Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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Video Tutorials on employability skills are designed to support youth workers to understand concepts and give them some tips how to work those skills with young people.
To enable youth workers to better understand the concepts of employ-ability skills and what kind of skills employers are looking for, and get practical tips how to work with young people.
The employ-ability of young people is a hot topic, and there are many actions undertaken to improve the situation. But do you know what the employ-ability skills are? And what is the role of youth work in supporting young people?
To introduce this topic to the public we have created the set of three video tutorials:
VIDEO 1: What are the employ-ability skills?
From this video you will learn the definitions on the employ-ability skills, and the role that youth work has.
VIDEO 2: What employ-ability skills are employers looking for?
In this video you will find the set of 9 most popular employ-ability skills that the employers are looking for with their descriptions.
VIDEO 3: Practical tips
From this video you will learn different practices and tips shared by youth workers dealing with employ-ability skills on the daily basis.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool addresses
Social Inclusion
The tool was created by
Cazalla Intercultural
in the context of
The tool was created in the framework of CHARGER project - more info:
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Aga Byrczek (on 3 April 2020)
and last modified
5 February 2018
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