TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I'm from Venice, living in Barcelona, sea seems to be an important element for me.
I dedicate most of my energies to the field of youth work.
I'm youth worker, project manager, facilitator, trainer, evaluator, writer, committed to active engagement of young people in the glo-cal community.
Davide Tonon has 6 references for past work as a trainer.
I'm free lance trainer. I'm also youth worker in Nexes, NGO based in Barcelona (Spain), promoting intercultural learning and political awareness for social transformation.
Researcher in the “Mapping and analysis of research on (youth) volunteering in Europe”, promoted by SALTO ESC Resource Centre in the framework of SNAC partnership, 2022-2023
Facilitator in the preparation and implementation of the European Conference: “The role and potential of youth work for Human Rights Education mainstreaming” in Tallinn, Estonia, promoted by the Estonian Erasmus+ National Agency together with other 6 National Agencies, 2019
Coordinator and trainer of the TERO Training Courses on “Reinforcing capacities of Oasis organisations for the mobilisation of young people and accompaniment of volunteers“, in Tunisia, Mauritania and Morocco, promoted by France Volontaires, ASOC, TENMIYA and AOFEP - 2018
Coordinator of the VII, X, XI and XII editions of the “Tool Fair “, in Poland, Hungary, Malta and Bulgaria, Tool Coach in the XIII, XV and XVI edition in Croatia, Portugal and France, promoted by SALTO Resource Centres and National Agencies of Erasmus+ - 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022
Trainer of volunteers, trainers and mentors of the TEC of the ESC (former EVS) Programme, in OAT, MTE, ToT and Training for mentors, for the Spanish and the Italian National Agencies – 2001/2023
Evaluator for the Executive Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme of Capacity Building projects submitted by promoters of South East Europe - 2015
Coordinator and facilitator of the “International Conference of Active Trainers within EuroMed framework”, 2013 Turkey, and of “EuroMed Trainers’ Forum”, 2014 Italy, promoted by SALTO-EuroMed Youth Resource Centre
Trainer in “Face to Face: increasing resilience for Syrian children under temporary protection in Turkey”, 2013 Turkey, promoted by Unicef and the Turkish red Crescent
Trainer and coach (2013 Lithuania and Vietnam) in the framework of the project “Environmentally Friendly”, promoted by Kurybines Raiskos Centras of Kursenai (Lithuania)
Coordinator of the projects “Cameras of the world: photo as tool for awareness and community change” 2010 Burkina Faso and 2012 Nepal, promoted by Nexes and Fotoprix
Coordinator and manager of “EuroAfrican EVS: crossing experiences and visions for social transformation“, 2010
Team Leader in the mission of the European Commission, DG EuropeAid Co-operation, for the launching of the Phase IV of the Programme Euro-Med Youth (REQUEST FOR SERVICE N°2009/204953/V2, LOT N° 9, SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE, EUROMED YOUTH IV PROGRAMME, ENPI SOUTH), 2009-2010
Coordinator of 3 international Seminars “Let’s meet, let’s work and let’s evaluate with our Neighbours”, promoted by the European Commission, SALTO Resource Centres EuroMed, EECA y SEE, and the National Agencies of France (2007), Slovenia (2008) and Poland (2009)
Project coordinator of the networking project of Globa-l-inks, a worldwide network of NGOs for social transformation, 2009
Project coordinator in a project of youth cooperation, organised by Nexes with the Sem Terra Movement, Brazil 2008
Trainer in a course of capacity building for young community leaders, organised in the frame of the Italian Cooperation to Development, by Cospe and ANCE, Egypt 2008
Coordinator in a project of youth cooperation in Israel and Palestine, organised by Nexes with ICAHD and The Holy Land Trust, granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, 2007
Project coordinator of the international contact seminar for the constitution of the Globa-l-inks Network, 28 organisations of Latin America and Europe, Brazil 2005
Organisation teamer of the two first editions of “Follow the Women – Women for Peace”, bicycle march for peace in the Middle East (from Beirut to Ramallah), 2004 and 2005
Coordinator of a group of young people in a solidarity camp in Nicaragua, organised by Setem and Cecocafen. Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 2-30 of August 2004
Project coordinator of the training course “Culture conflicts mediation”, South Africa 2000
Project coordinator of the training course “Living the environment”, Cuba 1999
My formal education background includes classic studies and a degree in Law. They gave me a theoretical-oriented-to-practical framework.
Non-formal learning environment was attracting me since early age and working in the field of youth is for me a life long learning experience.
I attended several training courses and workshops, among them ATTE (Advanced Training for Trainers in Europe), a long term course which in 2 years was touching a great variety of issues related to training and learning.
Participative methodologies
This profile was last modified on 2023-04-23