia de los Muertos

Annual community celebration | Celebración anual de la comunidad

November 4th | 4 de noviembre

10:00AM — 1:00pm

Join us for Dia De Los Muertos activities, Community Resource Fair and resources for the family | Únase para actividades, feria de recursos comunitarios para la familia

325 N Hoover St, Los Angeles, CA 90004

Uncover the significance and purpose of Dia De Los Muertos, a celebration that honors and remembers the lives of those we've lost. | Descubre la importancia y el propósito del Día de los Muertos, una celebración que honra y recuerda a las vidas de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros.

Resource fair open at 10 am, program starting at 10:30 pm | La feria de recursos abrirá a las 10 de la mañana, y el programa comenzará a las 10:30 de la mañana.

Program Agenda | Agenda del Programa: 

10:30 AM | Land Acknowledgement | Reconocimiento de la Tierra 

A moment to recognize and respect the land we stand on, acknowledging its history and significance. | Un momento para reconocer y respetar la tierra en la que estamos parados, entendiendo su historia y su importancia.

10:45 AM | Welcome and Introduction to POV Services | Bienvenida e Introducción a los Servicios de Peace Over Violence 

We extend a warm welcome and introduce you to the invaluable services provided by Peace Over Violence.

11:00 AM | Day Of the Dead - Meaning and Purpose  | Día de los Muertos - Significado y Propósito 

Dive deep into the beautiful traditions and meaning behind Dia De Los Muertos. Explore its significance and why it's cherished by so many. | Sumérgete en las hermosas tradiciones y el significado detrás del Día de los Muertos. Explora por qué es tan importante y querido por tantas personas.

11:30 AM | Entertainment | Entretenimiento


12:00 PM | Honoring and Remembrance to Lives Lost | Homenaje y Recuerdo a las Vidas Perdidas 

Join us as we pay heartfelt tributes and honor the lives of those who are no longer with us. | Únete a nosotros mientras rendimos homenaje de corazón y honramos a las vidas de aquellos que ya no están con nosotros.

RSVP by October 27 | RSVP antes del 27 de octubre

Street parking, we encourage ridesharing and public transportation | Estacionamiento en la calle, recomendamos compartir viajes y transporte publico

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Emotional Regulation After Relational Trauma Webinar Series
to May 25

Emotional Regulation After Relational Trauma Webinar Series

Dating can be challenging for some people, especially those who have experienced traumatic losses, betrayal, or abuse in relationships.
Most people who have experienced interpersonal trauma work hard to heal their relational wounds, improve their sense of self, and make themselves emotionally available for that right person out there. Yet some residuals of their trauma symptoms can still be there, ready to trigger a range of thoughts and behaviors from dangerous impulses to paralyzing fear.

Peace Over Violence offers this free 4-session webinar to help people prepare for dating again or improve their dating experience after interpersonal trauma. Each weekly session is 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

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Public Self Defense Empowerment Training for Women and Girls 16+
10:00 AM10:00

Public Self Defense Empowerment Training for Women and Girls 16+

Public Self Defense Empowerment Training for Women and Girls 16+

Saturday, April 15

Peace Over Violence is offering a free self defense class open to to all women and girls 16+. This trauma-informed class will include learning how to set boundaries, preventative measures, and easy to learn self defense techniques.

Saturday, April 15
English Class | 10:00am - 12:00pm

POV Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017

For more information, contact

This class is open to individuals 16+ years of age. POV follows all CDC safety measures; proof of vaccination and masks are required for participation.


Questions, please email:

This is a trauma informed course.

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Women’s Empowerment Self Defense
10:00 AM10:00

Women’s Empowerment Self Defense

Women’s Empowerment Self Defense


Peace Over Violence is offering a free self defense class open to to all women and girls 18+. This trauma-informed class will include learning how to set boundaries, preventative measures, and easy to learn self defense techniques.

Friday, December 9
Spanish Class | 10am to 12pm
English Class | 1pm to 3pm

POV Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017

For more information, contact

This class is open to individuals 18+ years of age. POV follows all CDC safety measures; proof of vaccination and masks are required for participation.

Empoderamiento de Mujeres Defensa Personal


Paz Sobre Violencia ofrece una clase gratuita de defensa personal abierta a todas las mujeres y niñas mayores de 18 años. Esta clase, informada por el trauma, incluirá cómo fijar límites, las medidas preventivas y técnicas de defensa personal que son fáciles de aprender.


