Rules are usually grouped under the agency that administers them. Some agencies are assigned one chapter in Minnesota Rules; others have many chapters. The chapters appear in alphabetical order by agency or department name. You can also find a rule by looking at the numerical arrangement of chapters. Read more... Minnesota Rules for prior years are also available. Authenticate Rule PDF.
Agency | Chapter(s) |
Administration (2 MCAR) | 5 to 8 |
Agriculture (3 MCAR) | 10 to 9 |
Commerce (4 MCAR) | 11 to 24 |
Constitutional Offices (1 MCAR) | 2 to 4 |
Education (5 MCAR) | 25 to 30 |
Environment (6 MCAR) | 31 to 38 |
Health (7 MCAR) | 39 to 49 |
Labor (8 MCAR) | 50 to 54 |
Law (9 MCAR) | 55 to 56 |
Planning (10 MCAR) | 57 to 60 |
Public Safety (11 MCAR) | 61 to 63 |
Social Service (12 MCAR) | 64 to 66 |
Taxation (13 MCAR) | 67 to 68 |
Transportation (14 MCAR) | 69 to 70 |