TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
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Evi Koutsospyrou has 4 references for past work as a trainer.
Free lance international youth trainer
As an adult, I have been involved professionally in a big number of different projects and organisations, diverse in nature, theme, activities, aims, target groups but also in terms of my role.
I am active in international youth work since 1999, through different roles, in the beginning as a volunteer and later as free-lance. I have supported as a project manager, coach and trainer, projects funded by Youth, Youth in Action, Amicus and Erasmus+Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps Programmes. My role many times involved the coordination of all processes in all stages of the project. I have also been rapporteur and writer of articles concerning youth work in international level.
I have got involved with SALTO Resource Centers, National Agencies, International NGOs, national NGOs and companies in many training activities, events etc.
Below you can see the most relevant ones:
March 2019 - today: free lancer in the international youth training and youth work field / member of experts' pool of European Youth Foundation
2017- March 2019 Coordinator of the Greek National Agency of Erasmus+Youth in Action. Coordination of the Greek NA, supervising a team of 15 NA officers, according to the Guide of NAs, Guide of the Programme and the Delegation Agreements. Coordination for the overall management of the NA, the annual Work Programme and its implementation, the follow up of COM evaluation conclusions, the Yearly Report and NA’s strategy in national and European level. Representation of GR NA in European events and meetings, participation in the CO-group and in other working groups.
2008-today (various locations in Europe): member of the BiTriMulti (BTM) Trainings’ team of trainers, organized by the Network of National Agencies (in different countries each time), in coordination by SALTO T&C RC
2012-today (various locations in Greece): trainer and consultant of Trekking Hellas Group of Companies, specialized in outdoor training and events
2013-today (Athens, Greece): member of the team of trainers (and of trainers of trainers) in educational programme “Life Skills” of British Council in public schools of Greece
2000-today (Athens, Greece): free-lance teacher of Biology in private schools and private lessons in Greece in all level of education
2008-2014 (various locations in Greece): member of the Pool of trainers of the Hellenic NA, collaborating as a non-formal education trainer, involved as a course designer, facilitator and trainer in the following trainings and seminars:
- 2008-2014: trainer in European Voluntary Service (EVS) Training Cycle (On arrival- Midterm-Predeparture) in various locations in Greece
- December 2013: facilitator in Final Event of Youth in Action Programme, Thessaloniki, Greece
- September 2013: member of the designers’ team of the course and trainer in Seminar “Non-formal learning for Youth – Definitions, Practices and Recognition”, Athens, Greece
- July-December 2009: coordinator of the National Tool Fair, organized by Hellenic NA, supposed to happen on December 2009 (cancelled one day before its actual realization)
March 2014 (Thessaloniki, Greece): member of the team of the national facilitators for the “EY Youth Conference”, responsible of the workshop “Quality Education: Guarantee on equal opportunities”, during the Hellenic Presidency of EU
May 2013 (Bonn, Germany): Rapporteur and expert for the thematic area “Equal Opportunities and Diversity” in the European Conference Building Tomorrow’s Europe, organized by Jugend fur Europa
2006-2011: member of the Pool of trainers of SALTO EUROMED RC, taking part with different roles (junior trainer, senior trainer, coordinator) in various thematic trainings and long term partnerships, such as:
- July 2010 (Monsaraz/Alentejo,Portugal): Coordinator of trainers’ team for the Long Term Training Course “Hand in Hand for a sustainable future”
- September 2009 –December 2010 (Serifos island and Athens, Greece): Coordinator of trainers’ team for the Long Term Training Course (3 phases course: training course, coaching phase, evaluation meeting) “Youth will make the difference”
- July 2008 (Cyclades islands, Greece): Trainer in the training course “Protecting the Mediterranean Environment: Youth can make the difference”
2007-2010 (Megara, Greece): Consultant, project manager and trainer of Municipality of Megara’s youth activities (coordinating long term international partnerships such as “Sousarion comes in Megara” and “Trata training in Megara”)
1999-2001 (Mountain Parnitha, Greece): leader, head leader and logistics’ responsible of Summer Camp of Bank of Greece (summer periods)
1999-2001 (Athens, Greece): researcher in large scale scientific international projects
1999- today (various locations in Greece and Europe): trainer, coordinator, coach, facilitator and project manager of various international training courses, youth initiatives, seminars, events etc organized by different NGOs’ or National Agencies.
Since my adulthood: I have also been involved in different initiatives, and associations as an active citizen, as a volunteer and as someone offering unpaid professional services when needed. My role and level of involvement varied starting from idea generation and needs analysis to fundraising, relationships building, project management and much more that is involved in such projects. (list provided if asked)
As concerns my non-formal education pathway, I have followed many trainings supporting my self- directed development personal plan that had to with: more general subjects (e.g. Youth Programme project management, Human rights, Youth in Action Programme, outdoor education, Tool Fairs), with more specific ones (e.g. trainers’ training, Youthpass training, inclusion, Geopolitics in Euro- Mediterranean Framework, Bridges of trainers)
Examples of my non-formal educational experiences are the following:
November 2016, Vienna, Austria: “Bridges for Trainers Conference”, SALTO T&C RC in cooperation with Austrian NA
November 2014, Bonn, Germany: “Bridges for Trainers Conference”, SALTO T&C RC in cooperation with German NA
July 2014, Athens, Greece: “Human rights and life skills”, Training course, British Council
July 2014, Kifisia, Greece: “Microsoft educational tools and how to use them in learning activities”, Training course, Microsoft Training Center in cooperation with British Council
January 2013, Athens, Greece: “Good practices and methodology in youth working”, Seminar, Hellenic NA
June 2010, Athens, Greece: “EUROMED Essentials: Challenge of EuroMed cooperation and geopolitical issues in Euro-Mediterranean Framework”, Training course, SALTO EUROMED RC in cooperation with Hellenic NA
June 2008, Predeal, Romania: “Youthpass TC-recognising recognision”, Training Course, SALTO T&C RC in cooperation with Romanian NA
September 2005, Marly le Roi, INJEP, France: “STEP TO, training of trainers”, Training course, SALTO EUROMED RC
July 2004, Bizerte, Tunisia: “Intercultural in Action”, Training Course, Tunisian EuroMed Platform Office
May 2004, Athens, Greece: Seminar and workshop on Human Rights “Values and Citizens’ Participation Methods”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
November 2001, Nicosia, Cyprus: “Youth training and international cooperation”, Seminar, Cypriot NA in cooperation with Hellenic NA
My formal educational background has helped me a lot to find out ways of how to structure knowledge and how to transfer it to others. The process of the PhD was a “big school” on project management and on building up personal planning, combining resources, either personal or materialistic ones.
Furthermore my involvement on non-formal learning methodologies kicked off at the moment I was searching “alternatives” ways of teaching Biology.
My Biology background was a key factor in many on my work experiences as a trainer, especially on those trainings related to Environment, Sustainable development and Science communication.
In year 2000, I was at the beginning of a Ph.D. research studies in the sector of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, Department of Sciences of National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens, Greece
The PhD process included a Master degree in the same Faculty with Subjects: Biochemistry,
Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Genetics. The Master degree was completed on 2001 but The completion of the PhD has been postponed since 2006 until further notice due to an interruption of the funds supporting the research.
June 2000
BA in Biology, Faculty of Biology, Department of Sciences of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
This profile was last modified on 2020-12-31