The right to education is guaranteed under the Constitution of Kenya 2010. All children deserve quality education that will lay a foundation for a future free from poverty, hunger, or disease. However, access to education remains a challenge to many. The main contributors include high pupil-to-teacher ratio (56 pupils to 1 teacher) against the recommended 40 to 1 by UNESCO; an increase in learner enrollment that is not in tandem with the available infrastructure; limited ICT capacity for teachers and tutors in teacher training colleges. Evidence shows that only 23% of teachers have been trained in ICT and only 22% of learners access online learning. Still, only 3 in 10 secondary school teachers are trained on how to use ICT in teaching and learning. While the government is committed to improving education outcomes by increasing Internet connectivity in schools, this still remains a challenge.
In Our Current Strategy, we have two objectives; The first one is to improve the capacity of teachers to deliver learning in primary and secondary schools, which will improve learning outcomes among learners. The second objective is to promote access to Technical and Vocational Education for young people by partnering with the best skills’ providers, employers, development partners, Government agencies and accreditation providers to execute a holistic TVET programme. We will skill youth in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions by increasing access to training and employment opportunities while improving TVET infrastructure.