Real-world English: How GSE Job Profiles bridge learning and work

Sara Davila
Students sat at a desk looking at a textbook together, with a teacher pointing to it
Reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know that improving your English proficiency can increase earning potential by up to 50% and safeguard your career against AI? Recent research by Pearson highlights that English is not just a skill but a career-defining advantage in today’s globalized workplace. For millions of adult learners, the journey from the classroom to the workplace requires more than general conversational abilities—it’s about gaining targeted, job-ready skills as quickly as possible. For English language educators, understanding what “job-ready” English is and how to identify “job-ready” skills can provide a significant advantage in ensuring learners are prepared to communicate effectively and collaborate with their future coworkers.

That’s where the Global Scale of English (GSE) Job Profiles comes in. For educators and program developers, it offers a bridge between real-world job skills and the English learners need to perform them. Whether you’re creating programs for nursing assistants, hospitality workers, or IT professionals, this tool ensures that learners build the precise English skills they need to thrive in their roles.

Let’s walk through how to create a GSE Job Profile and explore its practical use for building programs that align with today’s professional realities.

Using GSE Job Profiles for modern program development
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Creating a GSE Job Profile in the GSE Teacher Toolkit

The GSE Job Profiles integrates real-world job requirements with GSE learning objectives. It maps skills to proficiency ranges on the GSE scale (10-90), giving you a snapshot of what learners need to do and at what level.

Here’s how to create a job profile:

  1. Access the GSE Teacher Toolkit
    • Navigate to the Professional Learners section to find the GSE Job Profiles information.
  2. Select ‘Choose Job Role’ to filter by Industry and Job Role
    • Use the intuitive menu to select your target industry (e.g., Healthcare support, Legal, or Construction and Extraction).
    • Choose the specific role you’re targeting, such as Registered Nurse.
  3. Generate the profile
    • Keep the GSE slider open to see all skill levels, from Starter (10 / <A1) to Expert (90 / C2).
    • Click Search to generate results.
  4. Download the profile
    • Export the list of skills as a PDF. This gives you a ready-made framework to guide curriculum design and stakeholder discussions.

Using GSE Job Profiles for modern program development

Creating a profile is just the first step—how do you use it? The real power of the GSE Job Profiles lies in its ability to transform curriculum design, ensuring that your program delivers the most relevant skills efficiently.

Case study: Designing an accelerated language program for licensed practical nurses

Let’s say you’re tasked with developing a short program to support licensed practical or vocational nurses. Use the GSE Teacher Toolkit to generate a learner profile.

After generating the GSE Job Profile, you see 32 key skills ranging from GSE 46 to GSE 63. You decide to build a four-module program with clearly defined milestones. Here is an example of the program outline based on the GSE Job Profile. 

Program plan: Accelerated licensed practical nurses


Focus Skills

GSE Range

CEFR Level

Module 1: Understanding instructions

Reading, Listening



Module 2: Technical communication

Speaking, Writing



Module 3: Collaborative problem-solving

Speaking, Listening



Module 4: Advanced workplace communication

Speaking, Reading



Step 1: Prioritize targeted skills

The job profile shows which skills are essential at each GSE level. For Module 1, there may only be four foundational skills, such as working with straightforward instructions or recognizing speaker attitude. While this might seem limited, focusing on these critical objectives ensures learners master essential communication within their role.

For example:

  • Skill: "Can recognize a speaker's feelings or attitudes.”
  • GSE Level: 50 (B1).

In a six-week module, lessons would combine reading, listening and speaking tasks related to this skill, ensuring learners gain confidence in using the language in relevant ways. A nuanced understanding of feelings and attitudes in the healthcare industry can help prevent numerous potential misunderstandings.

By developing these skills, the course improves language ability in relevant ways, improving daily communication with patients, making learning more meaningful and ensuring that each lesson moves learners forward in their communication and career goals.

Step 2: Build scaffolding and stretch goals

With GSE ranges, you can strategically challenge learners by introducing skills slightly above their current level. For instance, Module 3 learners working to make additional progress in English by increasing the GSE level, for example: Can suggest solutions to problems and explain why they would work (GSE 60). This “stretching” builds confidence and helps the learner progress.

Step 3: Align content and assessment

Once the curriculum is outlined, use the job profile as a benchmark to review your:

  • Materials: Choose textbooks, digital resources and practice activities that target the identified skills.
  • Assessments: Build quizzes or role-play activities to evaluate learners’ mastery of job-specific tasks.

Example: For Module 2 learners (GSE 51-57), assessments might involve clearly instructing a patient in a role-play conversation. This might include instructions on how to take specific medications or explaining how to use specific medical equipment the patient may need to use daily.

Why it works: Focus, precision and measurable outcomes

GSE Job Profiles enables educators to:

  1. Save time: Focus on relevant skills without guessing what learners need.
  2. Target proficiency: Design programs that match learners’ current abilities while pushing them forward.
  3. Measure success: Use GSE levels to set realistic goals, monitor progress and demonstrate impact to stakeholders.

The future of English for employability

The GSE Job Profiles is more than just a tool—it’s a roadmap for educators looking to equip learners with job-ready English in a fast-changing workplace. Whether you’re addressing skills gaps, revising existing curricula, or developing new programs, this tool ensures every hour spent in the classroom delivers measurable progress toward future success.

Find out more about how Pearson’s Global Scale of English helps fast-track learner progress with our free resources for educators.

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