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Simulation Exercise, Presentation, Manual, Group Building Activity, Info session

All Aspects of Volunteering in Sport

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This guide which contains different informal education methods is a result of collaboration and exchange of good practices between youth workers, coaches, PE teachers, sport event organizers and mentors who took part in the training,

Aims of the tool

The guide is created as a result of Erasmus KA153 Mobility of Youth Workers project ‘Combining Theory and Practice for Volunteering in Sport’ held in Aksaray Turkiye in September 2023.
This guide which contains different informal education methods is a result of collaboration and exchange of good practices between youth workers, coaches, PE teachers, port event organizers and mentors who took part in the training, Combining Theory and Practice for Volunteering in Sport funded by Erasmus + program. In this toolkit you will find a selection of workshops that are presented by participants during practical sessions, as well as detailed explanation of each step for successful volunteering project or event.

Description of the tool

-being able to set measurable and realistic goals with a local or foreign volunteer (by means of a consensus); the realization of which will guarantee the development of the volunteer's competences and will ensure satisfaction with the work that completed
-promoting high-quality youth work engaging in volunteering in sport by expanding the range of tools
-lecturing the participants about how to integrate young people with fewer opportunities into sport volunteering
-training youth workers about sport events/project management and risk management in sport
-transferring academic study and analysis results on participation opportunities for young people with physical obstacles
-sharing the best examples and applications sport volunteering in sport within the scope of youth and community work
-supporting integration and team building processes with volunteers
-monitoring the development of hard and soft skills of a volunteer - attainability of the assumed goals
-evaluating the volunteering process (before-after) with the volunteer while specifying the ways to improve satisfactory works.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

This tool is for

Youth Workers: Youth workers working in any NGO/institution and working with volunteers in sport activities. Administrators: In this category we can identify the administrators in 3 groups, as; a. Administrators of the public bodies that has sport activities events with volunteers b. The managers of the sport clubs c. The legal representatives of the NGOs; Especially the executives who run an NGO with ESC quality label Coaches: The coaches in the sport clubs may need the activities to increase the motivation of the volunteer during their works. College Students: We accept college students from Faculties of Sport as the future potential youth workers and coaches in sport clubs. PE teachers: PE teachers -physical education- working with shortterm volunteers for their camps or local sport tournament preparations.

and addresses

Voluntary Service, Project Management, Personal Development, Organisational Management, Evaluation

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking

Materials needed:

The materials and informative presentationsa are included in the tool.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Aksaray Un iversity - Office of Specialization in Sport and Health

in the context of


The tool was published to the Toolbox by

UGUR KOYUNCU (on 30 March 2023)

and last modified

23 March 2023

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