TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
''I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand'' Confucius
Ahmet Öncel has 11 references for past work as a trainer and added 2 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
Nature Based Learning Trainer
-Utopia Education and Art Organization (Project Coordinator) 2009- (still)
-Oba Nature and Education NGO (Trainer) 2019-. (Still)
-National Education Ministry (Teacher and Principal) 2012-2019
-Doğa Art Center (Creative Drama Trainer & Art Director) 2008-2012
- Hasna INC. Washington DC. - Project Coordinator 2013
-Müjdat Gezen Theatre School İzmir (Theatre and C. Drama Trainer) - 2011-2012
-Buca Nonformal Public Education Center (Drama Trainer) - 2011
-Youth for ART (Project Coordinator) 2009-2012
-Pembe Düşler AO (Drama Trainer) . 2010-2011
-EGUSAD NGO (Photography Trainer) - 2009-2014
-AkYORDER NGO (Project Coordinator) - 2011
*GÜ Lifelong Learning Master Programme 2013-2015
*Creative Drama Trainership/ Institute - CDD/ODE/DSM 2008-2017
*Forest School Leadership 2020
*9 Eylul University Early Childhood Education Faculty 2007-2011
Nature Based Learning, Forest School As.
Permaculture, Kalistra
Sustainability, National Geography
Forest Pedagogy, Learning in Nature
Creative Drama and Social Performances
Social Inclusion, UNICEF
Project Cycle Management,
Communication skills, YTF
Experiential Learning, YTF
Multiple Intelligence, Gardner - International MI Conference
Teamwork management and Motivation, Turkish NA
Film Making, Suzana G. HASNA INC. Washington DC.
Clowning, Inca Cataluna
Photography, Egusad
Forum Theatre, ÇDD
Playback Theatre, Şeniz Turan- İzmir Playback Theatre
Stop Motion Videos, Özlem AKIN
He has provided training in the following areas (Barcelona, Rome, Antalya, Istanbul, Budapest, Craiova, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Lund, Warsaw):
*Climate Change Education
*Sensory Development in Nature
*Nature-Based Learning
*Creative Drama in Education
*Drama and Game-based Climate Education
*Creative Drama as a Tool for Intercultural Dialogue
*Game-Based Learning
*Intercultural Dialogue
*Outdoor Learning
*Team Building and Teamwork
*Prevention of Bullying
*Social Cohesion
Music ( Guitar, Baglama) Photography
Topics adressed: Group Dynamics, Environment
Topics adressed: Environment
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2024-06-07