El viernes, 9 de Deciembre
Clase en español | 10am a 12pm
Clase en inglés | 1pm to 3pm

Oficina central de POV en Metro
1541 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Fl, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Para más información, contacte 
La clase está abierta a individuos mayores de 16 años. POV sigue toda medida de seguridad del CDC; se requiere prueba de vacunación y mascarillas para poder participar.


Questions, please email:

This is a trauma informed course.

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Dating After Relational Trauma Webinar
to Nov 18

Dating After Relational Trauma Webinar

Dating can be challenging for some people, especially those who have experienced traumatic losses, betrayal, or abuse in relationships.
Most people who have experienced interpersonal trauma work hard to heal their relational wounds, improve their sense of self, and make themselves emotionally available for that right person out there. Yet some residuals of their trauma symptoms can still be there, ready to trigger a range of thoughts and behaviors from dangerous impulses to paralyzing fear.

Peace Over Violence offers this free 4-session webinar to help people prepare for dating again or improve their dating experience after interpersonal trauma. Each weekly session is 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute Q&A.

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Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía
12:00 PM12:00

Here to Stay: Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica de Ciudadanía

  • POV West San Gabriel Valley Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

NATURALIZATION CLINIC | 10.26.22 • 12:00 - 3:00pm
A free legal clinic for individuals interested in applying for citizenship. Attorneys will be available to assist individuals at any stage of the naturalization application process. English language assessments will be provided on-site and staff will also be screening for exceptions to the English language component of the naturalization exam. Information regarding financial assistance may be available for those receiving CalWorks.

Clínica de DACA u Ciudadanía | Miercoles, 12.07.2022 • 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Taller gratuito de DACA y ciudadanía donde nuestro personal y voluntarios ayudan a verificar la elegibilidad para DACA, completar y someter aplicaciones de renovación de DACA, verificar la elegibilidad para la ciudadanía, completar y someter la aplicación de ciudadanía y preparar solicitudes de exención de tarifas si los clientes no pueden pagar la tarifa de la aplicación de ciudadanía.

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Here to Stay: DACA & Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Taller de DACA y Ciudadanía
12:30 PM12:30

Here to Stay: DACA & Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Taller de DACA y Ciudadanía

  • Peace Over Violence Metro Headquarters (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

DACA & NATURALIZATION CLINIC | Tuesday, 07.12.2022 • 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Free DACA and Naturalization application workshop where our staff and volunteers help verify eligibility for DACA, complete and file DACA renewal application, help verify eligibility for citizenship, complete and file citizenship applications, and prepare fee waiver requests if clients cannot afford the filing fee for the naturalization application.

Clínica de DACA u Ciudadanía | Miercoles, 12.07.2022 • 12:30 - 3:30 pm
Taller gratuito de DACA y ciudadanía donde nuestro personal y voluntarios ayudan a verificar la elegibilidad para DACA, completar y someter aplicaciones de renovación de DACA, verificar la elegibilidad para la ciudadanía, completar y someter la aplicación de ciudadanía y preparar solicitudes de exención de tarifas si los clientes no pueden pagar la tarifa de la aplicación de ciudadanía.

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Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Screening Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de Remedios de Inmigración
10:00 AM10:00

Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Screening Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de Remedios de Inmigración

Virtual Immigration screening Clinic | Wednesday, 05.18.2022 • 10am - 1pm

Receive a free consultation to determine if you are eligible for any immigration relief and legal representation. RSVP preferred, but not required. Please arrive on time and make sure to bring all documents related to your immigration case and criminal record, if applicable.

Clínica Virtual de Remedios de Inmigración | Miercoles, 18.05.2022 • 10am - 1pm
Reciba una consulta gratuita para determinar si es elegible para algún remedio de inmigración y representación legal. Se prefiere RSVP, pero no es obligatorio. Llegue a tiempo y asegúrese de traer todos los documentos relacionados con su caso de inmigración y antecedentes penales, si corresponde.

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Denim Day Rally
10:30 AM10:30

Denim Day Rally

Peace Over Violence invites you to
GEAR UP & SHOW UP: Wear your jeans!

