Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
CHAPTER 404-H.F.No. 3843 An act relating to public administration; authorizing spending for public purposes; authorizing spending to acquire and to better public land and buildings and other public improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; authorizing state bonds; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, sections 16A.105; 16A.11, subdivision 3a, and by adding a subdivision; 16A.501; 16B.30; 85.019, subdivision 4a; 103F.725, subdivision 1a; 116.16, subdivision 5; 116.182, subdivision 1, and by adding a subdivision; 446A.072, subdivisions 2, 4, and by adding a subdivision; 473.39, by adding a subdivision; 473.399; 473.3994, subdivisions 5, 10, and 12; and 473.3998; Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, sections 16A.641, subdivision 4; 16B.335, subdivision 1; 116.18, subdivision 3c; 124C.498, subdivision 2; 268.917; and 462A.202, subdivision 3a; Laws 1963, chapter 305, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11; Laws 1986, chapter 396, section 2, subdivision 1, as amended; Laws 1990, chapter 610, article 1, section 16, subdivision 4; Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 2, subdivision 13; Laws 1996, chapter 463, sections 13, subdivision 4, as amended, 14, subdivisions 2 and 6, and 22, subdivision 7; and Laws 1997, chapter 202, article 1, section 35, as amended; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 116J; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3994, subdivision 11; Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 446A.072, subdivision 4a; Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 15, section 36; and Laws 1986, chapter 396, section 2, subdivision 2. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS.] The sums in the column under "APPROPRIATIONS" are appropriated from the bond proceeds fund, or another named fund, to the state agencies or officials indicated, to be spent for public purposes including to acquire and to better public land and buildings and other public improvements of a capital nature, as specified in this act. Unless otherwise specified, the appropriations in this act are available until the project is completed or abandoned. SUMMARY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $ 138,300,000 MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES 143,080,000 CENTER FOR ARTS EDUCATION 1,395,000 CHILDREN, FAMILIES, AND LEARNING 62,405,000 FARIBAULT RESIDENTIAL ACADEMIES 9,225,000 NATURAL RESOURCES 130,251,000 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE 3,500,000 PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY 44,050,000 BOARD OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES 19,800,000 AGRICULTURE 500,000 ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS 1,750,000 ADMINISTRATION 46,250,000 CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING BOARD 9,544,000 AMATEUR SPORTS COMMISSION 11,020,000 MILITARY AFFAIRS 1,230,000 TRANSPORTATION 93,300,000 HUMAN SERVICES 19,975,000 VETERANS HOMES BOARD 12,055,000 CORRECTIONS 14,185,000 PUBLIC SAFETY 2,230,000 INDIAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL 1,700,000 TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225,680,000 HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY 6,000,000 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 13,110,000 BOND SALE EXPENSES 500,000 CANCELLATIONS (11,993,000) TOTAL $ 999,042,000 Bond Proceeds Fund (General Fund Debt Service) 438,184,000 Bond Proceeds Fund (User Financed Debt Service) 25,611,000 Transportation Fund 34,000,000 General Fund 500,047,000 Trunk Highway Fund 1,200,000 APPROPRIATIONS $ Sec. 2. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Subdivision 1. To the board of regents of the University of Minnesota for the purposes specified in this section 138,300,000 Subd. 2. Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement 4,000,000 To be spent in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 135A.046. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 3. Twin Cities - Minneapolis (a) Amundson Hall 1,250,000 To construct, furnish, and equip an addition for the Chemical Engineering and Materials Science program and remodel existing space. This appropriation is contingent upon $2,488,000 of nonstate matching money. The nonstate money is in lieu of one-third debt service payments. (b) Art Building 730,000 To design and prepare construction drawings for the construction of a new facility. This appropriation is from the general fund. (c) Digital and Utility Infrastructure 3,500,000 To predesign, design, and complete the following projects: (1) $1,000,000 is to replace and upgrade the information technology infrastructure serving Mall District buildings. This appropriation is from the general fund. (2) $2,500,000 is to separate the combined storm sewer and sanitary sewer systems and for air conditioning Mall District buildings using chilled water clusters. (d) Folwell Hall Renovation 690,000 To design the renovation and upgrading of classrooms. (e) Walter Digital Technology Center/Science and Engineering Library 53,600,000 To design, renovate, furnish, and equip the Walter Digital Technology Center/Science and Engineering Library on the Minneapolis campus. Subd. 4. Twin Cities - St. Paul (a) Gortner and Snyder Halls 4,000,000 To design and remodel selected biology laboratories. (b) Greenhouse Renovation and Replacement 900,000 To design for upgrading plant growth facilities for teaching and research. The project will renovate or replace obsolete greenhouse and headhouse space and construct a biocontainment facility to support the teaching and research activities of both the university and the Minnesota department of agriculture. (c) Peters Hall, Phase II 6,950,000 To renovate, furnish, and equip classroom, research, and office space. Subd. 5. Use of Facilities The board of regents is requested to use the molecular cellular biology building and the remodeled Gortner and Snyder Hall laboratories in a manner that increases the interdisciplinary opportunities for collaborative research to the benefit of plant, animal, and human health applications, and ensures that agriculture research and outreach is enhanced through the use of these facilities, programs, and services. Subd. 6. Women's Athletics Fields and Facilities 3,000,000 To design and rebuild the soccer complex on the St. Paul campus, design and rebuild the softball complex on the Minneapolis campus, and design and construct women's athletics office space in the Bierman complex on the Minneapolis campus. Subd. 7. Crookston (a) Facility Improvements 3,800,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip four projects: (1) Early Child Development Center new construction; (2) Knutson Hall remodeling; (3) Owen Hall Addition remodeling; and (4) University Teaching and Outreach Center stable expansion. (b) Kiehle Building Renovation and Addition 180,000 To predesign and design the Kiehle building renovation and addition on the Crookston campus. Subd. 8. Duluth (a) Library 22,300,000 To construct, furnish, and equip a new library. (b) Academic Space Renovation 200,000 To design the renovation of vacated academic and laboratory space on the Duluth campus in Heller Hall, MW Alworth Hall, Business and Economics, and the existing library building. (c) Glensheen Mansion 600,000 For capital repair, reconstruction, or replacement of the foundation and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system of the Glensheen Mansion, subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 9. Morris 28,200,000 To construct, furnish, and equip existing space and the additions and to demolish the physical education annex. This project consists of four components: (1) an addition to the existing science building; (2) renovation of the science auditorium/lecture hall; (3) expansion of the heating plant; and (4) an addition to the Physical Education Center in partnership with the Morris community. Subd. 10. Agricultural Experiment Stations 4,400,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip the following experiment station projects: (1) $2,600,000 for swine research facilities at Morris and Waseca. $200,000 of this appropriation is for a low input systems research facility at Morris and $200,000 is for an extensive confinement (including Swedish deep bedded system) research facility at Morris; (2) $700,000 for the Arboretum/Horticultural Research Center laboratory in Victoria; (3) $800,000 for Cloquet Forestry Center dormitory remodeling; and (4) $300,000 for Grand Rapids Administration Building addition. In addition, the university shall contribute $833,000 of agency operating funds towards construction of these projects. Subd. 11. Debt Service Responsibilities (a) The projects in this section shall not be assessed one-third debt service if the board of regents completes the following projects by July 1, 2002: (1) at a cost estimated at $35,000,000, design a new Molecular and Cellular Biology Building, construct the facility's shell, and demolish all or part of the existing Jackson-Owre-Millard-Lyon Hall complex; (2) at a cost estimated at $14,600,000, design, construct, furnish, and equip an addition to the Architecture Building; (3) at a cost estimated at $9,000,000, renovate Murphy Hall; and (4) at a cost estimated at $9,900,000, renovate Ford Hall. (b) If the board of regents does not complete the projects specified in paragraph (a) by July 1, 2002, the board shall reimburse the state for one-third of the debt service previously paid and pay one-third of the debt service accruing after July 1, 2002, on state bonds sold to finance appropriations in this section except those in subdivision 3, paragraph (a) and paragraph (c), clause (2). After each sale of general obligation bonds, the commissioner of finance shall notify the board of regents of the amounts for which it is assessed each year for the life of the bonds. (c) The commissioner shall reduce the board's assessment each year by one-third of the net income from investment of general obligation bond proceeds in proportion to the amount of principal and interest otherwise required to be paid by the board. The board shall pay its resulting net assessment to the commissioner of finance by December 1 each year. If the board fails to make a payment when due, the commissioner of finance shall reduce allotments for appropriations from the general fund otherwise available to the board and apply the amount of the reduction to cover the missed debt service payment. The commissioner of finance shall credit the payments received from the board to the bond debt service account in the state bond fund each December 1 before money is transferred from the general fund under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641, subdivision 10. Subd. 12. Separate Account The appropriations in this section are conditioned on the board of regents adopting a resolution establishing an account for regular repair and maintenance at the university, and into which appropriations from fiscal years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 could be deposited. Sec. 3. MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Subdivision 1. To the board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities for the purposes specified in this section 143,080,000 Subd. 2. Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement 43,000,000 This appropriation is for the purposes specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 135A.046. This appropriation is from the general fund. $31,615,000 of this appropriation is for code compliance, including health and safety, ADA requirements, hazardous material abatement, air quality improvement, building or infrastructure repairs to preserve existing buildings systemwide. The chancellor shall determine project priorities as appropriate based on need. Priorities may include but are not limited to: Anoka-Ramsey Community College ($1,080,000); Riverland Community College ($1,339,000); St. Cloud Technical College ($1,378,000); Northland Community and Technical College ($1,546,000); Minneapolis Community and Technical College ($2,735,000); St. Cloud State University ($1,900,000); Southwest State University ($1,390,000); Metro State University ($1,148,000); Bemidji State University ($1,088,000); Mankato State University ($5,322,000); and Moorhead State University ($3,556,000). $11,385,000 of this appropriation is for facilities replacement, as follows: (1) $1,720,000 to construct a replacement classroom for the Staples West Campus of Central Lakes Technical College; (2) $500,000 to design and construct an electrical distribution tunnel for St. Cloud State University; (3) $305,000 to design and construct a Chiller Plant for Bemidji State University; (4) $5,030,000 to design, construct, furnish, and equip a renovation of Nemzek Field House at Moorhead State University; (5) $3,145,000 to design, construct, furnish, and equip a renovation of Dille Center for the Arts at Moorhead State University; and (6) $685,000 to design, construct, furnish, and equip a renovation of Livingston Lord Library at Moorhead State University. Subd. 3. Master Facilities Plans 1,400,000 Complete and update college and university master facilities plans. Of this appropriation, up to $400,000 is for Minnesota West Technical and Community College and Northwest Technical College. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 4. Anoka Hennepin Technical College and Century Community and Technical College 800,000 To prepare regional academic and facilities master plans and predesign the facility needs for each college. The board is not restricted to current buildings in developing the plan. Anoka Hennepin College plans must be for facilities within Anoka county. Subd. 5. Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College, Bemidji 1,000,000 To predesign and design facilities required to colocate all programs of the technical college and the state university's industrial technology and nursing programs. The board of trustees may consider, among other options, the remodeling of the former Bemidji high school. The board may acquire the former Bemidji high school and may convey the former technical college to the school district. Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 to 94.16 and 103F.535 do not apply to these real estate transactions. Subd. 6. Century Community and Technical College 3,200,000 To design and construct an all-season footbridge connecting Century's two campuses, traffic control measures, and reroute campus traffic. The board and the department of transportation shall cooperate in the design and construction of this project. Subd. 7. Fond du Lac Community and Tribal College The board of trustees may design, through construction documents, a classroom addition using money from nonstate sources. The college is encouraged to seek additional nonstate matching money to offset a portion of the cost of construction. The total cost to construct, furnish, and equip the classroom addition must not exceed $7,500,000. Subd. 8. Hibbing Community and Technical College 16,000,000 To construct a new facility, adjacent to the community college, for technical programs, administrative services, and customized training. Upon completion of this facility, the college must vacate all classroom buildings of the former technical college. The city shall provide sewer and water, and a perimeter street. The board of trustees shall dispose of the former technical college land and classroom buildings. The proceeds may be retained by the board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 136F.71, subdivision 1. Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 to 94.16 and 103F.535 do not apply to these real estate transactions. Subd. 9. Inver Hills Community College 11,000,000 To design and construct a new instructional building and renovate the existing science building. The new building will include space for the emergency health services program, chemistry and biology laboratories, an interactive television classroom, general instruction classrooms, activities/fitness rooms, faculty offices, small group meeting rooms, and conference rooms. Up to $600,000 may be spent for the new entrance to the college. Subd. 10. Mankato State University 11,000,000 (a) This money is for: (1) the design of Phase I and Phase II of the project to renovate the indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, and (2) for construction and renovation work in Myers Field House, Pennington Foundation Building and tennis courts; add required chiller capacity at the utility plant; and selected remodeling in Otto Arena, Highland Center, Highland North, Blakeslee Stadium, and outdoor track. Phase II of the project consists of completion of the remaining construction and renovation work in Highland Center, Highland North, Otto Arena, Blakeslee Stadium, and the outdoor track. Money for Phase II of this project is not included in this appropriation. (b) Notwithstanding Laws 1997, chapter 183, article 3, section 37, subdivision 6, the Mankato state university foundation may build a black box theater on the Mankato state university campus at a site approved by the board. Prior to the beginning of construction, the board must approve the design and the foundation must agree to donate the theater to the state. Title to the building shall pass to the state immediately upon donation. Subd. 11. Mesabi Community and Technical College 500,000 To predesign and design a new learning resource center and remodel classrooms, computer labs, and offices at the Virginia campus. Subd. 12. Metropolitan State University 1,000,000 To design a new library and information access center on the university's St. Paul campus, including space for collections of the St. Paul public library and community library services. Subd. 13. Minneapolis Community and Technical College 500,000 To design an addition and remodel the existing library and other space. The addition will include a library and media center and an instructional technology center. The remodeled space will include classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, student services, and interactive television classrooms. Subd. 14. Normandale Community College 240,000 To predesign and design the renovation or new construction of science facilities. Subd. 15. North Hennepin Community College, Phase One 10,400,000 To predesign, design, construct, and equip an addition and remodel existing facilities for a science center. This appropriation is also to predesign and design phase two to remodel and renovate classroom and office space. Subd. 16. Northland Community and Technical College 4,000,000 To design and construct an addition and remodel existing space for student services, women's center, bookstore, customized training, administrative services, and classrooms. Subd. 17. Pine Technical College 1,700,000 To predesign, design, and renovate for a telecommunications/media/technology center, student services, administrative services, classrooms, and a regional economic development center. Subd. 18. Red Wing/Winona Technical College 1,500,000 To design and construct a new classroom and garage facility for the truck driving program at the Winona campus. The facility may be separate from the main campus building, as appropriate to accommodate safety, traffic, and programmatic concerns. Subd. 19. Ridgewater Community and Technical College 7,600,000 To design and construct a new addition and remodel existing facilities at the Hutchinson campus for nondestructive testing facilities, a library and media resource center, student support services, and child care center. Subd. 20. Riverland Community and Technical College 1,000,000 (a) To design, construct, and remodel the Austin campus, including remodeling for student services and health science programs, and reconfiguration of building entryways, sidewalks, and roadways to better connect the two separate facilities. (b) The board may enter into an agreement with the city of Austin whereby the city agrees to construct, improve, and maintain a road at city expense that provides access to and improves the safety of the north side of the Austin campus. In exchange for the city's services, the board may convey title to the roadway and a parcel of land not to exceed five acres that is not needed by the college for education purposes. The land shall be used to promote a technology center that is compatible with the college's education mission. City plans and actions for the land shall be developed in consultation with the college and the board. Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 to 94.16, and 103F.535, do not apply to these real estate transactions. Subd. 21. Rochester Center 6,000,000 To predesign, design, and renovate existing facilities and install telecommunications infrastructure improvements to create an instructional development and digital media center to improve education in southeastern Minnesota. This appropriation is from the general fund and will be supplemented by an additional $3,237,000 from other sources. Subd. 22. Rochester Regional Recreation and Sports Center 5,000,000 To predesign, design, and construct phase 1 of a regional community recreation and sports activity complex adjacent to the Rochester Center, including a field house, sport and fitness center, aquatics facility, outdoor football and soccer stadium, soccer and baseball fields, and surface parking lots. This appropriation is not available until the board of trustees has determined that an equal amount has been committed by the city of Rochester. Operating and management costs shall be shared by the city of Rochester and the Minnesota state colleges and universities in proportion to their relative use of the facility. Subd. 23. St. Cloud State University St. Cloud State University may design and construct a building to house a bookstore and student services, following consultation with the university community, including the student senate and the bookstore committee. After submitting the design and the financing plan to the board, the board shall submit it to the legislature as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335, subdivision 2. Subd. 24. St. Cloud Technical College 1,000,000 To design and construct an addition and remodeling of graphic arts and dental space, including classrooms, and design remodeling of most of the remaining space. Subd. 25. St. Paul Technical College 10,000,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip an addition to the library and learning resource center and renovate existing space for student services, chemical technology laboratory, and to renovate the building control system. Subd. 26. Southwest State University 40,000 To predesign the renovation of the library. The renovation will include replacement of HVAC systems and installation of wiring for computer technology. Subd. 27. Winona State University 200,000 To design the remodeling of Maxwell Library into offices and classrooms. Subd. 28. Land Acquisition 5,000,000 To acquire real property land adjacent to or near the state college and university campuses. Of this amount at least $2,500,000 is for Winona State University and $1,000,000 is for St. Cloud State University. The board of trustees shall report annually to the legislature on purchases made from this appropriation. Subd. 29. Debt Service (a) The board shall pay one-third of the debt service on state bonds sold to finance projects authorized by this section, except for subdivisions 10 and 22. After each sale of general obligation bonds, the commissioner of finance shall notify the board of the amounts assessed for each year for the life of the bonds. (b) The commissioner shall reduce the board's assessment each year by one-third of the net income from investment of general obligation bond proceeds in proportion to the amount of principal and interest otherwise required to be paid by the board. The board shall pay its resulting net assessment to the commissioner of finance by December 1 each year. If the board fails to make a payment when due, the commissioner of finance shall reduce allotments for appropriations from the general fund otherwise available to the board and apply the amount of the reduction to cover the missed debt service payment. The commissioner of finance shall credit the payments received from the board to the bond debt service account in the state bond fund each December 1 before money is transferred from the general fund under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641, subdivision 10. Subd. 30. Separate account The appropriations in this section are conditioned on the board of trustees adopting a resolution establishing an account for regular repair and maintenance at the colleges and universities, and into which appropriations from fiscal years 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 could be deposited. Sec. 4. CENTER FOR ARTS EDUCATION Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 1,395,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Administration/Classroom Building Renovation 780,000 To design, furnish, equip, and renovate the administrative/classroom building. This project is to include upgrades to building hallways, conversion of a temporary student computer lab to a student commons area, reconfiguration of support and classroom spaces, and partial renovation of the cafeteria food service and seating areas. Subd. 3. Asset Preservation 465,000 For asset preservation improvements on the campus including, but not limited to, design and construction of sprinkler systems, demolition of the main entry to the administration/classroom building, foundation repairs, reconstruction of campus roads and parking areas, and replacement of deteriorated sidewalks. Subd. 4. GAIA Building Renovation 150,000 For the partial renovation of spaces currently used for student instruction to spaces that will be utilized for adult professional development and related administrative support services. Sec. 5. CHILDREN, FAMILIES, AND LEARNING Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of children, families, and learning for the purposes specified in this section 62,405,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Early Childhood Learning Facilities 5,000,000 For grants to state agencies, political subdivisions, Indian tribes, or private nonprofit organizations to construct or rehabilitate facilities for programs under Minnesota Statutes, section 268.917. Facilities financed with these grants may be owned by Indian tribes or private nonprofit organizations. Subd. 3. Youth Enrichment 5,000,000 (a) For grants to local government units to design, furnish, equip, renovate, replace, or construct parks and recreation facilities and school facilities to provide youth, with preference for youth in grades 4 to 8, with regular enrichment activities during nonschool hours, including after school, evenings, weekends, and school vacation periods, and that will provide equal access and programming for all children. The buildings or facilities may be leased to nonprofit community organizations, subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695, for the same purposes. Enrichment programs include academic enrichment, homework assistance, computer and technology use, arts and cultural activities, clubs, school-to-work and workforce development, athletic, and recreational activities. Grants must be used to expand the number of children participating in enrichment programs or improve the quality or range of program offerings. The facilities must be fully available for programming sponsored by nonprofit and community groups serving youth, or school, county, or city programs, for maximum hours after school, evenings, weekends, summers, and other school vacation periods. Priority must be given to proposals that demonstrate collaborations among private, nonprofit, and public agencies, including regional entities dealing with at-risk youth, and community and parent organizations in arranging for programming, staffing, transportation, and equipment. All proposals must include an inventory of existing facilities and an assessment of programming needs in the community. (b) $1,000,000 is for enrichment grants within the city of Minneapolis. (c) $2,000,000 is for enrichment grants within the city of St. Paul. (d) $1,000,000 is for enrichment grants in metropolitan statistical areas outside of the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Priority must be given to school attendance areas with high concentrations of children eligible for free or reduced school lunch and to government units demonstrating a commitment to collaborative youth efforts. (e) $1,000,000 is for enrichment grants for areas outside of metropolitan statistical areas and outside of the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Priority must be given to school attendance areas with high concentrations of children eligible for free or reduced school lunch and to government units demonstrating a commitment to collaborative youth efforts. (f) Each grant must be matched by one dollar from nonstate sources for each two dollars of state money. In-kind contributions of facilities may be used for the local match. The value of in-kind contributions must be determined by the commissioner of finance. Subd. 4. Recreation and Community Center Grants 10,800,000 (a) Unless otherwise specifically provided, the commissioner may not make a grant from this appropriation until the commissioner has determined that at least an equal amount has been committed to the project from nonstate sources. (b) The commissioner may not make a grant under this subdivision until the commissioner has determined that, if the center will charge a fee for use of the center's facilities, the plan for operating the center includes free or reduced-rate use of the facilities by individuals and families that have a household income at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines. (c) The commissioner may not make a grant under this subdivision until the commissioner has determined that the recipient has the ability and a plan to fund the program intended for the facility. (d) Dawson-Boyd Educational and Community Center 1,000,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 378, Dawson-Boyd, to design, construct, furnish, and equip an educational and community center. (e) Detroit Lakes Community Center 1,500,000 For a grant to the city of Detroit Lakes to design, construct, furnish, and equip the Detroit Lakes Community Center. (f) Granite Falls Area Multipurpose Community Recreation and Education Center 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Granite Falls to design, construct, furnish, and equip a multipurpose community recreation and education building. (g) Hallett Community Center, City of Crosby 300,000 For a grant to the city of Crosby to design, construct, furnish, and equip the Hallett Community Center. (h) Hastings Municipal Water Park 500,000 For a grant to the city of Hastings to design, construct, furnish, and equip a municipal water park. (i) Hermantown Community Indoor Sports and Physical Education Complex 1,000,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 700, Hermantown, to design, construct, furnish, and equip a community indoor sports and physical education complex with an indoor track. (j) Isle Community Center 1,000,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 473, Isle, to convert a school building into a community center. Programs located at the converted facility must include the alternative education program, early childhood family education programs, centralized school district kitchen facilities, and other community programs. (k) Lake Crystal Area Recreation Center 1,500,000 For a grant to the city of Lake Crystal to design, construct, furnish, and equip the Lake Crystal Area Recreation Center. (l) Proctor Community Activity Center 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Proctor to design, construct, furnish, and equip a city community activity center designed to provide facilities for city government, library, arts, museum, and other public functions. (m) Redwood Valley Multipurpose Education and Community Center 1,000,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 2758, Redwood Falls, to design, construct, furnish, and equip a multipurpose education and community center to be constructed and operated under a joint powers agreement with the city of Redwood Falls. The center must provide: (1) expanded physical education curriculum for Redwood Valley students; (2) a latchkey program and an after-school program for at-risk youth; (3) expanded healthy lifestyle community education and recreation programs for all age groups in the community; and (4) community conference and meeting facilities. (n) Windom Area Multipurpose Center 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Windom to design, construct, furnish, and equip a multipurpose center. Subd. 5. Metropolitan Magnet Schools 22,200,000 For awarding metropolitan magnet school grants to groups of qualified metropolitan school districts under Minnesota Statutes, section 124C.498. $1,900,000 is for the completion of the Downtown Integration magnet school in Minneapolis. $3,800,000 is for planning, design, acquisition of land, architectural fees, and engineering fees for the East Metropolitan Integration magnet school in the East Metropolitan area. Of that amount, $2,800,000 is for land acquisition. $14,500,000 is for the construction of the Metropolitan Integration magnet school in Robbinsdale. $2,000,000 is for the Southwest Metropolitan Integration magnet school in Edina. Subd. 6. Community Schools Partnership, St. Paul 14,030,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 625 to acquire and better achievement-plus facilities. (a) $2,180,000 is to remodel and renovate the Monroe community school and $2,400,000 is to remodel and renovate the Dayton's Bluff elementary school. Neither of these two appropriations is available until the commissioner has determined that an amount equal to the total of the two has been committed from nonstate sources to either or both of the projects. Any amounts raised in excess of the amount needed as match for these two projects may be used to satisfy the match required for the project in paragraph (b). (b) $9,450,000 is to acquire land for, design, construct, furnish, and equip a new achievement-plus facility. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that the following amounts have been committed to the project: (1) $940,000 is available upon receipt of a commitment for an equal amount. (2) $2,680,000 is available upon receipt of a commitment for an equal amount. (3) $5,830,000 is available upon receipt of a commitment for an equal amount. Subd. 7. Fridley Middle School Boiler and Windows 90,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 14, Fridley, for a new boiler and new exterior windows at Central Middle School. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 8. School Building Accessibility Grants 1,000,000 For school building accessibility grants under Minnesota Statutes, sections 124C.71 to 124C.74. Subd. 9. Mississippi Education Center 1,400,000 For a grant to independent school district No. 318, Grand Rapids, to design and construct a new library in Grand Rapids. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that $4,820,000 has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 10. Library Accessibility Grants 1,500,000 For library accessibility grants under Minnesota Statutes, section 134.45. Subd. 11. McLeod West Interdistrict Cooperative 500,000 For a grant to the McLeod West Interdistrict Cooperative, made up of independent school district Nos. 421, Brownton, and 426, Stewart, to design and acquire land for a new prekindergarten through grade 12 educational facility. Subd. 12. Little Falls Carnegie Library ADA Grant 500,000 For a grant to the city of Little Falls for design and construction of capital improvements for handicapped accessibility to the Little Falls Carnegie library. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that $500,000 has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 13. Minnesota Lake 385,000 For a grant to the fiscal agent for the public school building in Minnesota Lake for repair and improved energy conservation. Sec. 6. RESIDENTIAL ACADEMIES AT FARIBAULT Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 9,225,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Asset Preservation 725,000 For asset preservation improvements on both campuses at the Faribault residential academies including, but not limited to, asbestos removal and replacement of roofs, windows, fire protection systems, and sidewalks. Subd. 3. Tate Hall Renovation 4,000,000 To design, remodel, furnish, and equip Tate Hall on the campus of the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf. This project is to include asset preservation improvements, installation of a ventilation and humidity control system, remodeling to expand bathroom facilities, and renovation of new space for a home living skills center. Subd. 4. Lysen Expansion and Renovation 4,500,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip an expansion and renovation of the Lysen learning building on the campus of the Minnesota State Academy for the Blind. This project is to include expansion or remodeling of classrooms, offices, recreation areas, and related spaces in this building. Sec. 7. NATURAL RESOURCES Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of natural resources for the purposes specified in this section 130,251,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Office Facility Consolidation 7,391,000 To acquire land, design, construct, furnish, and equip offices and service facilities at consolidated office sites in Tower and Windom. Subd. 3. Statewide Asset Preservation and State Park and Recreation Area Building Rehabilitation 6,500,000 For repair and renovation of the department of natural resources land, buildings, or other improvements of a capital nature throughout the state; and to design, repair, rehabilitate, construct, or add to state park buildings throughout the state, according to the management plan required in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 86A. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 4. State Park and Recreation Area Building Development 5,535,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip new buildings and associated utilities in the state park system, according to the management plan required in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 86A. Subd. 5. State Park and Recreation Area Betterment and Rehabilitation 2,750,000 To upgrade, repair, or rehabilitate improvements of a capital nature at state park and recreation area facilities throughout the state, including, but not limited to, resource management projects, trail rehabilitation, campground rehabilitation, and road and bridge repair. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 6. State Park and Recreation Area Acquisition 2,250,000 For acquisition from willing sellers of private lands within state park and recreation area boundaries established by law. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 7. Metro Regional Park Acquisition and Betterment 14,400,000 (a) $9,000,000 is for payment to the metropolitan council. The commissioner shall pay the amount on a reimbursement basis to the metropolitan council upon receipt of a certified copy of a council resolution requesting payment. The appropriation must be used to pay the cost of rehabilitation, acquisition, and development by the council and local government units of regional recreational open-space lands in accordance with the council's policy plan as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 473.315. This appropriation must not be used for research, planning, administration, or tax equivalency payments. This appropriation may be used for the purchase of homes only if the purchases are included in the work program required by law and they are expressly approved by the legislative commission on Minnesota resources. $840,000 of this appropriation may be used by the metropolitan council to reimburse Washington county for acquiring St. Croix Bluffs regional park in 1997. (b) $3,900,000 of this appropriation is for a grant to the metropolitan council to prepare a site for, design, construct, furnish, and equip, including utility infrastructure, the Como Park Education Resource Center, Phase One. The grant is contingent upon the city of St. Paul maintaining Como Park zoo as a free attraction for the life of the bonds. The city may, however, charge a fee for use of the Como Park golf course and the conservatory and for special event facility rentals at the park, including the zoo and the conservatory. The center must report to the chair of the senate environment and agriculture budget division, the chair of the house environment and agriculture finance committee, and the chairs of the senate and house environment and natural resources policy committees as soon as the center has secured half of the total project costs from nonstate sources. (c) $1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to carry out the Harriet Island Redevelopment in accordance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 8. Dam Improvements 1,300,000 For the emergency repair, reconstruction, or removal of publicly owned dams. Up to $300,000 of this appropriation is for the Sauk River Dam and up to $100,000 of this appropriation is for a study of removal of the Rapidan Dam. Up to $300,000 of this appropriation is for a grant to the city of Appleton for removal of a dam located on the Pomme de Terre river in Swift county. The commissioner shall determine remaining project priorities as appropriate based upon need as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.511. Subd. 9. Flood Hazard Mitigation Grants 30,000,000 For the flood hazard mitigation grant program to local government units for publicly owned capital improvements to prevent or alleviate flood damages under Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.161. $1,500,000 is to construct ring dikes, whether publicly or privately owned. $500,000 is for a grant to Clay county to remove houses in the Crestwood addition in Kurtz township on the Red River that are endangered by the collapsing river bank. The commissioner shall determine other project priorities as appropriate based upon need. As soon as the United States Army Corps of Engineers section 205 flood control study for the city of Breckenridge is complete, the commissioner shall make a recommendation to the legislature for the funding necessary to complete flood hazard mitigation efforts in the city. Subd. 10. Forest Road and Bridge Projects 2,000,000 For reconstruction, resurfacing, replacement, or construction of other improvements of a capital nature to state forest roads and bridges throughout the state. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Of this amount, $500,000 may be used for forest roads in northern Minnesota peat areas. Subd. 11. Forestry Land Acquisition 800,000 To acquire private lands from willing sellers within established boundaries of state forests throughout the state. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 12. White Pine Management 300,000 For planting of stands of white pine and management of white pine resources. Subd. 13. Forestry Recreation Facilities 750,000 For improvements of a capital nature to rehabilitate, improve, or develop forestry recreation facilities throughout the state. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 14. RIM Wildlife Management Areas, Critical Habitat, and North American Waterfowl Management Plan 7,000,000 $1,000,000 of this appropriation is to acquire land for wildlife management areas under Minnesota Statutes, section 97A.135; $5,500,000 is for the critical habitat private sector matching account under Minnesota Statutes, section 84.943; and $500,000 is for acquisition and wetland restoration under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 15. RIM Fish Hatchery Rehabilitation 1,000,000 For improvements of a capital nature to rehabilitate, improve, or develop fish culture facilities. Subd. 16. RIM Wildlife, Habitat Improvements 2,500,000 For improvements of a capital nature to develop, protect, or improve wildlife management areas and other state lands throughout the state. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 17. Stream Protection and Restoration 1,000,000 For the acquisition of easements and aquatic management areas on streams for fisheries management purposes, and stream restoration on portions of the Whitewater river and Sandy river. Subd. 18. Scientific and Natural Area and Prairie Bank Acquisition and Improvement 3,000,000 To acquire land related to scientific and natural areas and prairie bank easements and for development, protection, or improvements of a capital nature to scientific and natural areas throughout the state. $2,200,000 is for scientific and natural area acquisition, $400,000 is for scientific and natural area restoration and development, and $400,000 is for Prairie Bank easements. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. Subd. 19. Metro Greenways and Natural Areas 4,000,000 To acquire and improve natural areas and greenways in the metro region through purchase of conservation easements or fee acquisition. