5 activities to help students practice English over holidays

Pearson Languages
A overhead shot of a child holding a map and looking at it

Practicing English is a thing that ideally needs to be kept up with regularly, and when school breaks up for the holidays, it's easy for what’s been learnt to be forgotten. This phenomenon is called summer learning loss, and it’s something that affects students of every age and stage.

So, how can you encourage your students or children to keep practicing their language skills over the holidays? There are apps and online activities –but the school holidays are a good opportunity for young learners to disconnect and enjoy some time offline. So here are some activities to suggest to them. There are no screens in sight, and the whole family can enjoy practicing English together:

Go on a nature walk

Get them out into the fresh air with nature spotting. Make a list of things for your students/children to find in their garden or local park. You can keep the list simple for younger learners, with things like trees, grass or flowers, linking them to colors or numbers. For older learners, you can make the search a bit more challenging by including specific species of tree, flower or insect.

This offline activity reinforces the links between English and the natural world. It helps to build children’s observational skills and builds their natural vocabulary along with their gross motor skills. What’s more, multiple studies have shown that spending time in nature is enormously beneficial for children, restoring their attention, reducing their stress and helping them to become more creative and engaged in learning.

Follow a recipe

For this activity, choose a recipe that you think your students/children will enjoy making.

Cakes or cookies are popular choices – most young learners have a sweet tooth! Then, with their parents or caregiver, they can make a shopping list of the ingredients they need, buy them from the supermarket, and then follow the recipe steps.

This type of offline activity helps young learners use their English in a practical way. It will develop their vocabulary and link their English language skills to other skills like math and science. Following a recipe from start to finish teaches children how to follow instructions and problem solve. It also builds their fine motor skills as they pour, stir and chop. They’ll get a considerable boost to their confidence when they take their cake out of the oven – and they’ll be able to share that success with their family and friends. After all, nearly everyone likes cake!

Read a story

Reading has numerous benefits for children (and adults too). It is good for building vocabulary, developing creativity and promoting empathy. What’s more, reading has been shown to reduce stress levels dramatically. It’s the perfect antidote to too much screen time and a good way for learners to maintain their English level over the holidays. But it’s essential to ensure the text's level is correct. If it’s too difficult, they will be frustrated and put off. It’s crucial for reading to be enjoyable!

Older learners can read independently, but you can also suggest some books to read with parents/caregivers. Reading aloud together is a really positive way for adults and children to spend time together. It positively impacts children’s self-esteem and builds good associations with reading, hopefully encouraging them to become independent readers.

Learn how to read a map

This activity involves a little bit of preparation– but it’s a fun activity and gets children outdoors and away from screens! Open up local maps, and have children select somewhere they’d like to visit. Then, they can create a navigation guide in English, building on their vocabulary of directions and surroundings to describe the route.

Learning how to read a map and follow directions is an excellent cognitive and physical exercise. It helps young learners to solve problems and builds their decision-making and observational skills.

Do some experiments

Suggest some DIY science experiments to do at home. Just like the recipe challenge, learners will need to make a list of the materials they’ll need and gather all the experiment components before setting everything up. Then, they will follow the instructions in English and see how their experiments turn out!

Science experiments are a great way to nurture children’s intellectual curiosity and develop critical thinking skills. It also encourages learners to solve problems and analyze results. Who knows, you could even be planting the seed of a STEM career in future years!

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    Teaching engaging exam classes for teenagers

    By Billie Jago
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Teachers all over the world know just how challenging it can be to catch their students’ interest and keep them engaged - and it’s true whether you’re teaching online or in a real-world classroom.

    Students have different learning motivations; some may be working towards their exam because they want to, and some because they have to, and the repetitiveness of going over exam tasks can often lead to boredom and a lack of interest in the lesson. 

    So, what can we do to increase students’ motivation and add variation to our classes to maintain interest? 

    Engage students by adding differentiation to task types

    We first need to consider the four main skills and consider how to differentiate how we deliver exam tasks and how we have students complete them. 

    Speaking - A communicative, freer practice activity to encourage peer feedback.

    Put students into pairs and assign them as A and B. Set up the classroom so pairs of chairs are facing each other - if you’re teaching online, put students in individual breakaway rooms. 

    Hand out (or digitally distribute) the first part of a speaking exam, which is often about ‘getting to know you’. Have student A’s act as the examiner and B’s as the candidate. 

    Set a visible timer according to the exam timings and have students work their way through the questions, simulating a real-life exam. Have ‘the examiners’ think of something their partner does well and something they think they could improve. You can even distribute the marking scheme and allow them to use this as a basis for their peer feedback. Once time is up, ask student B’s to move to the next ‘examiner’ for the next part of the speaking test. Continue this way, then ask students to switch roles. 

    Note: If you teach online and your teaching platforms allow it, you can record the conversations and have students review their own performances. However, for privacy reasons, do not save these videos.

    Listening – A student-centered, online activity to practice listening for detail or summarising.

    Ask pairs of students to set up individual online conference call accounts on a platform like Teams or Zoom. 

    Have pairs call each other without the video on and tell each other a story or a description of something that has happened for their partner to listen to. This could be a show they’ve watched, an album they’ve listened to, or a holiday they’ve been on, for example. Ask students to write a summary of what their partner has said, or get them to write specific information (numbers, or correctly spelt words) such as character or song names or stats, for example. Begin the next class by sharing what students heard. Students can also record the conversations without video for further review and reflection afterwards.

    Writing – A story-writing group activity to encourage peer learning.

    Give each student a piece of paper and have them draw a face at the top of the page. Ask them to give a name to the face, then write five adjectives about their appearance and five about their personality. You could also have them write five adjectives to describe where the story is set (place). 