Denim Day Rally

Wednesday, April 27th
10:30am — 12:00pm

Support Survivors and Prevent Sexual Violence

LA City Hall South Lawn
200 N Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Speakers • Resources • Activities • Merch • Giveaways • Coffee • Pastries

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The Weight of Stress on our Health Webinar
6:00 PM18:00

The Weight of Stress on our Health Webinar

It often seems like talk of stress is everywhere. But what exactly is it and how can it affect our mental and physical health? And—importantly—what are some strategies that we can use to deal with stress?

In this webinar, Dr. Jennifer Sumner, a clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at UCLA, will address all these topics and answer your questions related to stress and health. Attendees will learn how to define stress as well as trauma, recognize ways in which these experiences can impact our mind and body, and cultivate techniques for managing stress.


Friday, April 1, 2022 at 6pm PST


On Zoom:


Please submit any questions to:

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Violencia en las Parejas Adolescentes: Lo Que Los Padres Necesitan Saber
11:00 AM11:00

Violencia en las Parejas Adolescentes: Lo Que Los Padres Necesitan Saber

Taller virtual gratuito para padres y familia. Febrero es el mes que trae conciencia a la violencia en las parejas adolescentes. Hablaremos sobre la violencia entre parejas adolescentes, como apoyar a un joven, y otros temas.


Rene Martinez, Cordinador De Padres
y experto en la prevención de violencia
de parejas adolescentes  


Viernes 18 de febrero de 11pm -12:30pm


Virtualmente en vivo por Zoom


Registrese en avance en el link debajo. Recibira la confirmacion en correo electronico con la informacion de el taller.

¡Comuníquese con si tiene preguntas!

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Dating After Trauma Webinar Series
to Mar 12

Dating After Trauma Webinar Series

  • Google Calendar ICS

This free 8-session webinar is designed to help people prepare for dating again or improve their dating experience after interpersonal trauma. Each weekly session is 30 minutes, followed by a 10-minute Q&A.

Spanish and ASL interpretation will be available for each session. 
Habrá interpretación de español y ASL disponible para cada sesión.

To join our webinar series, Dating after Trauma, please submit the zoom registration form below.

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Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration DACA Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de DACA
12:30 PM12:30

Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration DACA Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de DACA

Free DACA application workshop where our staff and volunteers help verify eligibility for DACA, complete and file DACA renewal applications.

Taller gratuito de DACA donde nuestro personal y voluntarios ayudan a verificar la elegibilidad para DACA, completar y presentar formularios de renovación de DACA.

Register through the Zoom form below or contact Samantha at or 626.584.6191. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Regístrese a través del formulario Zoom a continuación o comuníquese con Samantha, o 626.584.6191. Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse al taller.

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Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de Naturalización
12:00 PM12:00

Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Naturalization Clinic | Aquí para Quedarse: Clínica Virtual de Naturalización

Free citizenship application workshops where our staff and volunteers help verify eligibility for citizenship, complete and file citizenship applications, and prepare fee waiver requests if clients cannot afford the filing fee. 

Talleres gratuitos donde nuestro personal y voluntarios ayudan a verificar la elegibilidad para la ciudadanía, completar y presentar formularios de ciudadanía y preparar solicitudes de exención de tarifas si los clientes no pueden pagar la tarifa de presentación. 

Register through the Zoom form below or contact Samantha at or 626.584.6191. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Regístrese a través del formulario Zoom a continuación o comuníquese con Samantha, o 626.584.6191. Después de registrarse, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con información sobre cómo unirse al taller.

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Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Screening Clinic
12:00 PM12:00

Here to Stay: Virtual Immigration Screening Clinic

21-09-Here to Stay.png

Receive a free consultation to determine if you are eligible for any immigration relief and legal representation. RSVP preferred, but not required. Please arrive on time and make sure to bring all documents related to your immigration case and criminal record, if applicable.

Join us on Zoom  •  Meeting ID: 834 1284 6297  •  Passcode: 341365

Topic: Here to Stay Immigration Screening Clinic
Time: Sep 17, 2021 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 1284 6297
Passcode: 341365
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Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 834 1284 6297
Passcode: 341365
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Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
2:00 PM14:00

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

The Legal Advocacy Project is hosting a free family law clinic about Domestic Violence Restraining Orders.

What can we do for you?