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need and shall consult with representatives of local units of government, nonprofit organizations, and other interested parties. Subd. 20. Accelerated Wildlife Habitat Management 500,000 For wildlife habitat improvement. Of this amount, $400,000 is for winter wildlife habitat improvement for pheasants and other grassland wildlife in key farmland areas and $100,000 is for brushland and forest habitat renewal for sharp-tailed grouse and other species of birds dependent on open brushlands in forest areas. Subd. 21. Water Access Acquisition and Development 2,000,000 For public water access acquisition development and rehabilitation on lakes and rivers, including water access through the provision of fishing piers and shoreline access. Subd. 22. Trail Acquisition and Development 10,250,000 For acquisition and development of a capital nature on state trails as specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 85.015. Projects include $500,000 for the Willard Munger Trail, $1,000,000 for the Root River Trail, $140,000 for the Lanesboro Trailhead of the Root River Trail, $1,350,000 for the Luce Line, $500,000 for the Heartland Trail, $2,000,000 for the Paul Bunyan Trail, $1,050,000 for the Goodhue Pioneer Trail, $800,000 for the Blazing Star Trail, $1,310,000 for the Blufflands Trail development, and $350,000 for the Gateway Trail. The commissioner shall determine additional project priorities as appropriate based upon need. $1,250,000 of this appropriation is for the state targeting accessible recreation trails (START) project to complete the trail survey, prioritizing, and preengineering work for all 100 major recreation areas and to improve accessibility in up to 35 of these areas. Subd. 23. Metro Regional Trails 5,000,000 For grants to the metropolitan council for acquisition and development of a capital nature of trail connections in the metropolitan area as specified in this subdivision. The purpose of the grants is to improve trails in the metropolitan park and open space system and connect them with existing state and regional trails. Priority shall be given to matching funds for an ISTEA grant. The funds shall be allocated by the council as follows: (1) $1,050,000 is allocated to Ramsey county as follows: (i) $400,000 to complete six miles of trails between the Burlington Northern Regional Trail and Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park; (ii) $150,000 to complete a one-mile connection between Birch Lake and the Lake Tamarack segment of Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional Park; (iii) $500,000 to acquire real property and design and construct or renovate recreation facilities along the Mississippi River in cooperation with the city of St. Paul; (2) $1,050,000 is allocated to the city of St. Paul as follows: (i) $250,000 to construct a bridge over Lexington Parkway in Como Regional Park; and (ii) $800,000 to enhance amenities for the trailhead at the Lilydale-Harriet Island Regional Park pavilion; (3) $1,400,000 is allocated to Anoka county as follows: (i) $1,100,000 to construct a pedestrian tunnel under Highway 65 on the Rice Creek West Regional Trail in the city of Fridley; and (ii) $300,000 to construct a pedestrian bridge on the Mississippi River Regional Trail crossing over Mississippi Street in the city of Fridley; and (4) $1,500,000 is allocated to the suburban Hennepin regional park district as follows: (i) $1,000,000 to connect North Hennepin Regional Trail to Luce Line State Trail and Medicine Lake; and (ii) $500,000 is for the cost of development and acquisition of the Southwest regional trail in the city of St. Louis Park. The trail must connect the Minneapolis regional trail system at Cedar Lake park to the Hennepin parks regional trail system at the Hopkins trail head. Subd. 24. Lake Superior Safe Harbors 5,000,000 For acquisition, design, and development of safe harbors and public accesses on Lake Superior. $1,500,000 is for Taconite Harbor and $3,500,000 is for Two Harbors. This appropriation is not available until an equal amount in federal matching funds has been committed. Subd. 25. Lake Superior Zoo 1,300,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of Duluth for capital improvements to the animal care center, including veterinary hospital, laboratory, clinic, and quarantine area, and the childrens' zoo at the Lake Superior Zoological Garden. Subd. 26. Local Initiative Grants 8,000,000 For matching grants to be provided to local units of government for acquisition, development, or renovation of a capital nature of local parks, trails, and natural and scenic areas. Recipients must provide a match of at least one-half of total eligible project costs. The commissioner shall make payment to local units of government upon receiving documentation of reimbursable expenditures. The commissioner shall determine project priorities as appropriate based upon need. $3,500,000 of this appropriation is for grants to units of government to acquire and develop outdoor recreation areas, and for grants to units of government to acquire and better natural and scenic areas under Minnesota Statutes, section 85.019, subdivision 4a. $1,000,000 of this appropriation is for cooperative trail grants of up to $50,000 per project to acquire or construct trail linkages between communities, trails, and parks. $3,500,000 of this appropriation is for trail grants for the following locally funded publicly owned trails serving multiple communities: $1,400,000 for Beaver Island Trail in Stearns County, $1,400,000 for Skunk Hollow Trail in Yellow Medicine and Chippewa Counties, and $700,000 for Unity Trail in Faribault County. Subd. 27. Environmental Learning Centers 2,350,000 $1,000,000 of this appropriation is for a grant to independent school district No. 621, Mounds View, to renovate the Laurentian environmental learning center located in the Superior National Forest. This portion of the appropriation must not be used to expand the bed capacity of the center. It may be used to renovate and replace existing facilities. $300,000 of this appropriation is available immediately. The balance is available to the extent matched by money expended from other sources after the date of final enactment of this act. $1,350,000 of this appropriation is for a grant to Kandiyohi county to construct a trailhead at the Prairie Woods environmental learning center. This portion of the appropriation may not be used for overnight facilities. Subd. 28. Sand Dunes State Forest Center 150,000 For predesign and design of an office facility/visitor center in Sand Dunes State Forest. Subd. 29. Willernie Erosion Control 75,000 For a grant to the city of Willernie for publicly owned capital improvements to forestall erosion from a natural waterway. This appropriation must be equally matched by nonstate funds. Subd. 30. Hartley Nature Center 1,500,000 For a grant to the city of Duluth for the purpose of constructing capital improvements to the Hartley Nature Center. This appropriation is not available until an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 31. International Wolf Center 350,000 To the commissioner of administration for capital improvements to the International Wolf Center, including repair of grounds and buildings, improvements to the heating and ventilation system, the wolf enclosure, and the children's exhibit room, and added facilities for vehicle garaging and a workshop. Subd. 32. Savage Water Supply System 800,000 For a grant to the city of Savage for a water supply system. The Department of Health shall assign the amount of additional priority points necessary to place the city of Savage in the fundable range of the intended use plan for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.081, for a water supply and treatment system to protect the Savage Fen Wetland Complex. The amount of the loan shall be $10,000,000. The system must implement uniform demand management measures and provide for alternative sustainable water sources while protecting the Savage Fen Wetland Complex and the water resources of the aquifers. Conservation and demand reduction measures must be adopted. The system may be constructed under authority of Minnesota Statutes, section 471.59, 471.591, or other law. The alternative sources of water must be approved by the commissioner and comply with permit requirements under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 103G. Subd. 33. Bald Eagle Center 500,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of Wabasha for construction of the American bald eagle center. The city of Wabasha may enter into a lease or management agreement with a nonprofit corporation under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is not available until at least $1,000,000 has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 34. Work Program The commissioner must submit a work program and semiannual progress reports in the form determined by the legislative commission on Minnesota resources and request its recommendation before spending any money appropriated by subdivision 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, or 33 of this section. The commission's recommendation is advisory only. Failure to respond to a request within 60 days after receipt is a positive recommendation. Work programs involving land acquisition must include a land acquisition plan. Sec. 8. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE 3,500,000 To the office of environmental assistance for the solid waste capital assistance grants program under Minnesota Statutes, section 115A.54. Grants under this section are exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. This appropriation is from the general fund. $375,000 is for a grant to the Prairieland Compost Facility Board, a public body, for an air emissions project at the Prairieland Compost Facility located in Martin county. Sec. 9. PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Subdivision 1. To the public facilities authority for the purposes specified in this section 44,050,000 Subd. 2. Matching Money for Federal Grants 15,000,000 For state matching money for federal grants to capitalize the water pollution control fund and the drinking water revolving fund under Minnesota Statutes, sections 446A.07 and 446A.081. The expenditure and allocation of state matching funds between funds shall be based on the amount of federal funds appropriated to the funds. This appropriation must be used for qualified capital projects. Subd. 3. Wastewater Infrastructure Program 15,300,000 For supplemental assistance to municipalities under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.072. The authority shall reimburse the city of Isanti for costs it has incurred in construction of a project that reduced discharges into outstanding resource value waters in order to comply with more stringent wastewater standards required to protect those waters. The amount of the reimbursement shall be equal to the reimbursement the city would have received pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.072, subdivision 4, as it is amended by the 1998 legislature. To the greatest extent practicable, the authority should use the funds to first match grant funds on a 50 percent basis with USDA rural development projects prior to using the funds for non-USDA-eligible projects. The authority shall also give priority to multijurisdictional projects connecting areas with failing on-site treatment systems with an existing wastewater treatment system. The authority shall set aside up to $500,000 to provide 50 percent grant funding for the cost of equipment and installation into an existing municipal wastewater treatment system. The project must demonstrate the application of existing technology that currently is not being used in the treatment of municipal wastewater, but has the potential to improve the treatment of wastewater or make the treatment process more cost effective. The authority should work with the pollution control agency to solicit proposals from municipalities willing to share the risks and cost of removing the equipment if it does not perform. $1,300,000 must be used to make a grant to the city of Hawley to repair and update sewer lagoons. Subd. 4. Storm Sewer Matching Funds, Stewart 1,000,000 For a loan to the city of Stewart for storm sewer projects as matching money for the federal small cities development program. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 5. City of St. Peter 3,000,000 To the commissioner of trade and economic development for a grant to the city of St. Peter for the construction of a new wastewater facility outside the floodplain. Subd. 6. Planning Grants 100,000 For grants under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.071. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 7. Bayport Sewer Reconstruction 650,000 For a grant to the city of Bayport to pay the cost of a preconstruction study and engineering for a storm sewer reconstruction project within and adjacent to the Minnesota correctional facility-Stillwater. The study and design of the project, including how the costs of the project will be assessed against property owners whose properties will be served by the project, must be reported to the chairs of the judiciary finance division in the house and the crime prevention and judiciary budget division in the senate by January 15, 1999. The assessment must include the costs of predesign, design, and construction, including this appropriation and amounts previously spent by the cities of Bayport and Oak Park Heights and the county of Washington. The benefit allocation of the costs of this improvement must include consideration of the allocable volume of water generated in the winter by the property owner and drained by the reconstructed storm sewer. Subd. 8. State Revolving Fund Supplemental 9,000,000 For deposit in the water pollution control fund under Minnesota Statutes, section 446A.07, for the agricultural best management practices loan program under Minnesota Statutes, section 17.117, except that none of this appropriation may be used for conservation tillage equipment. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 10. BOARD OF WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES Subdivision 1. To the board of water and soil resources for the purposes specified in this section 19,800,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. RIM and PWP Conservation Easements 15,000,000 This appropriation is for the following purposes: (1) to acquire conservation easements from landowners on marginal lands to protect soil and water quality and to support fish and wildlife habitat as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.515; and (2) to acquire perpetual conservation easements on existing type 1, 2, 3, and 6 wetlands, adjacent lands, and for the establishment of permanent cover on adjacent lands, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.516. Up to $250,000 may be used for the acquisition of flood storage easements that allow haying, grazing, or other activities approved by the board when the flood storage is not needed, and for the cost of constructing related dikes and other structures necessary to maintain water in the flood storage easement areas. Up to ten percent of the appropriation may be used for professional and technical services related to acquisition of the easement. The board, in consultation with the commissioner of natural resources, must select at least two local government units for participation in the flood storage easement pilot program based on the potential and need for flood water storage in the local area. The board may acquire the easement directly or provide grants to the local government units for their acquisition of easements that conform with the requirements established by the board. A conservation easement must be for at least ten years. The board or the local government unit must make the following payments to the landowner for the conservation easement and agreement: (1) to establish conservation practices required by the easement, up to 75 percent of the total eligible cost, not to exceed an average of $75 per acre; and (2) 25 percent of the payment rate for 20-year easements acquired under Minnesota Statutes, section 103F.515; or (3) an alternative payment system for easements as may be determined by the board, in consultation with the commissioner of natural resources. By January 15, 2000, the board, in conjunction with the commissioner of natural resources, shall report to the senate environment and agriculture budget division and the house environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance committee on the acquisition of easements under this paragraph. The report must include an analysis of the benefit to expansion of the program in other areas of the state that are prone to flooding and on the adequacy of payments under the pilot program. Up to $1,000,000 is for professional and technical services necessary to administer the program. Subd. 3. Local Government Road Replacement 2,750,000 To acquire land for wetlands or restore wetlands to be used to replace wetlands drained or filled as a result of the repair, maintenance, or rehabilitation of existing public roads, as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.222, subdivision 1, paragraph (m). The purchase price paid for acquisition of land, fee or perpetual easement, shall be the amount deemed reasonable by the board. The board may enter into agreements with the federal government, other state agencies, political subdivisions, and nonprofit organizations or fee owners for acquisition of land and restoration and creation of wetlands with funds provided by this appropriation. Acquisition of or the conveyance of land may be in the name of the political subdivision. Up to $400,000 is for professional and technical services necessary to administer the program. Subd. 4. Quad-Lakes Restoration 300,000 For a grant to the Faribault county soil and water conservation district for the quad-lakes restoration project in Faribault and Blue Earth counties. Subd. 5. Lakeshore Easements 250,000 To acquire conservation easements for sensitive shoreland and riparian areas on lakes. Subd. 6. Area II Minnesota River Basin Grant-in-Aid Program 500,000 For grants to assist local governments in acquiring and constructing floodwater retention systems in area II of the Minnesota river basin. Projects may include flood control reservoirs, road retention structures, and other floodwater mitigation improvements. This appropriation must be matched by at least $333,000 from nonstate sources. Grants under this subdivision are exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. Subd. 7. Feedlot Water Quality 1,000,000 For grants to soil and water conservation districts for cost-sharing contracts for water quality management on feedlots. Priority must be given to feedlot operators who have received a notice of violation and for feedlots in counties that are conducting or have completed a level 2 or level 3 feedlot inventory. Subd. 8. Work Program The board must submit a work program and semiannual progress reports in the form determined by the legislative commission on Minnesota resources and request its recommendation before spending any money appropriated by this section. The commission's recommendation is advisory only. Failure to respond to a request within 60 days after receipt is a positive recommendation. Work programs involving land acquisition must include a land acquisition plan. Sec. 11. AGRICULTURE 500,000 For a grant to a political subdivision that is chosen as a site for a soybean oilseed processing and refining facility, constructed by a Minnesota-based cooperative. This appropriation is for site preparation, predevelopment, and other infrastructure improvements, including public and private utility improvements, that are necessary for development of the oilseed processing and refining facility. This appropriation is available until December 31, 2000. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 12. MINNESOTA ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS 1,750,000 To the Minnesota zoological gardens for design, repair, and reconstruction of roadways, pathways, parking lots, outdoor lighting, and public plaza areas. This appropriation is exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. Sec. 13. ADMINISTRATION Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 46,250,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Capital Asset Preservation and Replacement (CAPRA) 15,000,000 To be spent in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.632. The commissioner of administration, in cooperation with the commissioner of finance, president of the University of Minnesota, and chancellor of the Minnesota state colleges and universities, shall review how state agencies and state higher education institutions plan and budget for ongoing asset preservation needs in capital and operating budgets, examine alternative methodologies and formulas for future agency requests, and report the commissioner's findings by January 15, 1999, to the chairs of the senate committees on finance and the house of representatives committees on ways and means and capital investment. The legislature intends to use the report in considering future capital and operating appropriations to state agencies and state higher education institutions for asset preservation, repair, and replacement budgets. Subd. 3. Ely Revenue Building 2,200,000 This appropriation is to predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip a new building for the department of revenue's Minnesota collection enterprise operations in Ely. The unencumbered balance of the appropriation of $650,000 in Laws 1997, chapter 202, article 1, section 12, subdivision 3, to acquire the building in Ely currently used by the department of revenue is canceled. Subd. 4. Capitol Square Building 3,100,000 To relocate the department of children, families, and learning (CFL), and the higher education services office (HESO) and pay rent in a new facility and conduct a predesign study of future facilities for CFL and HESO. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.24, the commissioner of administration must retain the capitol square site. Subd. 5. Labor Interpretive Center 6,000,000 For renovation and upgrades to the East Building of the Science Museum for use for the Minnesota Labor Interpretive Center. Subd. 6. Department of Revenue Relocation 5,350,000 To relocate the department of revenue from a leased facility to a new state-owned facility in the Capitol complex. This appropriation includes staging equipment and furnishings necessary to complete the relocation and to continue critical operations at the new facility. Any computers replaced as a result of these relocations will be offered to the Center for the Arts in Golden Valley. Subd. 7. Agency Relocation 2,490,000 For relocation of state agencies as determined by the commissioner of administration. Subd. 8. Electrical Utility Infrastructure 5,350,000 To upgrade the primary electrical distribution system in the Capitol complex and to upgrade the mechanical infrastructure in the east Capitol area. Subd. 9. Capitol Security and Plant Management Facility Predesign 45,000 To conduct a predesign of a new facility for the department of public safety's capitol security division and the department of administration's plant management division. Subd. 10. Real Property Acquisition 2,800,000 This appropriation is from the general fund for acquisition of land and to purchase options in order to hold properties that meet state development needs. Subd. 11. Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Facility Design and Site Acquisition 3,815,000 To design a new building for the bureau of criminal apprehension, including offices and forensic laboratories and to select and acquire a site for the building in St. Paul and predesign of a satellite laboratory facility in northern Minnesota. Subd. 12. Dahl House Relocation 100,000 This appropriation is from the general fund to relocate the Dahl House near its original site, stabilize, and restore the structure. Up to $150,000 from the plaza percent for art budget may be used for the restoration and related art objects. Subd. 13. Department of Human Services Consolidation Within the limits of available appropriations, the commissioner of administration and the commissioner of human services may enter into a contract with a third party to consolidate the department of human services central office operations into one location. Sec. 14. CAPITOL AREA ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING BOARD Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 9,544,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Capitol Building Structural Stabilization 6,600,000 To stabilize the Capitol building's structure and provide related facility improvements. Subd. 3. Capitol Building Accessibility 1,500,000 To design, construct, renovate, and replace exterior doors on the Capitol's ground, first, and second floors to meet code requirements. The commissioner of administration and the capitol area architectural and planning board shall study and report to the legislature by January 15, 1999, on possible improvements of the stairs from the tunnel to the Capitol, so as to encourage greater use of stairs and less use of elevators. $150,000 of this appropriation is to predesign improvements to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system in the State Office Building hearing rooms. This appropriation is also to design and construct storage behind members' chairs in hearing rooms of the State Office Building and to design and construct improved access to the hearing rooms of the State Office Building. Subd. 4. Security Lighting 734,000 To improve security lighting for pedestrians parking in lots and ramps north of the Capitol and, to the extent money is available, for pedestrian-scaled lighting on the mall south of the Capitol. Subd. 5. Statuary Restoration 120,000 This appropriation is to restore the statuary immediately in front of the Capitol. Subd. 6. Capitol Mall Memorials 440,000 This appropriation is to repair and rehabilitate the reflecting pool and sculpture at the veterans services building, the plaza and wall of the Floyd B. Olson memorial, and the paving stones at the Lindbergh memorial. Subd. 7. Women's Suffrage Memorial Garden 150,000 This appropriation is to complete the Minnesota women's suffrage memorial garden. Subd. 8. Greening the Mall The capitol area architectural and planning board shall solicit contributions of labor, trees, and other landscape materials from individuals and groups willing to assist with replacing and increasing vegetation on the capitol mall in preparation for the Capitol's centennial celebration in 2005. Sec. 15. AMATEUR SPORTS COMMISSION Subdivision 1. To the amateur sports commission for the purposes specified in this section 11,020,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. National Sports Center 4,800,000 $1,700,000 is to purchase and develop land adjacent to the National Sports Center in Blaine for use as athletic fields. $3,100,000 is to develop the National Children's Golf Course. The primary purpose of the National Children's Golf Course is to serve youth of 18 years and younger. Market rates must be charged for adult golf. Subd. 3. Giants Ridge Facility 690,000 For a grant to the Iron Range resources and rehabilitation board to enhance the Giants Ridge cross-country ski event facility. Subd. 4. Minneapolis Urban Sports Center 600,000 For a grant to special school district No. 1, Minneapolis, to complete funding for an urban sports facility, to be owned by the district. This appropriation is in addition to the project appropriation of $3,400,000 in Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 14, subdivision 5, paragraph (a), and subject to the conditions contained therein. Subd. 5. Tennis Facility 800,000 For a grant to the city of St. Paul to design a tennis center to offer indoor tennis facilities, subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. The center may be constructed only after endorsement by a national governing body member of the United States Olympic Committee. Subd. 6. Ice Centers 2,000,000 For grants for ice centers under Minnesota Statutes, section 240A.09, of up to $250,000 each. Subd. 7. Mt. Itasca Ski Area 130,000 For a grant to the Iron Range resources and rehabilitation board to expand the facilities at Mt. Itasca ski area. Subd. 8. Richfield Athletic Fields 2,000,000 For a grant to the city of Richfield for planning, designing, constructing, and equipping recreational facilities needed to replace facilities lost due to improvements to Wold Chamberlain field. The city must spend the money in a manner consistent with the recreation asset replacement study of the Richfield community services department. Sec. 16. MILITARY AFFAIRS Subdivision 1. To the adjutant general or other named agency for the purposes specified in this section 1,230,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Kitchen Renovation 880,000 To renovate kitchen facilities at National Guard training and community centers in Thief River Falls, Bemidji, Detroit Lakes, Marshall, Litchfield, Anoka, Fergus Falls, and Pine City. This appropriation is exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. Subd. 3. Asset Preservation 250,000 For asset preservation improvements at military affairs facilities statewide. Subd. 4. Military Affairs/Emergency Management Facility Predesign 100,000 To the commissioner of administration to predesign a joint military affairs/emergency management facility. Sec. 17. TRANSPORTATION Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of transportation for the purposes specified in this section 93,300,000 Subd. 2. Local Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation 34,000,000 This appropriation is from the state transportation fund as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 174.50, to match federal funds and to replace or rehabilitate local deficient bridges. Political subdivisions may use grants made under this section to construct or reconstruct bridges, including: (1) matching federal-aid grants to construct or reconstruct key bridges; (2) paying the costs of preliminary engineering and environmental studies authorized under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.50, subdivision 6a; (3) paying the costs to abandon an existing bridge that is deficient and in need of replacement, but where no replacement will be made; and (4) paying the costs to construct a road or street to facilitate the abandonment of an existing bridge determined by the commissioner to be deficient, if the commissioner determines that construction of the road or street is more cost efficient than the replacement of the existing bridge. Subd. 3. Transitways 46,500,000 (a) This appropriation is to match federal and local funding for the planning, design, engineering, and construction of transitways in the metropolitan area. (b) $40,000,000 is for the preliminary engineering, final design, and construction of light rail transit in the Hiawatha Avenue corridor from downtown Minneapolis through Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the site of the former Met Center or surrounding area with a terminus in southern Hennepin or northern Dakota county. The Hiawatha Avenue corridor management committee created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 473.3994, subdivision 10, shall establish an advisory committee of: (1) individuals who reside near the proposed corridor; (2) representatives of businesses located within one mile on either side of the corridor; and (3) elected officials, including legislators, who represent the area in which the Hiawatha corridor is located. The advisory committee shall advise the corridor management committee on issues relating to the preliminary engineering, final design, and construction of light rail facilities, including the proposed alignment for the corridor. (c) The funds in this paragraph must be distributed as grants to appropriate county regional rail authorities as follows: (1) $3,000,000 to match federal funding for a major investment study, engineering, and implementation in the Riverview corridor between the east side of St. Paul and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Mall of America; (2) $1,500,000 to match federal funding for a major investment study, engineering, and implementation in the Northstar corridor linking downtown Minneapolis to the St. Cloud area and to study the feasibility of commuter rail and other transportation improvements within the corridor; (3) $500,000 to study potential transit improvements and engineering studies in the Cedar Avenue corridor to link the Hiawatha, Riverview, and Northstar transit corridors with Dakota county; and (4) $500,000 to develop engineering documents for a commuter rail line from Minneapolis to downtown St. Paul through southern Washington county to Hastings. The commissioner of transportation, in coordination with the North Star Corridor Joint Powers Authority and the St. Cloud area planning agency, shall study the transportation needs within the St. Cloud metropolitan area. (d) $1,000,000 is available as grants to appropriate county regional rail authorities to conduct major investment studies and to develop engineering documents for commuter rail lines in the following corridors: (1) the Young America corridor from Carver county to Minneapolis and St. Paul; (2) the Bethel corridor linking Cambridge with the Northstar corridor in Anoka county; (3) the Northwest corridor from downtown Minneapolis to the Northwest suburbs of Hennepin county; and (4) other commuter rail corridors identified in phase II of the department of transportation's commuter rail service study, except for the corridors identified in paragraph (c). The appropriation in this paragraph is not available until the completion of the commuter rail service study as provided in Laws 1997, chapter 159, article 2, section 51. The funds may be made available only after approval by the commissioner of transportation of an application submitted by county regional rail authorities that is consistent with the results of the commuter rail service study and demonstrates a coordinated implementation strategy. Subd. 4. Rural Transit Assistance 5,000,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. $2,500,000 of this appropriation is for grants to local units of government to acquire rolling stock for transit systems under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.24. $1,500,000 is for public transit subsidy program grants to eligible recipients under Minnesota Statutes, section 174.24. Priority must be given to projects involving collaboration between transit operators and local government. The following appropriations are not available until equal amounts have been committed from nonstate sources: $675,000 is for renovation of the Duluth transit operating facility. $100,000 is for renovation and roof replacement at the Duluth Transit Center. $100,000 is to design and construct a transit hub on or near the campus of St. Cloud State University. $125,000 is to renovate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system at the Mankato transit building. Subd. 5. Forest Highway 11 and CSAH No. 90 3,050,000 To fund the nonfederal matching requirement for Forest Highway 11 in St. Louis and Lake counties and County State Aid Highway No. 90 in Blue Earth county. The amount for Forest Highway 11 is $1,650,000 and the amount for County State Aid Highway No. 90 is $1,400,000. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 6. Port Development Assistance 4,500,000 For port development assistance grants, the grants must be made to political subdivisions for capital improvements constructed after the effective date of this appropriation under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 457A.01 to 457A.06. Any improvements made with the proceeds of these grants must be publicly owned. Subd. 7. Seaway Port Authority of Duluth 250,000 For a grant to the Seaway Port Authority of Duluth to design a new warehouse. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 8. Exception Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 398A, the Hennepin county regional railroad authority may expend up to $400,000 from its funds to fund a circulator vehicle pilot project in South Minneapolis. The funds may be used for capital or operating costs. Sec. 18. HUMAN SERVICES Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 19,975,000 Subd. 2. Capital Roof Repairs and Replacement 1,900,000 For critical repairs of a capital nature and replacement to roofs of department of human services service facilities statewide. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 3. Asset Preservation 4,000,000 To be spent for asset preservation needs at state regional treatment centers. Priority must be given to fire alarm systems and sprinklers. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 4. People, Inc. North Side Community Support Program 375,000 For a grant to Hennepin county to purchase, remodel, and complete accessibility upgrades to an existing building to be used by the People, Inc. North Side Community Support Program which may provide office space for state employees. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 5. METO Construction, Cambridge 1,500,000 To undertake site improvements including demolition, and to design construct, remodel, furnish, and equip 12 additional beds for the Minnesota extended treatment option (METO) program on the Cambridge regional human services center campus. Subd. 6. Building Renovations, Moose Lake Sexual Psychopathic Personality Center 8,000,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip additional residential and ancillary service facilities for the Minnesota sexual psychopathic personality treatment center at Moose Lake. The facilities are expected to provide two 25-bed residential units plus eight beds in an isolation unit. Subd. 7. Crisis and Respite Residential Capacity 1,200,000 To develop crisis and respite residential capacity. In the development of this capacity, the department shall consider the use of existing surplus space in the public and private human service system. Debt service costs on the bonds sold to finance projects for crisis and respite capacity shall be paid to the commissioner of finance in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.643, with funds appropriated to the commissioner for this purpose. Subd. 8. Building Renovations, Willmar 3,000,000 To renovate building 3 (MTC) and building 14 at the Willmar regional treatment center. Sec. 19. VETERANS HOMES BOARD Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 12,055,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 2. Minneapolis Veterans Home 6,340,000 For design and construction of capital infrastructure improvements to tunnels, piping systems, and utility systems at the campus of the Minneapolis veterans home. Subd. 3. Hastings Veterans Home 5,715,000 For design and renovation of the power plant, boiler, and related utility infrastructure systems at the campus of the Hastings veterans home. Sec. 20. CORRECTIONS Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of administration for the purposes specified in this section 14,185,000 Subd. 2. Asset Preservation 3,500,000 For asset preservation needs at state correctional facilities. $1,250,000 of this appropriation is for fire/life safety needs at the Stillwater correctional facility. $1,225,000 of this appropriation is for new plumbing for the education building at the St. Cloud correctional facility. The remainder of the appropriation is for installing fire sprinklers and replacing roofs, where needed. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 3. Inmate Bed Expansion, Shakopee 4,645,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip a two story 62-bed living unit at MCF-Shakopee and expansion and modification of related support service areas. The living units must be able to be double-bunked. Subd. 4. Administrative Segregation Unit, Lino Lakes 340,000 To construct, furnish, and equip an 80-cell administrative segregation unit to provide more restrictive and staff-efficient housing for inmates who are unable to live in the general population. This appropriation is contingent upon $7,592,000 in federal matching funds. Subd. 5. Health Care Improvements, Oak Park Heights 3,000,000 To convert Complex 4 from a 52-bed living unit to a 45-bed departmentwide mental health unit, convert an existing 42-bed unit to a 39-bed departmentwide infirmary, and provide predesign and partial design funds for a new 60-bed high security unit to replace beds lost in the previous improvements. Subd. 6. Intake Center, St. Cloud 1,500,000 To design and renovate dayrooms into offices and inmate processing areas. Subd. 7. Security Fence, Red Wing 1,200,000 To design and construct a security fence and purchase related lighting and security equipment at MCF-Red Wing. This subdivision is exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, sections 16B.33, subdivision 3, and 16B.335. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 21. PUBLIC SAFETY Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of public safety, or other named official, for the purposes specified in this section 2,230,000 Subd. 2. State Patrol Camp Ripley Training Facility 1,200,000 To the commissioner of transportation to design, construct, furnish, and equip a state patrol training facility at Camp Ripley in Little Falls. This appropriation is from the trunk highway fund. Subd. 3. Fire and Public Safety Training 150,000 To develop a statewide master plan for siting, ownership, and operation of fire and public safety training facilities. The commissioner of public safety will consult with the Minnesota state colleges and universities, the department of military affairs, and the peace officer standards and training board in preparation of the master plan. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 4. Regional Emergency Response and Industrial Training Center 880,000 For a grant to the Southwest Regional Development Commission for an award to a community for constructing a regional emergency response and fire training center following a site selection process. The community will contract with Minnesota West Technical College to provide instruction for the center. The community selected will operate and maintain the facility. This grant is not available until at least an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 22. INDIAN AFFAIRS COUNCIL 1,700,000 To the Indian affairs council for construction of the Battle Point Cultural and Education Center. The center must be publicly owned. The Indian affairs council may enter into a lease or management agreement for the center subject to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 16A.695. Sec. 23. TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Subdivision 1. To the commissioner of trade and economic development or other named official for the purposes specified in this section 225,680,000 Subd. 2. Redevelopment Grant Program 4,000,000 For purposes of new Minnesota Statutes, sections 116J.561 to 116J.567. This appropriation is from the general fund. Priority must be given to projects in areas of high unemployment, to projects that enhance the property tax base on the site or adjacent to it, and to grants that will be used in conjunction with remediation activities. Subd. 3. Direct Reduction Iron Processing Facilities 10,000,000 For grants for construction of up to three direct reduction iron processing facilities. The commissioner of trade and economic development and natural resources must jointly agree on and issue the grants. This appropriation is from the general fund and does not cancel but is available until June 30, 2003. Subd. 4. Phillips Neighborhood Job Creation, Green Institute 1,500,000 To the city of Minneapolis for a grant to the Green Institute to design, construct, furnish, and equip a building to house the Phillips Ecoenterprise Center in the Phillips neighborhood in south Minneapolis to create up to 200 jobs in businesses, many of which specialize in energy conservation, renewable energy, environmental technology, recycling, reuse, and related fields. One-half of the job openings must be targeted for persons on public assistance or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level. This grant must be matched on a one-to-one basis from nonstate sources of debt and equity. The city may enter into a lease or management agreement with the Green Institute subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 5. Taconite Mining Grants 500,000 For the taconite mining grant program under Minnesota Statutes, section 116J.992. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 6. St. Paul RiverCentre Arena 65,000,000 This appropriation is from the general fund to the commissioner of finance for a loan to the city of St. Paul to demolish the existing St. Paul RiverCentre Arena and to design, construct, furnish, and equip a new arena. This appropriation is not available until the lessee to whom the city has leased the arena has agreed to make rental or other payments to the city under the terms set forth in this subdivision. The loan is repayable solely from and secured by the payments made to the city by the lessee. The loan is not a public debt and the full faith, credit, and taxing powers of the city are not pledged for its repayment. (a) $48,000,000 of the loan must be repaid to the commissioner, without interest, within 20 years from the date of substantial completion of the arena in accordance with the following schedule: (1) no repayments are due in the first two years from the date of substantial completion; (2) in each of the years three to five, the lessee must pay $1,250,000; (3) in each of the years six to ten, the lessee must pay $1,500,000; (4) in each of the years 11 to 13, the lessee must pay $2,000,000; (5) in year 14, the lessee must pay $3,000,000; (6) in year 15, the lessee must pay $4,000,000; and (7) in each of the years 16 to 20, the lessee must pay $4,750,000. (b) The commissioner must deposit the repayments in the state treasury and credit them to the youth activities account, which is hereby created in the special revenue fund. Money in the youth activities account is available for expenditure as appropriated by law. (c) The loan may not be made until the commissioner has entered into an agreement with the city of St. Paul identifying the rental or other payments that will be made and establishing the dates on and the amounts in which the payments will be made to the city and by the city to the commissioner. The payments may include operating revenues and additional payments to be made by the lessee under agreements to be negotiated between the commissioner, the city, and the lessee. Those agreements may include, but are not limited to, an agreement whereby the lessee pledges to provide each year a letter of credit sufficient to guarantee the payment of the amount due for the next succeeding year; an agreement whereby the lessee agrees to maintain a net worth, certified each year by a financial institution or accounting firm satisfactory to the commissioner, that is greater than the balance due under the payment schedule in paragraph (a); and any other agreements the commissioner may deem necessary to ensure that the payments are made as scheduled. (d) The agreements must provide that the failure of the lessee to make a payment due to the city under the agreement is an event of default under the lease between the city and the lessee and that the state is entitled to enforce the remedies of the lessor under the lease in the event of default. Those remedies must include, but need not be limited to, the obligation of the lessee to pay the balance due for the remainder of the payment schedule in the event the lessee ceases to operate a National Hockey League team in the arena. (e) By January 1, 1999, the commissioner shall report to the chair of the senate committee on state government finance and the chair of the house committee on ways and means the terms of an agreement between the lessee and the amateur sports commission whereby the lessee agrees to make the facilities of the arena available to the commission on terms satisfactory to the commission for amateur sports activities consistent with the purposes of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 240A, each year during the time the loan is outstanding. The amateur sports commission must negotiate in good faith and may be required to pay no more than actual out-of-pocket expenses for the time it uses the arena. The agreement may not become effective before February 1, 1999. During any calendar year after 1999 that an agreement under this paragraph is not in effect and a payment is due under the schedule, the lessee must pay to the commissioner a penalty of $750,000 for that year. If the amateur sports commission has not negotiated in good faith, no penalty is due. Subd. 7. Minneapolis Convention Center 87,145,000 To the commissioner of finance for a grant to the city of Minneapolis to pay principal costs on city of Minneapolis' $178,985,000 general obligation sales tax refunding bonds, series 1992. It is the expectation of the legislature that the city will issue bonds and pay all capital and operating costs associated with an expansion of the existing Minneapolis Convention Center. This is the final state appropriation for this facility. Subd. 8. Minneapolis Convention Center Circulator 220,000 To the Metropolitan Council in cooperation with the Office of Tourism at the Department of Trade and Economic Development and the Scenic Byways program at the Department of Transportation from the general fund for planning and start-up costs of a pilot transportation project: (1) connecting the Minneapolis convention center and other locations in downtown Minneapolis with multicultural tourist, heritage, and cultural resources in Phillips, Stevens Square, Whittier, Central, Powderhorn, Seward, Loring Park, and Cedar-Riverside neighborhoods in Minneapolis and contributing to the revitalization of those neighborhoods by increasing urban tourism; (2) generating additional spending by expanding the selection of tourism activities provided by the convention center and downtown Minneapolis; and (3) promoting state and local tourism activities which provide a richer, more culturally diverse experience of Minneapolis urban life as an alternative to larger, more commercial attractions. Subd. 9. Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center 12,000,000 For a grant to the Duluth entertainment and convention center authority for the purpose of planning, designing, constructing, and equipping of capital improvements to the Duluth entertainment and convention center. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that the necessary additional financing to complete a project with a total cost of at least $20,000,000 has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 10. Mayo Civic Center in Rochester 2,800,000 For a grant to the city of Rochester to acquire land, design, construct, furnish, and equip an expansion and remodeling of the Mayo Civic Center. This appropriation is contingent upon demonstration of an equal amount in nonstate matching funds to the commissioner of finance. Subd. 11. St. Cloud Community Event Center 6,100,000 For a grant to the city of St. Cloud for Phase I of the Central Minnesota Events Center, including predesign, design, land acquisition, site preparation, and construction. Subd. 12. Fergus Falls Convention Center 1,500,000 For a grant to the city of Fergus Falls to acquire land, predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip a convention center in Fergus Falls. This appropriation is contingent upon demonstration of $1,500,000 in nonstate matching funds to the commissioner. Subd. 13. Hutchinson Community Civic Center 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Hutchinson to design, construct, furnish, and equip a community civic center, subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. Subd. 14. Humboldt Avenue Greenway Project 7,000,000 To the commissioner of natural resources for a grant to Hennepin county as the state contribution for the Humboldt Avenue greenway project in accordance with the multijurisdictional reinvestment program plan established in Minnesota Statutes, section 383B.79. The purpose of the grant is to acquire land for green space and infrastructure improvements in the vicinity of Humboldt Avenue North; reclamation of wetland amenities for public use; and construction of a parkway. This appropriation is not available until the governmental jurisdictions participating in the multijurisdictional reinvestment program have committed in the aggregate $12,000,000 for the project. The governmental jurisdictions, however constituted, may use any nonstate money under their control to meet the match requirement. Subd. 15. Prairieland Expo 3,000,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the southwest regional development commission to construct and equip Prairieland Expo. The southwest regional development commission may enter into a lease or management agreement for Prairieland Expo subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is contingent upon demonstration of $1,500,000 in nonstate matching funds. Subd. 16. Montevideo Downtown Revitalization 1,500,000 For a grant to the city of Montevideo for engineering, architecture, and development of a public capital improvement downtown revitalization project following the 1997 flood. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that $1,500,000 has been committed to the project from nonstate sources. Subd. 17. Paramount Arts District Regional Arts Center 750,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of St. Cloud to construct, furnish, and equip the paramount arts district regional arts center, subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that the necessary additional financing to complete at least a $5,400,000 project has been committed by nonstate sources. Subd. 18. Veterans Memorial Performing Arts Amphitheater 315,000 For a grant to the city of St. Louis Park to construct a veterans memorial performing arts amphitheater. This appropriation is for a portion of a larger project to which at least an equal amount of funds from nonstate sources must be committed. Subd. 19. Brooklyn Center Earle Brown Heritage Center Restoration 2,500,000 To the commissioner of administration to make a grant to the city of Brooklyn Center to acquire land and improve it for parking and to design, construct, furnish, and equip an additional building, together with connecting structures and the remodeling of existing buildings at the Earle Brown Heritage Center. Subd. 20. Valley Technology Park in Crookston 600,000 For a grant to the city of Crookston for capital development of its Valley Technology Park located adjacent to the campus of the University of Minnesota at Crookston. This appropriation is not available until an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 21. Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center (Farmamerica) 1,500,000 For a grant to the Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center (Farmamerica) to construct its visitors' center. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 22. Owatonna Infrastructure 500,000 For a grant from the general fund to the city of Owatonna to defray costs of city infrastructure for the Heritage Halls Museum/Cabela's project. Subd. 23. United States Hockey Hall of Fame 250,000 For a grant to the city of Eveleth for construction, remodeling, and renovation of displays celebrating boys and girls amateur and high school hockey in the United States at the United States Hockey Hall of Fame. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 24. Minnesota African-American Performing Arts Center 2,250,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of St. Paul to predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip the Minnesota African-American performing arts and education center. The city of St. Paul may contract with a nonprofit organization to operate the center, subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that an equal amount has been committed by nonstate sources. Subd. 25. Phalen Corridor 3,850,000 For a grant to the St. Paul Port Authority for the removal of blight by property acquisition, site preparation, and redevelopment activities on and around the former Stroh brewery property and to acquire a roadway right-of-way in the Phalen corridor. The city shall consider the potential for connection with an adjoining transit hub and any connector roads. Subd. 26. Sewer and Water to Community College 500,000 For a grant to the city of Cambridge for extension of pipe for sewer and water service including extension under the Rum River to the community college campus at Cambridge. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 27. Red Lake Educational and Training Facility 2,600,000 For a grant to the Red Lake tribal council to construct an educational and training facility and a production facility on land assigned by the council on the Red Lake reservation. The educational and training facility will provide a site for Northwest technical college to offer basic skills and vocational training to adults to help them overcome the effects of underemployment and unemployment and to prepare them for meaningful employment. Training will utilize personalized, computerized programs designed to prepare participants for college and other further training as well as direct access to the work force. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 28. Headwaters Science Center 200,000 To the commissioner of administration for a grant to the city of Bemidji for design of the Headwaters Science Center. Subd. 29. Little Falls Conference and Retreat Center 100,000 For a grant to the city of Little Falls to equip a conference center and retreat site on the Mississippi River in Little Falls. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 30. Itasca County School-to-Work Technology Center 2,000,000 For a grant to Itasca county to design and construct a school-to-work technology center in conjunction with the school district, the city of Nashwauk, and private industry. Each dollar of state money must be matched by $1 of nonstate money. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 31. Mankato Technology Center 4,500,000 For a grant to the city of Mankato to acquire real property, design, and construct a multiuse facility that includes a technology incubator, a community technology park, an education center, headquarters space for the Institute for Wireless Education, laboratories, and office and administrative space. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner has determined that at least $4,500,000 has been committed by the city of Mankato and other nonstate sources. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 24. HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY 6,000,000 This appropriation is from the general fund. (a) $4,000,000 is for transfer to the housing development fund for the purpose of making loans or grants for temporary or transitional housing under Minnesota Statutes, section 462A.201, subdivision 2, including loans or grants for housing homeless youth, homeless families, battered women, and individuals leaving prostitution. At least 25 percent of the appropriation under this section must utilize youthbuild, Minnesota Statutes, sections 268.361 to 268.366, or other youth employment and training programs. Eligible programs must consult with appropriate labor organizations to deliver education and training. In making grants under this section, the commissioner shall use a request for proposal process. (b) $2,000,000 is for transfer to the housing development fund for the purpose of making loans for permanent housing under Minnesota Statutes, sections 462A.21, subdivision 8b, and 462A.206. Sec. 25. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Subdivision 1. To the Minnesota Historical Society for the purposes specified in this section 13,110,000 Subd. 2. Historic Site Preservation and Repair 1,500,000 For capital repair, reconstruction, or replacement of deferred maintenance needs at state historic sites, buildings, exhibits, markers, and monuments, including replacement of the permanent exhibit at the Lindbergh Historic Site Visitor Center. The society shall determine project priorities as appropriate based on need. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 3. County and Local Preservation Projects 1,150,000 To be allocated to county and local jurisdictions as matching money for historic preservation projects of a capital nature. Grant recipients must be public entities and must match state funds on at least an equal basis. The facilities must be publicly owned. $175,000 of this appropriation is for the Veterans Memorial Hall Project at the St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 4. Split Rock Lighthouse Visitor Center Improvements 780,000 To design, renovate, and expand public restrooms and related facilities at the Split Rock Lighthouse visitor center. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 5. Northwest Company Fur Post Interpretive Center 1,500,000 To design, construct, furnish, and equip the North West Company Fur Post Interpretive Center. Subd. 6. Historic Fort Snelling 600,000 For the abatement of hazardous materials at Historic Fort Snelling and design for the renovation of building no. 17 at Fort Snelling for its possible future use as the Fort Snelling International Hostel. Hosteling International of Minnesota must enter into a lease with the Minnesota historical society to operate the hostel. State operating funds must not be used for the operation and maintenance of the hostel. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 7. St. Anthony Falls Heritage Education Center 4,000,000 For structural stabilization, landscape improvements of a capital nature, and design in the St. Anthony Falls Historic District. Subd. 8. Herman Monument in New Ulm 400,000 For a grant to the city of New Ulm for the restoration, enhancement, and protection of Herman Monument. The appropriation must be matched with nonstate contributions sufficient to provide and install the four decorative copper lions depicted in Julius Berndt's 1885 architectural drawings of the monument. The nonstate contribution may be any combination of materials, in-kind, or cash contributions. The city of New Ulm, in consultation with the director of the state historical society, must develop interpretive displays depicting the significance of Herman in the history of German people and their immigration to America and with the director of the office of tourism to develop and implement a program to inform and attract national and international visitors to New Ulm and Herman Monument. The appropriation is available proportionally as the match is raised by the city of New Ulm. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 9. Treaty Site History Center 400,000 For a grant to the Nicollet county historical society to design and construct a new central exhibit at the treaty site history center, subject to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is not available until an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 10. Humphrey Museum and Learning Center, Waverly 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Waverly to renovate the existing village hall as the Hubert H. Humphrey Museum and Learning Center. The city may enter into a lease or management agreement for the center subject to Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. It is expected that the city of Waverly will construct an addition to the building with funds from nonstate sources. Subd. 11. Bemidji Historic Railroad Depot 650,000 For a grant to the city of Bemidji to pay up to one-half of the total costs, including acquisition, design, other preliminary work, construction costs, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, to convert an abandoned historic railroad depot within the city to a historical museum and facility for the Beltrami county historical society. This appropriation is in addition to the appropriation of $50,000 for the same project in Laws 1997, chapter 200, article 1, section 18, subdivision 5, paragraph (g). This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 12. Montevideo Railroad Depot 130,000 For a grant to the city of Montevideo for exterior improvements to the city's historic railroad depot and for design and development of a related parking area, trailhead, and public facilities at the site. This appropriation is from the general fund. Subd. 13. Red River Valley Center 1,000,000 For a grant to the city of Moorhead for capital remodeling and new construction to expand the Red River Valley Center under Minnesota Statutes, section 138.93. The state's share of the remodeling and expansion must not exceed 50 percent of the cost of the project. This appropriation is from the general fund. Sec. 26. BOND SALE EXPENSES 500,000 To the commissioner of finance for bond sale expenses under Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641, subdivision 8. This appropriation is from the bond proceeds fund. Sec. 27. [BOND SALE AUTHORIZATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [BOND PROCEEDS FUND.] To provide the money appropriated in this act from the bond proceeds fund, the commissioner of finance, on request of the governor, shall sell and issue bonds of the state in an amount up to $463,795,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.631 to 16A.675, and by the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, sections 4 to 7. Subd. 2. [TRANSPORTATION FUND.] To provide the money appropriated in this act from the transportation fund, the commissioner of finance, on request of the governor, shall sell and issue bonds of the state in an amount up to $34,000,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 16A.631 to 16A.675, and by the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, sections 4 to 7. The proceeds of the bonds, except accrued interest and any premium received on the sale of the bonds, must be credited to a bond proceeds account in the state transportation fund. Sec. 28. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 16A.105, is amended to read: 16A.105 [DEBT CAPACITY FORECAST.]By December 1 of each even-numberedIn February and November of each year thegovernorcommissioner shallsubmit tothe legislatureprepare a debt capacity forecast to be delivered to the governor and legislature according to section 16A.103, subdivision 1. The debt capacity forecast must include statements of the indebtedness of the state for bonds, notes, and other forms of long-term general obligation indebtednessthat are not accounted for in proprietary orfiduciary funds, including general obligation bonds, moralobligation bonds, revenue bonds, loans, grants payable, andcapital leases. The forecast must show the actual amount of the debt service for at least the past two completed fiscal years, and the estimated amount for the current fiscal year and the next six fiscal years, the debt authorized and unissued,thecondition of the sinking funds,and the borrowing capacity for the next six fiscal years. Sec. 29. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 16A.11, subdivision 3a, is amended to read: Subd. 3a. [PART THREE: DETAILED CAPITAL BUDGET.] The detailed capital budget must include recommendations for capital projects to be funded during the next six fiscal years. It must be submitted with projectsrank ordered in two ways: in orderof importance among all budget projects asdeterminedrecommended by the governor,and in order of importance among that agency's requests as determined by the agency originating the request. Sec. 30. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 16A.11, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 6. [BUILDING MAINTENANCE.] The detailed operating budget must include amounts necessary to maintain state buildings. The commissioner of finance, in consultation with the commissioner of administration, the board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities, and the regents of the University of Minnesota, shall establish budget guidelines for building maintenance appropriations. Unless otherwise provided by the commissioner of finance, the amount to be budgeted each year for building maintenance is two percent of the cost of the building, adjusted up or down depending on the age and condition of the building. Sec. 31. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 16A.501, is amended to read: 16A.501 [REPORT ONMATCHING MONEYEXPENDITURE OF BOND PROCEEDS.] The commissioner of finance must report annually to the legislature on the degree to which entities receiving appropriations of bond proceedscontingent upon obtainingmatching money have been successful in raisinghave encumbered or expended that money. The report must be submitted to the chairs of the house of representatives ways and means committee and the senate finance committee by February 1 of each year. Sec. 32. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 16A.641, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [SALE AND ISSUANCE.] State bonds must be sold and issued uponsealedcompetitive bids in the manner and on the terms and conditions determined by the commissioner in accordance with the laws authorizing them and subject to the approval of the attorney general, but not subject to chapter 14, including section 14.386. For each series, in addition to provisions required by subdivision 3, the commissioner may determine: (1) the time, place, and notice of sale and method of comparing bids; (2) the price, not less than par for highway bonds; (3) the principal amount and date of issue; (4) the interest rates and payment dates; (5) the maturity amounts and dates, not more than 20 years from the date of issue, subject to subdivision 5; (6) the terms, if any, on which the bonds may or must be redeemed before maturity, including notice, times, and redemption prices; and (7) the form of the bonds and the method of execution, delivery, payment, registration, conversion, and exchange, in accordance with section 16A.672. Sec. 33. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 16B.30, is amended to read: 16B.30 [GENERAL AUTHORITY.] (a) Subject to other provisions in this chapter, the commissioner shall supervise and control the making of all contracts for the construction of buildings and for other capital improvements to state buildings and structures, other than buildings and structures under the control of the board of trustees of the Minnesota state colleges and universities. Except as provided in paragraph (b), a state agency may not undertake improvements of a capital nature without specific legislative authority. (b) Specific legislative authority is not required for repairs or minor capital projects financed with operating appropriations or agency receipts that: (1) are undertaken for asset preservation or code compliance purposes; (2) do not materially increase the net square footage of a facility; and (3) do not materially increase the cost of agency programs. Unless the commissioner determines that an urgency exists, the commissioner of an agency undertaking a project with a cost in excess of $50,000 pursuant to this paragraph shall notify the chairs of the senate finance committee, the house capital investment committee, the house ways and means committee, the appropriate house and senate finance divisions, and the director of the legislative coordinating commission prior to incurring any contractual obligation with regard to the project. Any agency undertaking any project pursuant to this paragraph during fiscal year 1999 must report all such projects to the legislature by January 1, 2000. Sec. 34. