TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Learning is my passion - plain and simple - whether it be my own or that of others. Ideally, though, the two happen at the same time.
Ostentatious language is a form of entertainment. And I think black humour and sarcasm are the best discoveries since fire. My number one skill is to look as if I'm thinking about serious things (which I occasionally am, to be fair..)
Joakim Arnøy has 11 references for past work as a trainer.
Coordinator of youth work and peacebuilding (full time)
I work for the Narvik War & Peace Centre in Norway where I get to explore and reflect on all the things in between war and peace, and encourage others to do the same. I am motivated by working against social injustice and working towards lifelong learning. I have coordinated voluntary projects and helped prepare and set up youth exchanges for more than 7 years. I run a variety of educational sessions for school classes every year, along with my colleagues. And with international partners I facilitate training courses on peace- and human rights education, conflict management, hate speech, and remembrance.
I have work or study background from about 8 different countries in 3 continents, including conflict areas, and find that this variety of experiences help give me ballast of experiences that are useful in this field.
Among my more powerful and formative work experiences are:
- Military experience in Afghanistan at 19, which has played a key role in my motivation to work against estrangement and "othering", and in favour of dialogue and a culture of peace.
- EVS in Italy, for an association that, among other things, provided care for sex workers in two cities, which allowed me to learn a great deal about the paths people's lives can take, and how you cope with it.
- Voluntary work in a refugee camp in Palestine, which helped me see the joy it is for young people to given an offer to learn with and from each other. It also showed me that some dreams of young people are more or less the same wherever you are in the world, and some dreams are more likely to be passed on to young people by their parents or community.
- Research on labour migration in Nepal provided a number of examples of the length to which people are willing to go to provide a better present and future for their families, even at the cost of diminishing the relationship with that same family.
Key informal learning experiences:
One of the learning experiences for which I'm most grateful is learning to speak. It would have started at a very young age, and my competence has continued growing thanks to the kind and unkind words of thousands of people. Learning can be found anywhere.
I'm also grateful for having the courage to start imitating people walking. I've benefitted a lot from the competence of walking, as it has taken me to many places that have enriched my life greatly. Running was a natural extension of it too, and it's still good. Whomever assisted me to learn how to build a campfire, thank you! I do it as often as I can.
Non-formal education:
My first encounter with non-formal education, as I now know it, was during a study visit I got to be part of. It got my curiosity going. And not long after I participated in my first training course. Boy, did I feel the power. Cheers once again, Simona, Jo and Denis! Uncanny... And I've been buzzing ever since.
Formal education:
MA International Relations: What I learned the most from was the location. Living in Nairobi, Kenya for two years showed me a new and wonderful world, full of insights, friendships, and inspiration.
BA Economics: Thanks economics for showing me that you're not the way to go, and for helping me discover my interest and passion for global injustice. You truly are a magnificent teacher of injustice.
This profile was last modified on 2020-12-16