About the project
The Challenge
Namunywenda Mixed Day Secondary School has a total of 113 students. It lacked enough pit latrines forcing these students to share pit latrines with Namunyweda Primary School. This exposed all the children to diseases such as typhoid, cholera and diarrhoea. Both the students and students would constantly miss school to get treatment affecting their general academic performance.
The Intervention
The sixth Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) aims to achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation.
It was for this reason that the Safaricom Foundation through the Pamoja Scheme invested Kshs 990,000 towards construction of 8 pit latrines for girls as well as 5 pit latrines including a urinal section for the boys.
Pamoja Scheme is a Safaricom initiative that encourages employees to take an active role in community projects. This project’s champion is Sanda Ojiambo, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Safaricom.
The Impact
The new pit latrines will improve the sanitation in this school assuring the students a healthy environment in which they can excel in.