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 16B.335, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR REMODELING.] (a) The commissioner, or any other recipient to whom an appropriation is made to acquire or better public lands or buildings or other public improvements of a capital nature, must not prepare final plans and specifications for any construction, major remodeling, or land acquisition in anticipation of which the appropriation was made until the agency that will use the project has presented the program plan and cost estimates for all elements necessary to complete the project to the chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of the house ways and means committee and the chairs have made their recommendations, and the chair of the house capital investment committee is notified. "Construction or major remodeling" means construction of a new buildingor, a substantialalteration of the exteriordimensionsaddition to an existing building, or a substantial change to the interior configuration of an existing building. The presentation must note any significant changes in the work that will be done, or in its cost, since the appropriation for the project was enacted or from the predesign submittal. The program plans and estimates must be presented for review at least two weeks before a recommendation is needed. The recommendations are advisory only. Failure or refusal to make a recommendation is considered a negative recommendation. The chairs of the senate finance committee, the house capital investment committee, and the house ways and means committee must also be notified whenever there is a substantial change in a construction or major remodeling project, or in its cost. (b) Capital projects exempt from the requirements of thissectionsubdivision includeconstruction, renovation, orimprovements to dams,demolition or decommissioning of state assets, hazardous material projects, utility infrastructure projects, environmental testing, parking lots, exterior lighting, fencing, highway rest areas, truck stations, storage facilities not consisting primarily of offices or heated work areas, roads, bridges, trails,bike pathspathways, campgrounds, athletic fields, dams, floodwater retention systems, water access sites, harbors, sewer separation projects, water and wastewater facilities,campgrounds, roads, bridges,port development projects for which the commissioner of transportation has entered into an assistance agreement under section 457A.04, ice centers, or any other capital project with a construction cost of less than$200,000$500,000. Sec. 35. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 85.019, subdivision 4a, is amended to read: Subd. 4a. [NATURAL AND SCENIC AREAS.] The commissioner shall administer a program to provide grants to units of government and school districts for the acquisition and betterment of natural and scenic areas such as blufflands, prairies, shorelands, wetlands, and wooded areas. A grant may not exceed 50 percent or$200,000$500,000, whichever is less, of the costs of acquisition and betterment of land acquired under this subdivision. Sec. 36. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 103F.725, subdivision 1a, is amended to read: Subd. 1a. [FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; LOANS.] (a) Up to$24,000,000$36,000,000 of the balance in the water pollution control revolving fund in section 446A.07, as determined by the public facilities authorityshall be appropriated, may be provided to the commissioner for the establishment of a clean water partnership loan program. (b) The agency may award loans for up to 100 percent of the costs associated with activities identified by the agency as best management practices pursuant to section 319 and section 320 of the federal Water Quality Act of 1987, as amended, including associated administrative costs. (c) Loans may be used to finance clean water partnership grant project eligible costs not funded by grant assistance. (d) The interest rate, at or below market rate, and the term, not to exceed 20 years, shall be determined by the agency in consultation with the public facilities authority. (e) The repayment must be deposited in the water pollution control revolving fund under section 446A.07. (f) The local unit of government receiving the loan is responsible for repayment of the loan. (g) For the purpose of obtaining a loan from the agency, a local government unit may provide to the agency its general obligation note. All obligations incurred by a local government unit in obtaining a loan from the agency must be in accordance with chapter 475, except that so long as the obligations are issued to evidence a loan from the agency to the local government unit, an election is not required to authorize the obligations issued, and the amount of the obligations shall not be included in determining the net indebtedness of the local government unit under the provisions of any law or chapter limiting the indebtedness. Sec. 37. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 116.16, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd. 5. [RULES.] (a) The agency shall promulgate permanent rules for the administration of grants and loans authorized to be made under the water pollution control program, which rules, however, shall not be applicable to the issuance of bonds by the commissioner of finance as provided in section 116.17. The rules shall contain as a minimum: (1) procedures for application by municipalities; (2) conditions for the administration of the grant or loan; (3) criteria for the ranking of projects in order of priority for grants or loans, based on factors including the extent and nature of pollution, technological feasibility, assurance of proper operation, maintenance and replacement, and participation in multimunicipal systems; and (4) such other matters as the agency and the commissioner find necessary to the proper administration of the grant program. (b) The agency shall award the amount of additional priority points necessary to place a project in the fundable range of the intended use plan if the agency determines that the project would repair a facility that is an imminent threat to discharge untreated or partially treated sewage to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness if it fails. (c) For purposes of awarding independent state grants, the agency may by rule waive the federal 20-year planning requirement for municipalities with a population of less than 1,500. Sec. 38. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 116.18, subdivision 3c, is amended to read: Subd. 3c. [INDIVIDUAL ON-SITE TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND ALTERNATIVE DISCHARGING SEWAGE SYSTEMS PROGRAM.] (a) Beginning in fiscal year 1989, up to ten percent of the money to be awarded as grants under subdivision 3a in any single fiscal year, up to a maximum of $1,000,000, may be set aside for the award of grants by the agency to municipalities to reimburse owners of individual on-site wastewater treatment systems or alternative discharging sewage systems for a part of the costs of upgrading or replacing the systems. (b) An individual on-site treatment system is a wastewater treatment system, or part thereof, that uses soil treatment and disposal technology to treat 5,000 gallons or less of wastewater per day from dwellings or other establishments. (c) An alternative discharging sewage system is a system permitted under section 115.58 that: (1) serves one or more dwellings and other establishments; (2) discharges less than 10,000 gallons of water per day; and (3) uses any treatment and disposal methods other than subsurface soil treatment and disposal. (d) Municipalities may apply yearly for grants of up to 50 percent of the cost of replacing or upgrading individual on-site treatment systems, including conversion to an alternative discharging sewage system, within their jurisdiction, up to a limit of $5,000 per system or per connection to a cluster system. Before agency approval of the grant application, a municipality must certify that: (1) it has adopted and is enforcing the requirements of Minnesota Rules governing individual sewage treatment systems; (2) the existing systems for which application is made do not conform to those rules, are at least 20 years old, do not serve seasonal residences, and were not constructed with state or federal funds; and (3) the costs requested do not include administrative costs, costs for improvements or replacements made before the application is submitted to the agency unless it pertains to the plan finally adopted, and planning and engineering costs other than those for the individual site evaluations and system design.(d)(e) The federal and state regulations regarding the award of state and federal wastewater treatment grants do not apply to municipalities or systems funded under this subdivision, except as provided in this subdivision.(e)(f) The agency shall adopt permanent rules regarding priorities, distribution of funds, payments, inspections, procedures for administration of the agency's duties, and other matters that the agency finds necessary for proper administration of grants awarded under this subdivision. Sec. 39. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 116.182, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.] (a) For the purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) "Agency" means the pollution control agency. (c) "Authority" means the public facilities authority established in section 446A.03. (d) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the pollution control agency. (e) "Essential project components" means those components of a wastewater disposal system that are necessary to convey or treat a municipality's existing wastewater flows and loadings, and future wastewater flows and loadings based on 50 percent of the projected residential growth of the municipality for a 20-year period. (f) "Municipality" means a county, home rule charter or statutory city, town, the metropolitan council, an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization; or any other governmental subdivision of the state responsible by law for the prevention, control, and abatement of water pollution in any area of the state. (g) "Outstanding international resource value waters" are the surface waters of the state in the Lake Superior Basin, other than Class 7 waters and those waters designated as outstanding resource value waters. (h) "Outstanding resource value waters" are those that have high water quality, wilderness characteristics, unique scientific or ecological significance, exceptional recreation value, or other special qualities that warrant special protection. Sec. 40. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 116.182, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 3a. [NOTIFICATION OF OTHER GOVERNMENT UNITS.] In addition to other applicable statutes or rules that are required to receive financial assistance consistent with this subdivision, the commissioner may not approve or certify a project to the public facilities authority for wastewater financial assistance unless the following requirements are met: (1) prior to the initiation of the public facilities planning process for a new wastewater treatment system, the project proposer gives written notice to all municipalities as defined in 116.82 within ten miles of the proposed project service area, including the county in which the project is located, the office of strategic and long-range planning, and the pollution control agency. The notice shall state the proposer's intent to begin the facilities planning process and provide a description of the need for the proposed project. The notice also shall request a response within 30 days of the notice date from all government units who wish to receive and comment on the future facilities plan for the proposed project; (2) during development of the facility plan's analysis of service alternatives, the project proposer must request information from all municipalities and sanitary districts which have existing systems that have current capacity to meet the proposer's needs or can be upgraded to meet those needs. At a minimum, the proposer must notify in writing those municipalities and sanitary districts whose corporate limits or boundaries are within three miles of the proposed project's service area; (3) 60 days prior to the municipality's public hearing on the facilities plan, a copy of the draft facilities plan and notice of the public hearing on the facilities plan must be given to the local government units who previously expressed interest in the proposed project under clause (1); (4) for a proposed project located or proposed to be located outside the corporate limits of a city, the affected county has certified to the agency that the proposed project is consistent with the applicable county comprehensive plan and zoning and subdivision regulations; and (5) copies of the notifications required under clauses (1) and (2), as well as the certification from the county and a summary of the comments received, must be included by the municipality in the submission of its facilities plan to the pollution control agency, along with other required items as specified in the agency's rules. This subdivision does not apply to the western Lake Superior sanitary district or the metropolitan council. Sec. 41. [116J.561] [CREATION OF ACCOUNT.] A redevelopment account is created in the general fund. Money in the account may be used to make grants as provided in section 116J.564 and to pay for the commissioner's costs in reviewing applications and making grants. Sec. 42. [116J.562] [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE OF APPLICATION.] For purposes of sections 116J.561 to 116J.565, the terms in subdivisions 2 to 5 have the meanings given. Subd. 2. [REDEVELOPMENT COSTS OR COSTS.] "Redevelopment costs" or "costs" means the costs of land acquisition, demolition, infrastructure improvement, and ponding, or other environmental infrastructure. Subd. 3. [DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.] "Development authority" includes a statutory or home rule charter city, county, housing and redevelopment authority, economic development authority, and port authority. Subd. 4. [METROPOLITAN AREA.] "Metropolitan area" means the seven-county metropolitan area, as defined in section 473.121, subdivision 2. Subd. 5. [MUNICIPALITY.] "Municipality" means the statutory or home rule charter city, town, or, in the case of unorganized territory, county in which the redevelopment is located. Subd. 6. [PUBLIC BENEFITS.] "Public benefits" include job creation, environmental benefits to the state and region, efficient use of public transportation, efficient use of existing infrastructure, provision of affordable housing, multiuse development that constitutes community rebuilding rather than single-use development, crime reduction, blight reduction, community stabilization, and property tax base maintenance or improvement. Sec. 43. [116J.563] [GRANT APPLICATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION REQUIRED.] To obtain a redevelopment grant, the development authority shall apply to the commissioner. The governing body of the municipality must approve, by resolution, the application. Subd. 2. [REQUIRED CONTENT.] The commissioner shall prescribe and provide the application form. The application must include at least the following information: (1) identification of the site; (2) a redevelopment plan for the site; (3) a detailed estimate, along with necessary supporting evidence, of the total redevelopment costs for the site; (4) an assessment of the development potential or likely use of the site after completion of the redevelopment plan, including any specific commitments from third parties to construct improvements on the site; (5) the manner in which the municipality will meet the local match requirement; and (6) any additional information or material that the commissioner prescribes. Sec. 44. [116J.564] [GRANTS.] The commissioner may make a grant to an applicant development authority to pay for up to 50 percent of the redevelopment costs for a qualifying site. The determination of whether to make a grant for a site is within the sole discretion of the commissioner, subject to sections 116J.561 to 116J.566 and available unencumbered money in the redevelopment account. The commissioner's decisions and application of the priorities under this section are not subject to judicial review, except for abuse of discretion. Sec. 45. [116J.565] [PRIORITIES.] Subdivision 1. [CHARACTERISTICS.] (a) If applications for grants exceed the available appropriations, grants shall be made for sites that, in the commissioner's judgment, provide the highest return in public benefits for the public costs incurred. In making this judgment, the commissioner shall give priority to redevelopment projects with one or more of the following characteristics: (1) the need for redevelopment in conjunction with contamination remediation needs; (2) the redevelopment project meets current tax increment financing requirements for a redevelopment district and tax increments will contribute to the project; (3) the redevelopment potential within the municipality; (4) proximity to public transit if located in the metropolitan area; and (5) multijurisdictional projects that take into account the need for affordable housing, transportation, and environmental impact. (b) The factors in paragraph (a), clauses (1) to (5), are not listed in a rank order of priority; rather the commissioner may weigh each factor, depending upon the facts and circumstances, as the commissioner considers appropriate. The commissioner may consider other factors that affect the net return of public benefits for completion of the redevelopment plan. The commissioner, notwithstanding the listing of priorities and the goal of maximizing the return of public benefits, shall make grants that distribute available money to sites both within and outside of the metropolitan area. The commissioner shall provide a written statement of the supporting reasons for each grant. Unless sufficient applications are not received for qualifying sites outside of the metropolitan area, at least 25 percent of the money provided as grants must be made for sites located outside of the metropolitan area. The commissioner shall consult with the metropolitan council about metropolitan area grants. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION CYCLES.] In making grants, the commissioner shall establish semiannual application deadlines in which grants will be authorized from all or part of the available money in the account. Sec. 46. [116J.566] [LOCAL MATCH REQUIREMENT.] In order to qualify for a grant under sections 116J.561 to 116J.567, the municipality must pay for at least one-half of the redevelopment costs as a local match from any money available to the municipality. Sec. 47. [116J.567] [SALE OF LAND.] Bond proceeds funds in the account may only be used for redevelopment costs for publicly owned property. Nonbond proceeds funds in the account may be used for redevelopment costs as defined in section 116J.562, subdivision 2, provided that the land upon which the improvements are made will ultimately be sold to a private developer at the fair market value of the land. Net sale proceeds, up to the amount of the grant, must be paid to the account by the development authority within two years of the sale. Sec. 48. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 124C.498, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [APPROVAL AUTHORITY; APPLICATION FORMS.] To the extent money is available, the commissioner of children, families, and learning may approve projects from applications submitted under this section. The grant money must be used only to design, acquire, construct, expand, remodel, improve, furnish, or equip the building or site of a magnet school facility according to contracts entered into within 24 months after the date on which a grant is awarded. Sec. 49. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 268.917, is amended to read: 268.917 [EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING AND CHILD PROTECTION FACILITIES.] The commissioner may make grants to state agencies and political subdivisions to construct or rehabilitate facilities for Head Start, early childhood and family education programs, other early childhood intervention programs, or demonstration family service centers housing multiagency collaboratives, with priority to centers in counties or municipalities with the highestnumberpercentage of children living in poverty. The commissioner may also make grants to state agencies and political subdivisions to construct or rehabilitate facilities for crisis nurseries or child visitation centers. The facilities must be owned by the state or a political subdivision, but may be leased under section 16A.695 to organizations that operate the programs. The commissioner shall prescribe the terms and conditions of the leases. A grant for an individual facility must not exceed $200,000 for each program that is housed in the facility, up to a maximum of $500,000 for a facility that houses three programs or more. The commissioner shall give priority to grants that involve collaboration among sponsors of programs under this section and may give priority to projects that collaborate with child care providers, including all-day and school-age child care programs, special needs care, sick child care, and nontraditional hour care. The commissioner may give priority to grants for programs that will increase their child care workers' wages as a result of the grant. At least 25 percent of the amounts appropriated for these grantsmust be used in conjunction with the youth employment andtraining programs operated by the commissionerup to $50,000 must utilize youthbuild under sections 268.361 to 268.366 or other youth employment and training programs for the labor portion of the construction. Eligible programs must consult with appropriate labor organizations to deliver education and training. State appropriations must be matched on a 50 percent basis with nonstate funds. The matching requirement must apply programwide and not to individual grants. Sec. 50. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 446A.072, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [TYPE OF SUPPLEMENTAL ASSISTANCE.] Supplemental assistance shall be in the form ofzero percent loans, with loanrepayments beginning February 20 or August 20 following thescheduled date of the project obtaininggrants. If one year after the initiation of operation of the project, the project does not meet the operational performance standards established by the agency, the grant must be repaid.Upon receipt of noticefrom the agency that the project operational performancestandards have been met, the authority will forgive thescheduled loan repayments made under this section. If notforgiven, loanGrant repayments shall be deferred upon request from the commissioner of the agency for six-month periods, provided the commissioner has determined that satisfactory progress is being made to achieve project performance or is developing or implementing a corrective action plan. Sec. 51. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 446A.072, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [FUNDING LEVEL.] (a) The authority shall provide supplemental assistance for essential project component costs as certified by the commissioner of the pollution control agency under section 116.182, subdivision 4. (b) A municipality may not receive more than $4,000,000 under this section unless specifically approved by law. (c)The authority will calculate the grant amount neededfor the essential project component costs by first determiningthe amount needed to reduce a municipality's monthly residentialsewer service charge to $25 or to an annual residential sewerservice charge in excess of 1.5 percent of the municipality'smedian household income, whichever is less, and then multiplyingthat amount by 80 percent to determine the actual award amountto supplement loans under section 446A.07 or provide up toone-third of the amount of the grant funding level required byUSDA/RECD for projects listed on the agency's intended use plan.