​​​​​​​​​​A Note From Our Chair

Hello Radvocates!!

Welcome to the ACR Radiology Advocacy Network! In an increasingly competitive and passionate healthcare environment, radiology political advocacy is imperative, now more than ever. It will take a concerted effort from ALL in the house of radiology, regardless of practice type, to battle what lies ahead when it comes to the many challenges facing us including reimbursement and most importantly, equitable and access-to-care for our patients. The days of being siloed and not being actively involved are over. We must all rise up to ensure a stable and prosperous tomorrow. The time is now. So please join us as we enter this new chapter of radiology political advocacy to ensure a brighter tomorrow for our patients and profession. 

Sincerely, Amy K. Patel M.D. 
Chair, ACR RAN



Meet the RAN Board

Amy Patel

Chair, Amy Patel, MD (MO)

Alex Podlaski

Communication Officer, Alex Podlaski, MD (IL)

Monica Wood

Vice Chair, Monica Wood, MD (MA)

Natasha Monga

Communication Officer, Natasha Monga, MD (OH)

Jennifer Buckley

Pre-Radiology Co-Chair, Gavin Yuan (NJ)

Fatima Elahi

Member-at-Large, Fatima Elahi, MD (IL)

Tilden Childs

State GR Liaison, Tilden Childs, MD, FACR (TX)

Sarah Avery

Member-at-Large, Sarah Avery, MD, FACR (TX)

David Youmans

Immediate Past RAN Chair, David Youmans, MD, FACR (NJ)

Mark Yeh

Member-at-Large, Mark Yeh, MD, FACR (CA)

Bonnie Litvack

State GR Chair, Bonnie Litvack, MD, FACR (NY)

Naziya Samreen

Member-at-Large, Naziya Samreen, MD (NY)

Anand Narayan

Member-at-Large, Anand Narayan, MD (WI)

Adam Kaye

YPS RADPAC Liaison, Adam H. Kaye, MD (CT)

Nilda Maria Williams

Member-at-Large, Nilda Maria Williams, MD (MS)


Immediate Past State GR Chair, Loralie, MA, MD, FACR (MD)
