Getting Yourself out of the Room during "Winter Depression"

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Whitney Bartol
A building on the campus of Georgetown University.

Second semester is upon us, and unfortunately so is the cold. Some people may love the cold, but for me this often means staying inside my room locked away from the frigid weather and the rest of college. While it is nice to cuddle up with a movie every now and then, too much time in the dorm room can lead to inevitable loneliness and what many of us call “winter depression.” So here are a few ways I motivate myself to get out even when its unbearably cold!

Workout Classes

Now you could throw on some gloves and a hat and go for a run outside, but I personally cannot do exercise in the icy cold. Therefore, to stay active in the winter I love going to different workout and exercise classes! Whether I go to a nearby yoga class or a spin class in my school’s gym, working out with others always gets my spirits up. I also highly encourage getting a buddy to go with you and make the group class that much more fun!

Trying New Food

My favorite thing during the season of cold weather is sitting down with a warm bowl of soup or plate of delicious pasta. One thing that always makes everyone happy is food! Either by going with friends to a new restaurant or simply trying a new dish at your dining hall, getting out of your room to try new types of food will always reduce any type of “winter depression” that may come your way.

Find a Study Spot

I usually do all my work in my room, but when it gets to wintertime, I like to try and find a new place to study on campus to keep myself from procrastinating and crawling into my bed. There is always the library on campus, but I encourage you all to find a new study spot that might lift your spirits rather than depress them. It could be a nearby coffee shop, a random couch in the student center, or even a table at the dining hall!

While the winter months may make you want to hide under a blanket, taking minor actions such as these can help combat feelings of loneliness. Stay connected to your community and Spring Break will be here before you know it!

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