(d)The authority shall provide supplemental assistance for up to one-half of the eligible grant funding level determined by the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development funding for projects listed on the agency's project priority list, in priority order. For municipalities that are not eligible for United State Department of Agriculture Rural Development funding for wastewater, the authority shall provide supplemental assistance for: (1) essential project component costs calculated by first determining the amount needed to reduce a municipality's annual residential sewer costs to 1.4 percent of the municipality's median household income or $25 per month per household, whichever is greater, and then multiplying that amount by 80 percent to determine the actual award amount to supplement loans under section 446A.07; and (2) up to 50 percent of the incremental costs specifically identified by the agency as being attributable to more stringent wastewater standards required to protect outstanding resource value waters or outstanding international resource value waters. (d) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), in the event that a municipality's monthly residential sewer service charges average above $50, the authority will provide 90 percent of the grant amount needed to reduce the average monthly sewer service charge to $50, provided the project is ranked in the top 50 percentile of the agency's intended use plan. (e) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b), (c), and (d), a municipality with an annual median household income of $40,000 or greater shall not be eligible for a grant, except for incremental costs specifically identified by the agency as being attributable to more stringent wastewater standards required to protect outstanding resource value waters or outstanding international resource value waters. (f) The authority shall provide supplemental assistance to a municipality that would not otherwise qualify for supplemental assistance if: (1) the municipality voluntarily accepts a sewer connection from another governmental unit to serve residential, industrial, or commercial developments that were completed before March 1, 1996, or are on lots whose plats were recorded before that date; and (2) fees charged by the municipality for the connection must take into account state and federal grants used by the municipality for the construction of the treatment plant. The amount of supplemental assistance under this paragraph must be sufficient to reduce debt service payments under section 446A.07 to an extent equivalent to a zero percent loan in an amount up to the other governmental unit's project costs necessary for connection. Eligibility for supplemental assistance under this paragraph ends three years after the agency certifies that the connection has met the operational performance standards established by the agency. Sec. 52. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 446A.072, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 13. [PLANNING GRANTS.] In order to determine the feasibility of providing wastewater treatment in unsewered areas and encourage multijurisdictional coordination, the authority may provide grants to local governments to prepare preliminary engineering plans and develop, as appropriate, intermunicipal agreements, joint powers boards, or sanitary sewer districts. Planning grants shall be equal to one-half of the eligible engineering, legal, and administrative costs as determined by the authority, up to a maximum of $50,000. The authority shall award planning grants based on the severity of the environmental need and the potential for cooperation among local governments. Sec. 53. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 462A.202, subdivision 3a, is amended to read: Subd. 3a. [PERMANENT RENTAL HOUSING.] The agency may make loans, with or without interest, to cities and counties to finance the construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of affordable, permanent, publicly owned rental housinglocated inthe area designated under Presidential Declaration of MajorDisaster, DR-1175. Loans made under this subdivision are subject to the restrictions of subdivision 7. In making loans under this subdivision, the agency shall give priority to projects that increase the supply of affordable family housing. Sec. 54. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.39, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 1f. [PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS.] The council may not issue obligations for construction of light rail transit in the Hiawatha corridor. Sec. 55. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.399, is amended to read: 473.399 [LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT; REGIONAL PLANAND COMMUTER RAIL PLANNING.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.] (a) The council shall adopt aregional light rail transitplan to ensure that light rail transit facilities in the metropolitan area will be acquired, developed, owned, and capable of operation in an efficient, cost-effective, and coordinated manneras anintegrated and unified system on a multicounty basisin coordination with buses and other transportation modes and facilities. The plan may be developed and adopted in phases corresponding to phasing of construction of light rail. To the extent practicable, the council shall incorporate into its plan appropriate elements of the plans of regional railroad authorities in order to avoid duplication of effort. (b) Theregionallight rail transit plan or first phase of the plan required by this section must be adopted by the council before the commissioner of transportation may begin construction of light rail transit facilitiesand before the commissioner mayexpend funds appropriated or obtained through bonding forconstructing light rail transit facilities. Following adoption of theregionalplan, each regional railroad authority and the commissioner of transportation shall act in conformity with the plan. The commissioner shall prepare or amend the final design plans as necessary to make the plans consistent with theregionallight rail transit plan. (c) Throughout the development and implementation of the plan, the council shall contract for or otherwise obtain engineering services to assure that the plan adequately addresses the technical aspects of light rail transit. Sec. 56. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.399, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 1a. [INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.] The commissioner of transportation, the metropolitan council, and the regional rail authorities shall ensure that the light rail transit and commuter rail facilities are planned, designed, and implemented: (1) to move commuters and transit users into and out of, as well as within, the metropolitan area, and (2) to ensure that rail transit lines will interface with each other and other transportation facilities and services so as to provide a unified, integrated, and efficient multimodal transportation system. Sec. 57. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3994, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd. 5. [FINAL DESIGN PLANS.] (a) If the final design plans incorporate a substantial change from the preliminary design plans with respect to location, length, or termini of routes; general dimension, elevation, or alignment of routes and crossings; location of tracks above ground, below ground, or at ground level; or station locations, before beginning construction, the commissioner shall submit thephysical designchanged component of final design plans to the governing body of each statutory and home rule city, county, and town in which theroutechanged component is proposed to be located. Within 60 days after the submission of the plans, the city, county, or town shall review and approve or disapprove theplans for theroutechanged component located in the city, county, or town. A local unit of government that disapproves theplanschange shall describe specific amendments to the plans that, if adopted, would cause the local unit to withdraw its disapproval. Failure to approve or disapprove the changed plans in writing within the time period is deemed to be approval, unless an extension is agreed to by the city, county, or town and the commissioner. (b) If the governing body of one or more cities, counties, or towns disapproves the changed plans within the period allowed under paragraph (a), the commissioner may refer the plans, along with any comments of local jurisdictions, to the metropolitan council. The council shall review the final design plans under the same procedure and with the same effect as provided in subdivision 4 for preliminary design plans. Sec. 58. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3994, subdivision 10, is amended to read: Subd. 10. [CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE.] A corridor management committee shall be established to advise the commissioner of transportation in the design and construction of light rail transit in each corridor to be constructed. The corridor management committee shall consist of the following membersof the light rail transit joint powers board establishedpursuant to section 473.3998 and one representative from eachcity in which the corridor is located. Additionally, thecommissioner of transportation and three representatives of themetropolitan council shall each appoint a member to thecommittee. For the corridor between Minneapolis and St. Paul,the University of Minnesota shall appoint one member to thecommittee. A member representing the metropolitan council shallchair the committee: (1) one member appointed by the joint powers board established under section 473.3998; (2) one member appointed by each city and county in which the corridor is located; (3) the commissioner of transportation or a designee of the commissioner; (4) two members appointed by the metropolitan council, one of whom shall be designated as the chair of the committee; (5) one member appointed by the metropolitan airports commission, if the designated corridor provides direct service to the Minneapolis-St. Paul international airport; and (6) one member appointed by the president of the University of Minnesota, if the designated corridor provides direct service to the university. The corridor management committee shall advise the commissioner of transportation and the regional railroad authority or authorities in whose jurisdiction the line or lines are located on issues relating to the alternatives analysis, environmental review, preliminary design, preliminary engineering, final design, implementation method, and construction of light rail transit. Sec. 59. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3994, subdivision 12, is amended to read: Subd. 12. [ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS; ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW.] For light rail transit lines to be constructed in the metropolitan area, the regional railroad authority or authorities in whose jurisdiction a line or lines are to be constructed and the commissioner of transportation shall jointly prepare an alternatives analysis, the environmental review documents required, and the preliminary engineering plan. The council must approve the design for the alternatives analysis and the completed alternatives analysis. The department of transportation shall be the responsible governmental unit. An alternatives analysis is not required for the Hiawatha corridor. Sec. 60. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3998, is amended to read: 473.3998 [LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT JOINT POWERS BOARD.] A light rail transit joint powers board shall be formed under section 471.59 consisting of one voting member from the regional rail authorities of Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Dakota, Scott, and Carver counties. The board shall review and approve light rail transit system standards to be used by the commissioner in designing and building a light rail transit facility and shall review and approve the plan for community involvement and the marketing program.The board shall advise the corridor managementcommittee established pursuant to section 473.3994, subdivision10, and the commissioner on the method of implementation. Allmembers of the board shall be members of the corridor managementcommittee established pursuant to section 473.3994, subdivision10.Sec. 61. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [DULUTH, CITY OF;ARENA-AUDITORIUMENTERTAINMENT AND CONVENTION CENTER.] There is hereby created anarena-auditorium administrativeboardentertainment and convention center authority for the city of Duluth, hereinafter referred to as theboardauthority, which shall consist ofseventhe directors, who shall be appointed to membership on suchboardauthority, and who shall have and exercise the powers, perform the duties, and be subject to the obligations, as hereinafter set forth in this act. Sec. 62. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 2, is amended to read: Sec. 2. Theboardauthority created under this act shall consist ofseven11 directors,who shallseven appointed by the city of Duluth and four appointed by the governor. The directors serve without compensation butwhomay be reimbursed for authorized out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the fulfillment of their duties. The original term of three of the directors shall be for one year; the original term of two of the directors shall be for two years; and the original term of two of the directors shall be for three years, and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. Subsequent terms of directors appointed by the city shall be for three years. All terms shall expire on June 30 of the appropriate year. Directors appointed by the governor serve at the pleasure of the governor. Whenever a vacancy on suchboardauthority shall occur by reason of resignation, death, removal from the city, or removal for failure or neglect to perform duties of a director, such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term. All appointments and removal of directors of theboardauthority appointed by the city shall be made by the mayor, with the approval of the city council, evidenced by resolution. Every appointee who shall fail, within ten days after notification of his appointment, to file with the city clerk his oath or affirmation to perform faithfully, honestly, and impartially the duties of his office, shall be deemed to have refused such appointment, and thereupon another person shall be appointed in the manner prescribed in this section. Sec. 63. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 3, is amended to read: Sec. 3. Subdivision 1. Within 30 days after the members of theboardauthority shall have qualified for office, theboardauthority shall meet and organize, and adopt and thereafter may amend such rules and regulations for the conduct of theboardauthority as theboardauthority shall deem to be in the public interest and most likely to advance, enhance, foster, and promote the use ofsuch arena-auditoriumthe entertainment and convention center and its facilities for activities, conventions, events, and athletic and cultural productions. Such rules and regulations shall at all times be in harmony with this act. Subd. 2. Such directors shall elect from among their number a president and a vice-president, and shall also elect a secretary who may or may not be a member of suchboardauthority. No two of such offices may be held by one director. The officers shall have the duties and powers usually attendant upon such officers, and such other duties and powers not inconsistent herewith as may be provided by theboardauthority. Subd. 3. The authority shall select a specific site within the city of Duluth for location of a national class entertainment and convention center, and may spend money appropriated, or otherwise available to it for that purpose, to acquire property for the center and to plan, design, construct, equip, and furnish the center. The authority shall administer, promote, and operate the center as a state facility, but for which the state assumes no financial responsibility or liability beyond the amounts appropriated for the facility. Sec. 64. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. Subdivision 1. The city treasurer of the city of Duluth shall be the treasurer of theboardauthority. The treasurer shall receive and have the custody of all moneys of theboardauthority from whatever source derived, and the same shall be deemed public funds. The treasurer shall disburse such funds only upon written orders drawn against such funds, signed by the manager and approved by the president, or in his absence, the vice-president of suchboardauthority; and each order shall state the name of the payee and the nature of the claim for which the same is issued. The treasurer shall keep an account of all monies coming into his hands, showing the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements, and at least four times each year, at times and in a form to be determined by the city council, theboardauthority shall file with the city clerk a financial statement of theboardauthority, showing all receipts and disbursements, the nature of the same, the moneys on hand, and the purposes for which the same are applicable, the credits and assets of theboardauthority, and its outstanding liabilities. Subd. 2. Theboardauthority has the exclusive power to receive, control, and order the expenditure of any and all moneys and funds pertaining to thearena-auditoriumcenter operations. Subd. 3. There are hereby created in the treasury of the city of Duluth a specialarena-auditoriumentertainment and convention center fund, hereinafter referred to as the special fund, and anarena-auditoriumentertainment and convention center operating fund, hereinafter referred to as the operating fund. The moneys in the special fund shall be used solely for the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping of thearena-auditoriumcenter. The special fund shall consist of: (1) All moneys derived from the sale of bonds by the city to provide funds for the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping ofanarena-auditoriumthe center. (2) All moneys appropriated or made available to the city of Duluth for the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping of thearena-auditoriumcenter. (3) The proceeds of all financial aid or assistance by the city or state governments for the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping of thearena-auditoriumcenter. (4) All moneys received from the United States of America to aid in the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping of thearena-auditoriumcenter. (5) All moneys received as gifts or contributions to the acquisition and preparation of a site, and for the planning, construction, and equipping of thearena-auditoriumcenter. The operating fund shall be used for maintenance, promotion, operation, or betterment of thearena-auditoriumcenter, and for expenses of theboardauthority. The operating fund shall consist of all moneys of theboardauthority derived from any source other than moneys credited to the special fund as hereinabove provided. Subd. 4. At least once in each year the city auditor shall make, or cause to be made, at the expense of theboardauthority, a complete examination and audit of all books and accounts of the aforesaidboardauthority; and for such purpose the city auditor shall have the authority and power to inspect and examine such books and accounts at any time during regular business hours and such intervals as he may determine. One copy of such yearly audit shall be filed by the city auditor with the city clerk as a public document. Subd. 5. The authority shall annually submit to the governor and the legislature a report detailing its activities and finances for the previous year. The report shall also include a proposed budget for the succeeding two years, showing in reasonable detail estimated operating and nonoperating revenues from all sources, and estimated expenditures for operation, administration, ordinary repair, and debt service. Subd. 6. The legislative auditor shall make an annual audit of the authority's books and accounts once each year or as often as the legislative auditor's funds and personnel permit. Sec. 65. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 5, is amended to read: Sec. 5. Subdivision 1. Wherever the word"arena-auditorium" are"center" is used in this act,such wordsshall mean and include the municipal arena-auditoriumculturalit means the entertainment and convention center complex of the city of Duluth, including the land upon which it stands and land appurtenant thereto. Subd. 2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, or in the charter of the city of Duluth, or in any ordinance thereof, passed by the city council, or approved by the electors of the city, there is hereby conferred upon suchboardauthority the power and duty to contract for and superintend the erection, construction, equipping and furnishing ofsuch arena-auditoriumthe center, and to administer, promote, control, direct, manage, and operatesuch arena-auditoriumthe center as a municipal facility. Sec. 66. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 7, is amended to read: Sec. 7. Subdivision 1. No motor vehicle, either privately or publicly owned, may be parked upon any parking lot or facility operated by theboardauthority except as authorized by this section. The operation and supervision of all such parking lots and facilities are vested in theboardauthority. It may fix and collect rents, charges, or fees in connection with and for the use of any parking lot or facility operated by theboardauthority. Subd. 2. [RULES AND REGULATIONS.] Theboardauthority may adopt and enforce rules and regulations governing the parking of motor vehicles upon any such parking lot or facility so operated by it. Such rules and regulations shall be approved as to form and validity by the city attorney, shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city, and a certified copy of such publication filed with the city clerk, and thereupon such rules and regulations shall have the force of law. Subd. 3. [REMOVAL AND IMPOUNDING OF VEHICLES.] Any motor vehicle parked upon any parking lot or facility operated by theboardauthority not in conformity with the rules and regulations of theboardauthority governing the operation and use thereof shall be deemed a public nuisance and theboardauthority shall provide for the abatement of such nuisance by rules and regulations, including provision for the removal and impounding of such motor vehicle. The cost of such removal and impounding shall be a lien against the motor vehicle until paid. Subd. 4. [VIOLATIONS.] Any person, city official, elective or appointed, firm, association, or corporation which violates any of the provisions of this section or any rule or regulation made by theboardauthority hereunder is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished in the manner provided by law. Subd. 5. [MONEYS COLLECTED.] All moneys collected by theboardauthority as rents, charges, or fees in connection with and for the use of any parking lot or facility shall be deposited in thearena-auditoriumentertainment and convention center operating fund. Sec. 67. