r.feeney@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 5331 |
Dr Ryan Feeney leads the Governance and External Affairs portfolio responsible for the University’s governance and administration functions while also coordinating all external activity.
As Registrar he is also the Secretary to the University’s Senate and Academic Council.
Governance and External Affairs manages all the governance and central operational requirements of the University acting as the Secretariat to the Senate, Academic Council, and the University Management Board alongside the coordination of all the external engagement functions.
This is delivered by four Directorates, the Chancellery (the central operational and governance construct), Strategic Communications, Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility (CESR) and Alumni Engagement and Philanthropy (AEP). Each Directorate works closely with the Faculties and other key partners to deliver on the outcomes of Strategy 2030.
The Chancellery coordinates all the governance functions acting as the Secretariat to the Senate, its Sub-Committees, Academic Council, and the University Management Board.
The Chancellery also includes the Legal Services Unit, Information Compliance Unit and Chancellery Operations which supports the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Provost and the Senior Leadership team in day-to-day coordination of the management of the University.
The three external facing Directorates, Strategic Communications, CESR and AEP work together to ensure all the external functions are aligned and coordinated. The Directorates are responsible for a range of areas, listed below, as well as the overall management of major external events and the University’s 180th Anniversary Celebration programme.
Directorate responsibilities include:
r.feeney@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 5331 |
alistair.finlay@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 3132 |
e.deeny@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 5254 |
alistair.stewart@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 1153 |
ej.friel@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone |
c.downey@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | 028 9097 5331 |
c.gilchrist@qub.ac.uk | |
Phone | +44(0)28 9097 3730 |