POST Technologies - POSTTechnologies

WIA - Wholesale Internet Access
Discover WIA, our new turnkey Internet access solution for operators.
Designed to meet the requirements of business customers, WIA guarantees availability, reliability, resilience and optimum support for seamless Internet connectivity.
Services and solutions
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Underground connection
Are you a property owner, building a house or planning a real estate project? We can connect your single-family home or apartment building via underground cable.
Request an underground connection
Fibre connection
Finer than a human hair and more powerful than any other type of cabling, fibre optics is the technology of the fuure. We're rolling out the fibre optic network across the country, right down to your street.
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Regulated services
We provide a number of regulated services for national connectivity, collocation and voice interconnection.
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Fraud and cybersecurity
We offer different solutions to protect your network and customers from fraudulent attacks.
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National voice traffic
We provide various solutions to terminate national voice traffic in Luxembourg.
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National - international connectivity solutions
We offer a range of national and international ultra-high speed connectivity solutions over Layer 1 and Layer 2 services.
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National - international connectivity solutions
We offer a range of national and international ultra-high speed connectivity solutions over Layer 1 and Layer 2 services.
See the connectivity solutions
Fraud and cybersecurity
We offer different solutions to protect your network and customers from fraudulent attacks.
See the network and customers
We provide solutions to enable IPTV offering to your customers (with TV channels and Infrastructure as a Service).
See the IPTV solution
MVNO solutions
We enable several international roaming and MVNO solutions for all our customers.
See the MVNO solutions
Underground connection
We will connect your single-family home or multi dwelling unit by underground cable and will carry out the works according to your wishes and based on the technical options available.
Request a underground connection
Fibre connection
Optical fibre is the technology of the future – ultra-fine and more powerful than any other type of cable. POST Technologies is bringing optical fibre to the entire country and also to your street.
Test your eligibility to a fibre connection
Some key numbers
POST Technologies is part of the POST Luxembourg Group, a public sector establishment owned by the Luxembourg State. Our current ICT & Telecom activities in figures :
509 M€
2022 revenue for Telecom and ICT
1416 staff
In the Telecom and ICT unit
94 %
of the population covered by the 5G network
84 %
1 Gbit/s fixed Internet coverage
Our networks

Over 99% of Luxembourg households are connected to the POST Technologies broadband network and 81,3% have fixed Internet coverage of 1 Gbit/s. Work to expand the fibre optic network is ongoing, with over 18,000 km of fibre optic cables being laid and over 1,200,000 km of fibre optics already deployed.

Best mobile network in Luxembourg 2022 - An overall score of "outstanding" in the "Mobile network test in Luxembourg" run by Umlaut and Connect Magazine. 94.8% of the population now has access to 5G.

International network with an international presence in 16 locations offering high capacity/bandwith across different types of service and technology: Ethernet connectivity, IP Transit, Wavelength
Why choose us?
The wholesale organisation of POST Luxembourg Group operates POST Fixed and Mobile telecommunication networks as well as the national and international connectivity for local and foreign operators.