    Give the story’s opening sentence to the class, e.g. It was a cold, dark night and… then ask students to write their character’s name + was, and then have them finish the sentence. Pass the stories around the class so that each student can add a sentence each time, using the vocabulary at the top of the page to help them. 

    Reading – A timed, keyword-based activity to help students with gist.

    Distribute a copy of a text to students. Ask them to scan the text to find specific words that you give them, related to the topic. For example, if the text is about the world of work, ask students to find as many jobs or workplace words as they can in the set amount of time. Have students raise their hands or stand up when they have their answers, award points, and have a whole class discussion on where the words are and how they relate to the comprehension questions or the understanding of the text as a whole. 

    All 4 skills – A dynamic activity to get students moving.

    Set up a circuit-style activity with different ‘stations’ around the classroom, for example: 

    • Listening 
    • Reading 
    • Writing (1 paragraph) 
    • Use of English (or grammar/vocabulary). 

    Set a timer for students to attempt one part from this exam paper, then have them move round to the next station. This activity can be used to introduce students to certain exam tasks, or a way to challenge students once they’ve built their confidence in certain areas. 

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    Real-world English: How GSE Job Profiles bridge learning and work

    By Sara Davila
    Reading time: 5 minutes

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    That’s where the Global Scale of English (GSE) Job Profiles comes in. For educators and program developers, it offers a bridge between real-world job skills and the English learners need to perform them. Whether you’re creating programs for nursing assistants, hospitality workers, or IT professionals, this tool ensures that learners build the precise English skills they need to thrive in their roles.

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    Teacher technology adoption: What’s age got to do with it?

    By Jennifer Williams
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Educators, by design, are innovators. Living and working in a constant state of beta, teachers bring to the classroom a natural desire to explore and better understand new practices and methodologies to support students in their search for knowledge.

    Guided by an internal drive to make the world a better place and powered by the rewards of working daily with the youth that can create that positive change, teachers collectively are part of a profession different from any other. Within one classroom on any single day, a teacher can become a scientist, a historian, an inventor, or a scholar. Over time, whether in a one-room schoolhouse a century ago or in a technology enhanced classroom of the digital age, these defining characteristics of “teacher” have seemed to stay constant.

    Bridging the generational and digital divide

    Today, as citizens of our digital and global world, we are in an extraordinary time where divides are closing and collaboration becomes standard – where differences are truly celebrated and associations are surpassing separations in society. As educators, this change reflects what we have consistently asserted in our classrooms.

    Yet, terms like 'generational gap” and “digital divide” suggest a significant separation between us as teachers and our students. In truth, teachers and students are increasingly using a shared language of innovation and exploration. Rather than sticking to notions of a technology-based generational divide, many are transcending the labels of “digital immigrants” and “digital natives”.

    This is further reinforced by current research demonstrating that technology adoption in education has less to do with age and instead is based more on exposure and experience (Bennett & Maton, 2010; Bullen, Morgan, & Qayyum, 2011; Guo, Dobson, & Petrina, 2008; Helsper & Eynon, 2010).  As opposed to a focus on divides, this new evidence offers supportive pathways of possibilities to bring together older and younger generations in the process of learning in our world through exploration and wonder.

    Embracing skill development

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    Timeless lessons from teachers

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    Critical consumers

    Today, students in our classrooms are bombarded with information at nearly every moment in time. With basic searches for information often leading students in multiple directions, research at every level has now become a highly complex and sophisticated process. The result is that we now see learning practices shifting from finding answers to discovering more questions.

    Teachers can guide students to evaluate and consume information critically. By promoting transparency and sharing, they help learners consider context and sources, reason with evidence and build knowledge.

    Creators of rich content

    As classrooms advance as blended learning environments, seamless integration of technologies and innovative teaching practices offers students opportunities to transform from passive learners to active content creators. With countless digital tools available for content creation, students can seek guidance from teachers on matching the best tool to a particular communicative purpose.

    Teachers who are skillful in creating synthesized messages can show students ways to comprehend and compose with combinations of digital technologies. Less in the role of directing lessons, the teacher becomes a catalyst for learning, inspiring students to work creatively and collaboratively to solve problems and respond to instructional lessons as producers of information.

    Centered on relationships

    A defining quality of a master teacher is the ability to create a positive learning community built on empathy and understanding. The focus on relationships in these classrooms models the continued importance of valuing alliances and friendships.

    Soft skills, such as joy, honesty, trust and respect, become even more essential as our students continue to interact in a highly networked and diverse world. Balance, too, becomes a critical area for discussion as students look to divide attention, time and social-emotional reserves between onscreen and in-person experiences.

    Within responsive classrooms and digital learning spaces that keep emphasis on the formation of relationships, teachers can offer opportunities for students to develop through collaboration, teamwork, solidarity and conflict resolution.

    Resilient in endeavors

    Our students are looking out onto a world where anything is possible. Digital age technologies are empowering students to believe: “if you can dream it, you can do it”. The impossible is within reach, and a mindset of grit and determination moves sparked ideas to a place of accomplishment and excellence.

    Through the creation of learner-driven classrooms centered on the student, teachers can help guide students to narrow their interests and ultimately find their passions. With relevance and authentic purpose, teachers can connect students in the process of learning through design thinking and trial and error – shifting the outlook from fear of failure to resilience and 'stick-to-itiveness' to advance learning to a place of discovery and invention.

    And it is this mindset – a position of inquiry and exploration – held by students and teachers, young and old, that can show that great will come from risk. We all just need to be ready to try.