  • Provide links to forms and answer your questions

  • Provide legal information about restraining orders

  • Explain the court process

This clinic is limited to information on domestic violence restraining orders. Representation is not guaranteed. Spaces are limited - please RSVP by June 16, 2021.

For more information, contact Jocelyn at 213-955-9090 x 1193 or

Register today!


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Workshop: California Victim Compensation Program
1:00 PM13:00

Workshop: California Victim Compensation Program

2106 advocacy.png

The Legal Advocacy Project is hosting a free virtual workshop about the California Victim Compensation Program.

This reimbursement program is designed to assist victims in paying bills and expenses that result from certain violent crimes, including domestic violence. The workshop will review eligibility requirements and provide support from the Legal Advocacy team to fill out applications and answer questions.

This workshop is free and open to the public. All are welcome.

Spanish translation available upon request. Please contact for more information.


Register today.


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Virtual DACA Clinic
10:30 AM10:30

Virtual DACA Clinic

The Legal Advocacy Project is hosting a free clinic for community members who would like to apply for their initial DACA application or apply for a DACA renewal.

To find out if you are eligible, contact us at or 626-584-6191 ext. 1193

Services are provided in both English and Spanish.

Registration deadline is Wednesday, June 9th 2021

Register today!


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Webinar: Spotlight on AAPI Mental Wellness within Today's Sociopolitical Context
1:00 PM13:00

Webinar: Spotlight on AAPI Mental Wellness within Today's Sociopolitical Context

Thursday 5/27 1-2pm PST
By Carmela Capinpin, POV Trauma Therapist

This webinar aims to provide context and add nuance to the histories and contemporary lived experiences of Asian American communities. We will explore topics related to intergenerational and community violence, and their connection to mental wellness and challenges.

This event will be held live via zoom with a Q&A session following the presentation. It will also be recorded for access after airing. Registrations are required and free.

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Peace Over Violence: Movements Matter
12:00 PM12:00

Peace Over Violence: Movements Matter

Guest Patti Giggans and host Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW, share their insights on this episode of “Resiliency Within: Building Resiliency in Unprecedented Times.”

From civil rights, to violence against women, to disability and LGBTQ rights, to the current Black Lives Matter and MeToo, movements shape what is important and impact policy and culture. Patti Giggans is the Executive Director/CEO at Peace over Violence and has been an advocate, author and movement leader. Peace Over Violence came into existence out of the feminist violence against women movement in the late sixties/early seventies. This year POV celebrates its 50th year. POV operates the longest running sexual and domestic violence hotline in the country and are the originators of Denim Day–a sexual violence prevention campaign now in its 22nd year.

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Teen Empowerment Dance Class
4:00 PM16:00

Teen Empowerment Dance Class

Introducing a 4-week Teen Empowerment Dance Class

Come build awareness for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month while practicing self-care.

Teen Dance Empowerment Program
Dance, relax, meditate, and connect with your self and community! Critical Mass Dance Company's Teen Dance Empowerment Program serves youth, ages 16-25 years old. This program utilizes our trauma-informed healing movement practice called Dance From the Heart to build self-confidence, reduce stress, and anxiety. Teens who have participated in our empowerment programs walk out of our virtual classes blissed out, deeply relaxed, and with a newfound love for self. No dance or meditation experience is necessary!

Week 4: self-empowerment
February 25, 2021 from 4pm-5:30pm

Meet Patille Violeta of the Teaching Artist/Teen Empowerment Program

Patille discovered the healing power of dance when she joined Critical Mass Dance Company in 2016. She is one of CMDC's Teaching Artists and the Teen Empowerment Program Facilitator. Patille has been teaching Dance From the Heart classes to youth and women at CMDC since 2017. Through CMDC's Teen Empowerment Program, she has taught Dance From the Heart classes at nonprofits and schools across Los Angeles, including MOSTe Girls, South Central Sisters, Peace Over Violence, Kid City Hope Place, A Place Called Home, Abode Communities, Alexandria House and more. She is passionate about creating brave and safe spaces for youth to ground, explore their identity, and discover their passions. Patille brings ten years of Youth Wellness Advocacy to her work. She is a trauma-informed Yoga teacher, Reiki Master Practitioner,  Meditation Teacher, and Painter.  Patille's mission is to support the community with tools that promote wellbeing, emotional resilience, inner peace, and positive self-esteem. 

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