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 8, is amended to read: Sec. 8. Theboardauthority shall have the power: To adopt and alter all bylaws and rules and regulations which it shall from time to time deem best for the conduct of the business of theboardauthority, and for the use of the facilities of theboardauthority, and for the purposes of carrying out the objects of this act; but such bylaws, rules, and regulations shall not be in conflict with the terms of this act. To appoint and remove a manager and such other employees as theboardauthority may deem necessary, who shall not be within the civil service classifications of the city, and to prescribe the duties and fix the compensation and other benefits of such manager and employees, without regard to any provision contained in the charter or any ordinance of the city relating to civil service, or to any provision contained in Minnesota Statutes 1961, Sections 197.45 to 197.47, inclusive. To procure and provide for a policy or policies of insurance for the defense and indemnification of the city of Duluth, its officers and employees, and directors, manager, and employees of theboardauthority, against claims arising against them out of the performance of duty, whether such claims be groundless, or otherwise. Premiums for any policies of insurance required by this act shall be paid for out of the funds of thearena-auditorium administrative boardentertainment convention center authority. To implement and carry out the provisions of section 7 of this act. To utilize the services and facilities of the city so far as the same are offered by appropriate city officials and accepted by theboardauthority, and to pay the city for all charges and costs for such services. To operate and maintain and to lease from others all facilities necessary or convenient in connection with thearena-auditoriumcenter and to contract for the operation and maintenance of any parts thereof or for services to be performed; to lease the whole or parts thereof, and grant concessions, all on such terms and conditions as theboardauthority may determine. To authorize and direct the city treasurer to invest, in the manner provided by law, any funds held in reserve, or sinking funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement. To fix, alter, charge, and collect rates, fees, and all other charges to be made for all services or facilities furnished by theboardauthority for the use of thearena-auditoriumcenter facilities by any persons or public or private agencies utilizing such services or facilities. To make and execute contracts, agreements, instruments, and other arrangements necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers. Sec. 68. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 9, is amended to read: Sec. 9. The manager of thearena-auditoriumcenter shall be responsible for the custody and control of all moneys received and collected from the daily operations of thearena-auditoriumcenter until such moneys are delivered to the city treasurer and he shall have obtained a receipt therefor, or until such moneys are deposited in a bank account under control of the city treasurer. The manager shall give bond in favor of the city of Duluth in a sum equal to twice the amount of money which will probably be in his hands at any time during any one year, that amount to be determined at least annually by theboardauthority; such bond to be conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his official duties, and be approved as to form, correctness, and validity by the city attorney, and filed with the city auditor; such bond, however, shall not exceed $300,000. Premiums for such bonds shall be paid out of funds of theboardauthority. Sec. 69. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 10, is amended to read: Sec. 10. Theboardauthority shall regulate the making of bids and the letting of contracts through procedure established by theboardauthority, subject to the following conditions: (a) In all cases of work to be done by contract or the purchase of property of any kind, or the rendering of any service to theboardauthority other than professional services, competitive bids shall be secured before any purchase is made or any contract awarded where the amount involved exceeds the sum of $2,000. (b) All bids shall be sealed when received, shall be opened in public at the hour stated in the notice; and all original bids, together with all documents pertaining to the award of the contract, shall be retained and made a part of the permanent file or record, and shall be open to public inspection. (c) Purchases of $2,000 or less may, through procedure established by theboardauthority, be delegated to theauditoriumcenter manager. Contracts involving more than $2,000 shall be awarded only after authorization by theboardauthority. (d) Theboardauthority may reject, or through procedure established by theboardauthority, authorize theauditoriumcenter manager to reject, any and all bids. (e) Contract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and purchases shall be made from the responsible bidder who offers to furnish the article desired for the lowest sum. (f) In determining the lowest responsible bidder, in addition to price, the following may be considered: (1) The ability, capacity, and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required. (2) Whether the bidder can perform the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the time specified, without delay or interference. (3) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. (4) The quality of performance of previous contracts or services. (5) The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service. (6) The quality, availability, and adaptability of the supplies or contractual service to the particular use required. (7) The ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service for the use of the subject of the contract. (8) The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid. (g) Specifications shall not be so prepared as to exclude all but one type or kind, but shall include competitive supplies and equipment; provided, however, that unique or noncompetitive articles which are determined by theboardauthority to be sufficiently superior for the service intended by theboardauthority, may be purchased without regard to other bids. Sec. 70. Laws 1963, chapter 305, section 11, is amended to read: Sec. 11. Thearena-auditorium boardauthority shall not exercise the powers of eminent domain, but the city may acquire lands for thearena-auditoriumauthority by exercise of the power of eminent domain at the request and expense of theboardauthority. Thearena-auditorium boardauthority shall not have the power to raise any moneys by taxation in any form whatsoever, nor to levy assessments for local improvements, nor have the power to pledge the full faith and credit of the city. Sec. 71. Laws 1986, chapter 396, section 2, subdivision 1, as amended by Laws 1987, chapter 55, section 4, and Laws 1989, chapter 54, section 2, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [ACTIVITIES; CONTRACTS.] The city may acquire, design, construct, equip, improve, expand, control, operate, and maintain the convention center and related facilities. The city shall have all powers necessary or convenient for those purposes and may enter into any contract for those purposes, including the financing of the convention center and any related facilities. The city may contract for construction materials, supplies, and equipment in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 471.345, except that it may enter into contracts with persons, firms, or corporations to perform one or more or all of the functions of architect, engineer, and construction manager with respect to all or part of a project to build or remodel the convention center and related facilities. Contractors shall be selected through the process of public bidding provided that it shall be permissible for the city to narrow the listing of eligible bidders to those which the city determines to possess sufficient expertise to perform the intended functions and the city may negotiate with the three lowest responsible bidders to achieve the lowest possible bid. Notwithstanding any other law or charter provision to the contrary, the city may, at the discretion of the city council, enter into agreements relating to the convention center, related facilities or any other city construction project with appropriate labor organizations and contractors which provide that no strike or lockout may be ordered during the term of the agreements. These provisions and necessary procedures may be utilized for the purpose of maintaining employment stability and avoiding delay or interference with the performance of thefast-trackconstruction schedule in connection with the project. The city may require any construction manager to certify a construction price and completion date to the city. The city may require the posting of a bond in an amount determined by the city to cover any costs which may be incurred over and above the certified price, including but not limited to costs incurred by the city or loss of revenues resulting from incomplete construction on the completion date and any other obligations the city may require the construction manager to bear. The city shall secure surety bonds as required in Minnesota Statutes, section 574.26, securing payment of just claims in connection with all public work undertaken by it. Persons entitled to the protection of the bonds may enforce them as provided in Minnesota Statutes, sections 574.28 to 574.32, and shall not be entitled to a lien on any property of the city under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 514.01 to 514.16. Sec. 72. Laws 1990, chapter 610, article 1, section 16, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. For the labor history center 550,000 This appropriation is to plan and design the Labor History Center. The society shall develop a facility program document that defines the space and programming needs of the center including operating expenses. The society shall determine, through a site location assessment study, the location of the center on a site adjacent to the history center and prepare working drawings for the project. Cost estimates for all elements necessary to complete the project must be submitted to the chairs of the agriculture, transportation, and semi-states divisions of the senate finance and house appropriations committees for their recommendations. The recommendations are advisory only. Failure or refusal to make a recommendation promptly is deemed a negative recommendation. The total cost of the project must not exceed$12,500,000$14,000,000. The project cost may include exhibits and audio-visual devices and systems. Sec. 73. Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 2, subdivision 13, is amended to read: Subd. 13. St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center 750,000 This appropriation is for a grant to St. Louis county to construct an addition and improvements to the St. Louis county heritage and arts center in Duluth, subject to new Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.695. This appropriation is available only as matched by $2 of nonstate money for every $1 of state money. Sec. 74. Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 13, subdivision 4, as amended by Laws 1997, chapter 246, section 29, is amended to read: Subd. 4. Renovate Capitol Building 8,435,000 $4,800,000 is to predesign, design, and reconstruct the northeastterrace andpredesignanddesign thenorthwestterraceterraces of the capitol building. $1,400,000 is to renovate the lantern and related structures on the capitol dome. $2,235,000 is to predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip the renovation of the capitol cafeteria including full-service kitchen and related spaces. The appropriation is available after review and comment by the council on disability. The balance of the appropriation in this subdivision that is not needed for the projects specified may be used for other structural stabilization projects at the capitol or to improve the capitol mall. Sec. 75. Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 14, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. Ice Center Grants 8,000,000 (a) $6,500,000 is for grants of up to $250,000 each to construct new ice arenas and renovate existing arenas throughout the state, according to criteria in Minnesota Statutes, section 240A.09. (b) $500,000 is for renovation grants for arenas that are at least 20 years old, which may be in amounts up to $125,000. (c) All new and renovated facilities receiving grants must be publicly owned. Projects receiving grants from appropriations in items (a)and, (b), and (d) are exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. (d) $1,000,000 of this amount may be used only for a national curling center in the Virginia, Mountain Iron, Gilbert, and Eveleth area. The facility may only be constructed after endorsement by a national governing body member of the United States Olympic Committee. Sec. 76. Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 14, subdivision 6, is amended to read: Subd. 6. National Volleyball Center 2,300,000 For a grant to the city of Rochester to design, construct, furnish, and equip a national volleyball center, to belocated on land owned by the city. This grant is contingent upon a local match of at least $2,300,000 from nonstate sources. The facility may be constructed only after endorsement by a national governing body member of the United States Olympic Committee. This project is exempt from the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 16B.335. Sec. 77. Laws 1996, chapter 463, section 22, subdivision 7, is amended to read: Subd. 7. Battle Point 500,000For a grant to independent schooldistrict No. 115, CassLake-Bena,Notwithstanding subdivision 1, this appropriation is to the Indian Affairs Council for capital improvements at the Battle Point historic site. This appropriation may be supplemented with money from other sources. Sec. 78. Laws 1997, chapter 202, article 1, section 35, as amended by Laws 1997, chapter 246, section 34, and Laws 1997, Second Special Session chapter 2, section 24, is amended to read: Sec. 35. BOND SALE SCHEDULE The commissioner of finance shall schedule the sale of state general obligation bonds so that, during the biennium ending June 30, 1999, no more than$565,457,000$554,691,000 will need to be transferred from the general fund to the state bond fund to pay principal and interest due and to become due on outstanding state general obligation bonds. During the biennium, before each sale of state general obligation bonds, the commissioner of finance shall calculate the amount of debt service payments needed on bonds previously issued and shall estimate the amount of debt service payments that will be needed on the bonds scheduled to be sold, the commissioner shall adjust the amount of bonds scheduled to be sold so as to remain within the limit set by this section. The commissioner may use the amount needed of this appropriation to redeem and prepay the state general obligation taxable state various purpose bonds dated July 1, 1988, and to also pay expenses related to redeeming and repaying these bonds. The amount needed to make the debt service payments is appropriated from the general fund as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.641. Sec. 79. [ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC CONVENTION AND CIVIC CENTERS.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE.] The state has a strong interest in the proper development, marketing, and coordinated planning for the use and funding of public convention and civic centers throughout Minnesota. The state further recognizes the need for a joint effort among convention and civic centers in planning and marketing the wide array of choices of state public centers to the convention and tourist business. Subd. 2. [ESTABLISHMENT.] The advisory committee on public convention and civic centers is hereby established. The advisory committee will be made up of the following members: (1) a chair appointed by the governor; (2) one member from any political subdivision receiving a state subsidy for a convention or civic center, to be appointed by the city council or board of county commissioners; (3) four members of the public, appointed by the governor, two of whom are representatives, members, or employees of convention bureaus or trade associations, and two of whom are representatives of other businesses or employee organizations that benefit from the operation of public convention and civic centers; and (4) the commissioner of trade and economic development or the commissioner's designee. Subd. 3. [DUTIES.] The duties of the advisory committee include: (1) development of methods and principles for coordinating the marketing and use of public convention and civic centers throughout the state; (2) development of a plan to implement coordinated marketing of all the facilities in the state to national, regional, and state conventions and hospitality shows; (3) development, in conjunction with the department of trade and economic development, of an electronic database that will promote the variety of state convention and civic centers to interested parties outside the state including national and international shows; (4) solicitation of advice from the general public, convention and tourist organizations, state companies with an interest in displaying at conventions, and other individuals with regard to the improvement of the use of convention and civic centers; and (5) review of proposals for state funding of new convention and civic centers or major remodeling or additions to existing facilities and preparation of funding recommendations to the governor and legislature. Subd. 4. [OBLIGATIONS OF GRANT RECIPIENTS.] Any political subdivision that has accepted state funding for a convention or civic center shall: (1) work cooperatively to determine the formula to be applied to economic impact estimates for convention and civic center usage in Minnesota; (2) submit an annual report of the activity of the previous year including usage days; local, state, regional, national, and international conventions hosted; number of hotel room nights generated; and economic impact to the area based on the agreed upon formula; and (3) work cooperatively to generate new meetings and convention business to Minnesota from outside the state and to avoid using the state subsidy to undercut existing in-state business from using other convention and civic center facilities throughout the state. Sec. 80. [YOUTH ENRICHMENT AND COMMUNITY CENTER GRANTS.] The commissioner of children, families, and learning shall consider establishing a youth enrichment and community center grant program. The commissioner shall report to the legislature by January 15, 1999, recommendations on whether the program should be established and what criteria should govern the program. Sec. 81. [RIVERCENTRE ARENA; PROCUREMENT.] (a) With respect to the construction of the RiverCentre Arena, the construction manager may: (1) guarantee a maximum cost of construction; and (2) provide payment and performance bonds or other security reasonably acceptable to the city in an amount equal to the guaranteed maximum cost of construction, and shall comply with all employment requirements applicable to other city contracts for construction, including prevailing wages, affirmative action, and outreach. (b) The lessee under the arena lease described in paragraph (c) or the construction manager may enter into contracts with contractors for labor, materials, supplies, and equipment to demolish the existing arena and equip and construct the new RiverCentre Arena through the process of public bidding. (c) The lessee or the construction manager may, with the consent of the city lease representative as defined in the arena lease among the city of St. Paul, the civic center authority, and a lessee, dated as of January 15, 1998: (1) limit the list of eligible bidders to those that the construction manager determines possess sufficient expertise to perform the intended functions; (2) award contracts to the contractors that the construction manager determines provide the best value, which shall not necessarily be the lowest responsible bidder; and (3) for work the construction manager determines to be critical to the completion schedule, the construction manager may award contracts on the basis of competitive proposals or perform work with its own forces without soliciting competitive bids if the construction manager provides evidence of competitive pricing. Sec. 82. [RIVERCENTRE: LEASE; LICENSE; REAL ESTATE TAXES.] Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of law or charter, the arena lease among the city, the civic center authority, and a lessee, dated as of January 15, 1998, is authorized and the civic center authority and the city of St. Paul may otherwise lease the use and operation of the civic center arena for any period of time by agreement in which the city retains title to the property. If the lease of January 15, 1998, is amended to provide that the lessee will make to the city a payment in lieu of taxes of at least $2,500,000 a year, increasing to over $6,000,000 by the end of the lease, the use and operation of the civic center arena, whether by the civic center authority or its licensee or lessee, including any use arising from the arena lease referred to in this section or demolition and construction of the arena, is declared a use, lease, or occupancy for public, governmental, and municipal purposes, and the civic center arena is exempt from taxation by the state or any political subdivision of the state during the use. Sec. 83. [CANCELLATIONS.] (a) $1,200,000 of the appropriation in Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 8, subdivision 2, for homes for state-operated waiver services is canceled. The bond sale authorization in Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 31, subdivision 1, is reduced by $1,200,000. (b) The $10,000,000 appropriation from the state transportation fund in Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 15, subdivision 6, for light rail transit is canceled. The bond authorization in Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 31, subdivision 2, is reduced by $10,000,000. (c) The $150,000 appropriation from the bond proceeds fund under Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 23, subdivision 31, as added by Laws 1997, chapter 246, section 25, to the commissioner of natural resources for a grant to the city of Taylors Falls to prepare a preliminary design for the St. Croix Valley heritage center is canceled. The bond sale authorization in Laws 1994, chapter 643, section 31, subdivision 1, is reduced by $150,000. Sec. 84. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 473.3994, subdivision 11, is repealed. Minnesota Statutes 1997 Supplement, section 446A.072, subdivision 4a, is repealed. Laws 1985, First Special Session chapter 15, section 36, is repealed. Laws 1986, chapter 396, section 2, subdivision 2, is repealed. Sec. 85. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This act is effective the day after final enactment, except that section 30 is effective for all operating budgets and budget projections for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999, and thereafter, and sections 61 to 70 are effective the day after the governing body of the city of Duluth complies with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3. Presented to the governor April 10, 1998 Signed by the governor April 21, 1998, 9:35 a.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes