TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Jana Kukk has 7 references for past work as a trainer and added 2 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.
freelance trainer
Freelance youth field trainer since 2005, member of Estonian NA pool of trainers since 2011.
To sum up all the work i've been doing besides facilitating trainings - here is a brief description:
* PR coordinator in Noored Kooli (Estonian organization of Teach for All network)
* project manager in a training firm
* communications manager in Youth Organization Tendency
* youth camp volunteers' leader in NGO ALP Satellite
* trainee at Eurodesk Estonia
PhD (in process) in Marketing (service design)
MA in Marketing (Blog-marketing)
BA in Public Administration (Increasing Youth Participation in the Decision-making process)
Topics adressed: Project Management
Topics adressed: Social Inclusion, Conflict Management
Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.
This profile was last modified on 2017-02-09