
Sibling Fights: Putting Kids in the Same Boat

If you can’t stand to stay out of your children’s fights, and decide to become involved, the most effective way is to put your children in the same boat. Do not take sides or try to decide who is at fault. Chances are you wouldn’t be right, because you never see everything that goes on.

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Let Them Help: ECE tool cards

By incorporating the "Let Them Help" tool into your interactions with young children, you can help them develop important life skills, boost their self-esteem, and foster a sense of belonging and significance.

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Strong Willed Child


I have so many issues I don't even know where to begin. I am the proud mother of a beautiful 2 year old daughter. She is the light of my life but boy are we having troubles. She is very independent and strong-willed. Also very LOUD!!!

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Prepare the Group in Advance – Early Childhood Tool Card

Navigating the daily routines and transitions with young children can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Yet there's a simple tool that can make these moments smoother: preparing the group in advance. This Positive Discipline tool  a responsive environment for young children and invites more harmony.

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Teaching Kids Emotional Regulation Skills

TANTRUMS! Ah, the tantrum. This is a sharp trigger for adults. Can we prevent them? Sometimes we can, on a really good day. But the truth is, sometimes they just need to FEEL, and this is their way of expressing their emotions.

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Bullying Siblings


I have 3 boys. The oldest is 12, the middle 11 and youngest 7. The middle child has ADHD. My oldest son is a bully to the middle child. My question is how do I handle my sons when they are bickering in front of their friends outside? For instance, my oldest son and friends wanted to play soccer and the middle one said, “I don't want to play,” and the oldest makes fun of him for not wanting to play the game and the neighborhood kids make fun also. This is an every other day occurrence. Thanks for your help in advance

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Encouragement: What does it mean and how is it done?

Rudolf Dreikurs taught, “A child needs encouragement like a plant needs water.” In other words, encouragement is essential. Children may not die without encouragement, but they certainly wither. Since encouragement is so essential, it would be good for parents to know exactly what encouragement means and how to do it. Let’s start with what encouragement is not.

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Empowering Young Minds: Positive Discipline’s Wheel of Choice

In the world of early childhood education, empowering children with important social and life skills is paramount. One powerful tool in achieving this is the "Wheel of Choice". This simple yet effective tool can be used both in the classroom and at home to foster decision-making skills and emotional regulation in young children.

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Growing Capable Kids: Teaching Daily Life Skills with Joy using Positive Discipline in a Montessori Setting

In the symphony of parenting and teaching, the melody of empowerment plays a crucial role. Dr. Maria Montessori's wisdom guides us: "The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination." As we raise capable kids, we discover the transformative power of teaching practical life skills through joyful and purposeful routines.

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Empowering Vs. Enabling

We have become vividly aware of how skilled most of us are in using enabling responses with our children, and how unskilled we are in using empowering responses. Our definition of enabling is, ʺGetting between young people and life experiences to minimize the consequences of their choices.ʺ

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Online Learning

Positive Discipline offers online learning options for parents, teachers, and parent educators. Learn in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. You have unlimited access to our online streaming programs, so you can watch and re-watch the videos as often as you like.